ELF Header: Magic: 7f 45 4c 46 01 01 01 61 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 Class: ELF32 Data: 2's complement, little endian Version: 1 (current) OS/ABI: ARM ABI Version: 0 Type: EXEC (Executable file) Machine: ARM Version: 0x1 Entry point address: 0x13800814 Start of program headers: 52 (bytes into file) Start of section headers: 3282796 (bytes into file) Flags: 0x202, has entry point, GNU EABI, software FP Size of this header: 52 (bytes) Size of program headers: 32 (bytes) Number of program headers: 2 Size of section headers: 40 (bytes) Number of section headers: 23 Section header string table index: 20 Section Headers: [Nr] Name Type Addr Off Size ES Flg Lk Inf Al [ 0] NULL 00000000 000000 000000 00 0 0 0 [ 1] .text PROGBITS 13800000 008000 0ddb88 00 AX 0 0 4 [ 2] .data PROGBITS 138ddb88 0e5b88 0007a0 00 WA 0 0 4 [ 3] .bss NOBITS 138de328 0e6328 024fa0 00 WA 0 0 4 [ 4] .export_table PROGBITS 139032c8 0eb2c8 000008 00 A 0 0 4 [ 5] .export_string PROGBITS 139032d0 0eb2d0 000008 00 A 0 0 4 [ 6] .import_table PROGBITS 139032d8 0eb2d8 0003b0 00 A 0 0 4 [ 7] .import_string PROGBITS 13903688 0eb688 00068c 00 A 0 0 4 [ 8] .section_info PROGBITS 13903d14 0ebd14 000010 00 WA 0 0 4 [ 9] .debug_info PROGBITS 00000000 0ebd24 0f3620 00 0 0 1 [10] .debug_abbrev PROGBITS 00000000 1df344 017a8d 00 0 0 1 [11] .debug_loc PROGBITS 00000000 1f6dd1 094c31 00 0 0 1 [12] .debug_aranges PROGBITS 00000000 28ba02 001508 00 0 0 1 [13] .debug_line PROGBITS 00000000 28cf0a 02a921 00 0 0 1 [14] .debug_str PROGBITS 00000000 2b782b 0220f2 01 MS 0 0 1 [15] .comment PROGBITS 00000000 2d991d 0021a1 00 0 0 1 [16] .ARM.attributes ARM_ATTRIBUTES 00000000 2dbabe 000010 00 0 0 1 [17] .debug_frame PROGBITS 00000000 2dbad0 00f20c 00 0 0 4 [18] .debug_ranges PROGBITS 00000000 2eacdc 02c3f0 00 0 0 1 [19] .debug_pubnames PROGBITS 00000000 3170cc 00a59d 00 0 0 1 [20] .shstrtab STRTAB 00000000 321669 000103 00 0 0 1 [21] .symtab SYMTAB 00000000 321b04 018cb0 10 22 4205 4 [22] .strtab STRTAB 00000000 33a7b4 00c9b5 00 0 0 1 Key to Flags: W (write), A (alloc), X (execute), M (merge), S (strings) I (info), L (link order), G (group), x (unknown) O (extra OS processing required) o (OS specific), p (processor specific) There are no section groups in this file. Program Headers: Type Offset VirtAddr PhysAddr FileSiz MemSiz Flg Align LOAD 0x008000 0x13800000 0x13800000 0xde328 0x1032c8 RWE 0x8000 LOAD 0x0eb2c8 0x139032c8 0x139032c8 0x00a5c 0x00a5c RW 0x8000 Section to Segment mapping: Segment Sections... 00 .text .data .bss 01 .export_table .export_string .import_table .import_string .section_info There is no dynamic section in this file. There are no relocations in this file. There are no unwind sections in this file. Symbol table '.symtab' contains 6347 entries: Num: Value Size Type Bind Vis Ndx Name 0: 00000000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT UND 1: 13800000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 1 2: 138ddb88 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 2 3: 138de328 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 3 4: 139032c8 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 4 5: 139032d0 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 5 6: 139032d8 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 6 7: 13903688 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 7 8: 13903d14 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 8 9: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 9 10: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 10 11: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 11 12: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 12 13: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 13 14: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 14 15: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 15 16: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 16 17: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 17 18: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 18 19: 00000000 0 SECTION LOCAL DEFAULT 19 20: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS symbol.c 21: 13903d14 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 8 $d 22: 139032c8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 4 $d 23: 139032d8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 6 $d 24: 13800000 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 25: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS graphics.c 26: 138003b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 27: 13800470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 28: 138de328 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 29: 00000010 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 30: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS ball.c 31: 13800474 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 32: 13800530 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 33: 1380053c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 34: 138005d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 35: 138005d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 36: 00000088 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 37: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS main.c 38: 13800814 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 39: 138008c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 40: 138008d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 41: 13800958 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 42: 13800960 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 43: 13800970 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 44: 13800974 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 45: 13800dd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 46: 138de32c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 47: 00000138 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 48: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS game.c 49: 13800df8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 50: 13800ec8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 51: 13800eec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 52: 1380112c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 53: 138011a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 54: 13801240 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 55: 1380126c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 56: 13801304 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 57: 13801318 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 58: 138014d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 59: 13801500 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 60: 138015ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 61: 13801618 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 62: 138016f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 63: 13801718 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 64: 138017cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 65: 138017e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 66: 13801854 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 67: 13801880 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 68: 13801904 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 69: 138c594c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 70: 000001b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 71: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS controls.c 72: 13801920 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 73: 1380193c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 74: 13801940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 75: 13801950 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 76: 13801954 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 77: 13801974 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 78: 000002dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 79: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL.c 80: 13801978 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 81: 13801994 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 82: 1380199c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 83: 138019a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 84: 138019a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 85: 13801a30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 86: 13801a34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 87: 13801b48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 88: 13801b60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 89: 13801c04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 90: 138ddb88 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 version 91: 138ddb88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 92: 138de334 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 93: 138de334 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_initialized 94: 138de338 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ticks_started 95: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_fatal.c 96: 13801c08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 97: 000003a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 98: 000065fe 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 9 $d 99: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_error.c 100: 13801c10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 101: 13801c20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 102: 13801c24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 103: 13801d08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 104: 13801e58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 105: 13801f2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 106: 13801f30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 107: 13801f3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 108: 13801f40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 109: 13802110 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 110: 13802118 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 111: 13802124 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 112: 13802134 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 113: 1380215c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 114: 138de33c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 115: 138de33c 776 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_global_error 116: 138de644 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 errmsg.1753 117: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_audio.c 118: 13802170 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 119: 138021a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 120: 138021ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 121: 138021c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 122: 138021c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 123: 138021ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 124: 138021f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 125: 13802218 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 126: 1380221c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 127: 13802264 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 128: 1380226c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 129: 1380235c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 130: 13802360 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 131: 13802398 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 132: 1380239c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 133: 138024c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 134: 13802510 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_LockAudio_Default 135: 138024e0 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UnlockAudio_Default 136: 138024e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 137: 13802758 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 138: 13802760 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 139: 13802bc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 140: 138c5ae4 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 format_list 141: 138c5ae4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 142: 138c5b2c 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 bootstrap 143: 138dea44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 144: 138dea48 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 format_idx 145: 138dea4c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 format_idx_sub 146: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_audiocvt.c 147: 13802c08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 148: 13802ea0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 149: 13802ea8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 150: 13803148 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 151: 13803158 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 152: 138033fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 153: 13803404 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 154: 138039a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 155: 138039ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 156: 13803dd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 157: 13803de0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 158: 13803f70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 159: 13803f74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 160: 1380460c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 161: 13804610 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 162: 13804a48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 163: 13804a4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 164: 13804c8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 165: 13804c94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 166: 13804f94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 167: 13804fac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 168: 13804fc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 169: 13804fdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 170: 13805344 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 171: 138053a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 172: 138053fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 173: 000005d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 174: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS dingoo_sound.c 175: 13805400 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 176: 13805410 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 177: 13805414 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 178: 13805428 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 179: 1380542c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 180: 13805438 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 181: 1380543c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 182: 13805444 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 183: 13805448 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 184: 138054ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 185: 13805508 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 186: 1380559c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 187: 138055b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 188: 138055e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 189: 138055ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 190: 1380563c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 191: 13805644 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 192: 1380567c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 193: 13805680 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 194: 138056b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 195: 138056b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 196: 138056e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 197: 138056e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 198: 138057d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 199: 138dea50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 200: 138dea50 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 soundThreadPause 201: 138deb54 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 soundThreadExit 202: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_dingooaudio.c 203: 13805808 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Audio_Available 204: 13805808 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 205: 13805810 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_WaitAudio 206: 13805814 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_PlayAudio 207: 13805818 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_GetAudioBuf 208: 13805820 208 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Audio_CreateDevice 209: 138058d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 210: 1380596c 360 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_OpenAudio 211: 1380593c 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_CloseAudio 212: 13805918 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_LockAudio 213: 1380590c 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DINGOO_UnlockAudio 214: 138058f0 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Audio_DeleteDevice 215: 138058f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 216: 13805abc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 217: 13805ad4 160 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 FillSound 218: 13805ad4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 219: 13805b70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 220: 138ddb8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 221: 138deb60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 222: 138deb60 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sdl_dingoo_audiodevice 223: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_events.c 224: 13805b74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 225: 13805b80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 226: 13805b84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 227: 13805b90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 228: 13805b94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 229: 13805bcc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 230: 13805bd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 231: 13805f20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 232: 13805f28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 233: 13805f7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 234: 13805f80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 235: 13805fd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 236: 13805fd4 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GobbleEvents 237: 13805fd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 238: 13806078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 239: 13806084 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 240: 138060e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 241: 138060e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 242: 138061c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 243: 138061d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 244: 13806258 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 245: 13806260 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 246: 13806308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 247: 13806310 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 248: 13806370 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 249: 13806378 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 250: 13806518 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 251: 13806524 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 252: 138065a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 253: 138deb64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 254: 138deb64 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 event_thread 255: 138deb6c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_EventThread 256: 138deb70 3604 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_EventQ 257: 138df984 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_EventLock 258: 138df98c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_eventstate 259: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_mouse.c 260: 138065b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 261: 138065d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 262: 138065dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 263: 13806608 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 264: 1380660c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 265: 13806640 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 266: 13806644 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 267: 13806654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 268: 13806658 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 269: 1380684c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 270: 1380685c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 271: 138068b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 272: 138068b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 273: 13806ae8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 274: 138df990 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_MouseX 275: 138df992 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_MouseY 276: 138df994 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_DeltaX 277: 138df996 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_DeltaY 278: 138df998 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_MouseMaxX 279: 138df99a 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_MouseMaxY 280: 138df99c 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_ButtonState 281: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_quit.c 282: 13806af8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 283: 13806b6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 284: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_active.c 285: 13806b74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 286: 13806b88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 287: 13806b8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 288: 13806b9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 289: 13806ba0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 290: 13806c70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 291: 138df99e 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_appstate 292: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_rwops.c 293: 13806c7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 294: 13806e9c 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mem_writeconst 295: 13806eb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 296: 13806eb4 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mem_seek 297: 13806eb4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 298: 13806f34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 299: 13806f38 100 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mem_write 300: 13806f38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 301: 13806f9c 128 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mem_read 302: 1380701c 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 stdio_write 303: 13807068 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 stdio_read 304: 138070b4 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 stdio_seek 305: 1380716c 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mem_close 306: 13807184 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 stdio_close 307: 1380720c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 308: 1380721c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 309: 13807278 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 310: 13807288 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 311: 138072e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 312: 138072f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 313: 1380739c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 314: 00000d90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 315: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_getenv.c 316: 138073b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 317: 13807454 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 318: 13807458 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 319: 138075a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 320: 138df9a0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_env 321: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_timer.c 322: 138075a8 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 callback_wrapper 323: 138075a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 324: 13807650 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 325: 13807654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 326: 1380778c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 327: 1380779c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 328: 138078c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 329: 138078d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 330: 13807900 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 331: 13807908 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 332: 1380795c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 333: 13807960 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 334: 13807a34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 335: 13807a48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 336: 13807afc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 337: 138df9a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 338: 138df9a4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_timer_mutex 339: 138df9a8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_timers 340: 138df9b0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 list_changed 341: 138df9b4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_timer_threaded 342: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_systimer.c 343: 13807b00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 344: 13807b68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 345: 13807b78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 346: 13807ba4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 347: 13807bb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 348: 13807bd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 349: 138df9c0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 start 350: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_thread.c 351: 13807be4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 352: 13807c80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 353: 13807c88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 354: 13807ce0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 355: 13807ce4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 356: 13807d04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 357: 13807d08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 358: 13807ddc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 359: 13807de0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 360: 13807ebc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 361: 13807ec0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 362: 138080f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 363: 138df9c4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_Threads 364: 138df9c8 776 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_global_error 365: 138dfcd0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 thread_lock 366: 138dfcd4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_numthreads 367: 138dfcd8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_maxthreads 368: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_systhread.c 369: 138080f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 370: 13808120 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 371: 00001328 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 372: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_sysmutex.c 373: 13808124 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 374: 00001390 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 375: 00004e6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 376: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_syssem.c 377: 138081b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 378: 138081d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 379: 138081dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 380: 138081f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 381: 138081f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 382: 13808208 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 383: 1380820c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 384: 13808220 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 385: 13808224 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 386: 13808238 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 387: 000013f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 388: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_pixels.c 389: 1380823c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 390: 1380867c 364 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Map1to1 391: 13808e6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 392: 13808e70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 393: 13809500 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 394: 13809504 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 395: 138095d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 396: 138dfcdc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 format_version.2543 397: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_video.c 398: 138095d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 399: 138095ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 400: 138095f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 401: 13809604 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 402: 13809608 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 403: 13809644 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 404: 13809648 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 405: 13809680 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 406: 13809684 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 407: 138096a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 408: 138096ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 409: 138096e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 410: 138096e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 411: 13809b6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 412: 13809b70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 413: 13809bfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 414: 13809c00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 415: 13809c38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 416: 13809c40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 417: 13809c80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 418: 13809c88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 419: 13809ca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 420: 13809ce4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 421: 13809dc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 422: 13809dc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 423: 13809e18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 424: 13809e24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 425: 13809e70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 426: 13809e7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 427: 1380a0b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 428: 1380a0c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 429: 1380a198 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 430: 1380a1a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 431: 1380a290 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 432: 1380a298 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 433: 1380a2c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 434: 1380a2cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 435: 1380a430 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 436: 1380a438 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 437: 1380a514 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 438: 1380a518 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 439: 1380a818 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 440: 1380a81c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 441: 1380a9b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 442: 1380a9c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 443: 1380ab14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 444: 1380ab18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 445: 1380b404 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 446: 1380b434 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 447: 1380b57c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 448: 1380b580 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 449: 1380b7d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 450: 138c5e9c 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 bootstrap 451: 138c5e9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 452: 138ddb9c 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 SDL_closest_depths 453: 138ddb9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 454: 138dfce0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 455: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_surface.c 456: 1380b7ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 457: 1380b964 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 458: 1380b968 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 459: 1380b9d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 460: 1380b9dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 461: 1380bae4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 462: 1380bae8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 463: 1380bc38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 464: 1380bc3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 465: 1380bd50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 466: 1380bd54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 467: 1380c034 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 468: 1380c040 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 469: 1380c190 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 470: 1380c194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 471: 1380c42c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 472: 1380c434 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 473: 1380c730 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 474: 1380c740 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 475: 1380c804 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 476: 1380c814 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 477: 1380c90c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 478: 1380c91c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 479: 1380ca34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 480: 1380ca44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 481: 1380cc20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 482: 1380cc2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 483: 1380d25c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 484: 00001a30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 485: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_cursor.c 486: 1380d264 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 487: 1380d270 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 488: 1380d274 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 489: 1380d284 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 490: 1380d288 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 491: 1380d358 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 492: 1380d360 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 493: 1380d39c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 494: 1380d3a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 495: 1380d4a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 496: 1380d4ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 497: 1380d6a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 498: 1380d6a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 499: 1380d82c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 500: 1380d838 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 501: 1380dbc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 502: 1380dbd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 503: 1380e034 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 504: 1380e044 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 505: 1380e1c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 506: 1380e1d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 507: 1380e274 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 508: 1380e280 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 509: 1380e430 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 510: 1380e43c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 511: 1380e4d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 512: 1380e4e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 513: 1380e574 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 514: 1380e57c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 515: 1380e72c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 516: 1380e734 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 517: 1380e7a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 518: 1380e7ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 519: 1380e818 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 520: 138c6218 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.37.3296 521: 138c6218 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 522: 138c6220 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.47.3404 523: 138ddbbc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 palette_changed 524: 138ddbbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 525: 138ddbc4 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 default_cdata 526: 138ddbe4 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 default_cmask 527: 138dfce4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 528: 138dfce8 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 pixels8 529: 138dfcf0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_defcursor 530: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_nullvideo.c 531: 1380e820 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_VideoInit 532: 1380e820 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 533: 1380e838 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_ListModes 534: 1380e840 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_AllocHWSurface 535: 1380e848 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_FreeHWSurface 536: 1380e84c 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_LockHWSurface 537: 1380e854 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_UnlockHWSurface 538: 1380e858 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_UpdateRects 539: 1380e85c 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_SetColors 540: 1380e864 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_VideoQuit 541: 1380e890 316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_CreateDevice 542: 1380e998 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 543: 1380e9e8 284 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_SetVideoMode 544: 1380e9cc 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_DeleteDevice 545: 1380e9cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 546: 1380eafc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 547: 1380eb04 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_Available 548: 1380eb04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 549: 1380eb30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 550: 138ddc04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 551: 00001de0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 552: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_slcd_video.c 553: 1380eb38 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_Available 554: 1380eb38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 555: 1380eb40 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_ListModes 556: 1380eb54 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_AllocHWSurface 557: 1380eb5c 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_FreeHWSurface 558: 1380eb60 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_LockHWSurface 559: 1380eb68 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_UnlockHWSurface 560: 1380eb6c 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_SetColors 561: 1380eb74 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_VideoQuit 562: 1380eb8c 316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_CreateDevice 563: 1380ec94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 564: 1380ed60 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_VideoInit 565: 1380ece8 120 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_SetVideoMode 566: 1380ece4 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_UpdateRects 567: 1380ecc8 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_DeleteDevice 568: 1380ecc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 569: 1380ed5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 570: 1380ed60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 571: 138ddc14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 572: 00001efc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 573: 00009da8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 574: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_slcd_events.c 575: 1380ede4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 576: 1380ee9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 577: 1380eeb4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 578: 1380ef84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 579: 138dfcf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 580: 138dfcf4 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 dingooIgnoreOSEvents 581: 138dfcf8 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 keymap 582: 138dfd78 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 posted 583: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG.c 584: 1380ef8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 585: 1380efac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 586: 1380efb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 587: 1380f13c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 588: 1380f14c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 589: 1380f19c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 590: 1380f1a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 591: 1380f1ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 592: 1380f1f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 593: 1380f298 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 594: 138c6350 168 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 supported 595: 138c6350 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 596: 138dfd7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 597: 138dfd7c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 linked_version.2894 598: 138dfd80 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 initialized 599: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_xv.c 600: 1380f29c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 601: 00002108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 602: 0000a229 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 603: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_ttf.c 604: 1380f2ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 605: 1380f2cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 606: 1380f2d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 607: 1380f2dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 608: 1380f2e0 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 RWread 609: 1380f2e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 610: 1380f390 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 611: 1380f394 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 612: 1380f3bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 613: 1380f3c0 2376 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Load_Glyph 614: 1380f3c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 615: 1380fcfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 616: 1380fd08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 617: 1380fd50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 618: 1380fd58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 619: 13810004 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 620: 13810028 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 621: 138100d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 622: 138100d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 623: 138101f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 624: 13810210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 625: 138105ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 626: 138105e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 627: 13810628 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 628: 1381062c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 629: 13810670 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 630: 13810674 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 631: 13810738 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 632: 1381074c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 633: 138108ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 634: 138108b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 635: 13810b10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 636: 13810b24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 637: 13810cac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 638: 13810cc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 639: 13811148 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 640: 13811168 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 641: 138112c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 642: 138112c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 643: 13811368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 644: 1381136c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 645: 13811670 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 646: 13811688 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 647: 13811b88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 648: 13811bb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 649: 13811d10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 650: 13811d14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 651: 13811dc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 652: 13811dc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 653: 13811ff0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 654: 13812004 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 655: 13812430 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 656: 13812454 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 657: 138125ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 658: 138125b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 659: 13812654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 660: 138dfd84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 661: 138dfd84 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 linked_version.3830 662: 138dfd88 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 TTF_byteswapped 663: 138dfd8c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 TTF_initialized 664: 138dfd90 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 library 665: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mixer.c 666: 13812658 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 667: 13812664 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 668: 13812668 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 669: 13812694 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 670: 13812698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 671: 138126bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 672: 138126c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 673: 13812700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 674: 13812704 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 675: 13812710 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 676: 13812714 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 677: 1381272c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 678: 13812730 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 679: 13812770 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 680: 13812774 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 681: 13812820 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 682: 13812824 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 683: 13812858 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 684: 1381285c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 685: 138128d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 686: 138128d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 687: 13812958 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 688: 1381295c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 689: 138129bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 690: 138129c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 691: 13812a40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 692: 13812a44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 693: 13812a90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 694: 13812a94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 695: 13812ab0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 696: 13812ab4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 697: 13812af4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 698: 13812b00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 699: 13812b24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 700: 13812b28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 701: 13812bdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 702: 13812bec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 703: 13812cd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 704: 13812ce8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 705: 13812d90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 706: 13812d94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 707: 13812e94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 708: 13812eac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 709: 13812f54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 710: 13812f60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 711: 13812fe4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 712: 13812fe8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 713: 138130a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 714: 138130a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 715: 1381311c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 716: 13813120 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 717: 13813218 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 718: 1381321c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 719: 138132a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 720: 138132a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 721: 1381337c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 722: 1381338c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 723: 13813634 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 724: 1381365c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 725: 13813694 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 726: 13813698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 727: 1381373c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 728: 13813748 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 729: 13813868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 730: 13813870 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 731: 138138e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 732: 138138e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 733: 13813964 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 734: 13813968 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 735: 13813a30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 736: 13813a40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 737: 13813ae0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 738: 13813ae4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 739: 13813d04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 740: 138143e4 1548 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mix_channels 741: 13813d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 742: 13813df4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 743: 13813df8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 744: 13813ec0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 745: 13813ec4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 746: 138140f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 747: 13814100 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 748: 13814324 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 749: 13814338 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 750: 138143e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 751: 138143e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 752: 138149dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 753: 138ddc24 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 mix_music 754: 138ddc24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 755: 138dfd94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 756: 138dfd94 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 num_decoders 757: 138dfd98 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 chunk_decoders 758: 138dfd9c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 linked_version.3266 759: 138dfda0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 audio_opened 760: 138dfda4 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mixer 761: 138dfdbc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_data 762: 138dfdc0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 num_channels 763: 138dfdc4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 reserved_channels 764: 138dfdc8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mix_channel 765: 138dfdcc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 channel_done_callback 766: 138dfdd0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mix_postmix_data 767: 138dfdd4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mix_postmix 768: 138dfdd8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 posteffects 769: 138dfddc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 initialized 770: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_aiff.c 771: 138149f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 772: 13814e90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 773: 00002a8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 774: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_ogg.c 775: 13814ed8 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_read_func 776: 13814ed8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 777: 13814f04 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_seek_func 778: 13814f18 16 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_close_func_freesrc 779: 13814f28 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_close_func_nofreesrc 780: 13814f40 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_tell_func 781: 13815188 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 782: 00002ac4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 783: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS music.c 784: 138151a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 785: 138151b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 786: 138151b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 787: 138151e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 788: 138151e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 789: 138151f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 790: 138151fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 791: 1381520c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 792: 13815210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 793: 13815224 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 794: 13815228 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 795: 138153ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 796: 13815408 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 797: 13815434 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 798: 13815438 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 799: 13815474 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 800: 13815478 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 801: 13815494 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 802: 13815498 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 803: 138155c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 804: 138155cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 805: 13815678 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 806: 1381567c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 807: 13815838 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 808: 13815850 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 809: 13815b0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 810: 13815b34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 811: 13815bd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 812: 13815be0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 813: 13815d18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 814: 13815d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 815: 13815da0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 816: 13815da4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 817: 13815ea0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 818: 13815ea4 892 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 music_internal_play 819: 13815ea4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 820: 13816210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 821: 13816220 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 822: 13816300 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 823: 1381630c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 824: 13816350 336 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 music_halt_or_loop 825: 1381649c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 826: 138164a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 827: 1381672c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 828: 13816734 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 829: 138167c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 830: 138167c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 831: 13816898 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 832: 138ddc28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 833: 138ddc2c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 music_volume 834: 138dfde0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 835: 138dfde0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 num_decoders 836: 138dfde4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_decoders 837: 138dfde8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_playing 838: 138dfdec 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_finished_hook 839: 138dfdf0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_stopped 840: 138dfdf4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ms_per_step 841: 138dfdf8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_loops 842: 138dfdfc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_cmd 843: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS dynamic_mod.c 844: 1381689c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 845: 13816984 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 846: 138169ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 847: 13816a04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 848: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS wavestream.c 849: 13816a08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 850: 13816a30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 851: 13816a34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 852: 13816a40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 853: 13816a44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 854: 13816a70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 855: 13816a74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 856: 13816a84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 857: 13816a88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 858: 13816acc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 859: 13816ad0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 860: 13816ce4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 861: 13816cec 168 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ReadChunk 862: 13816cec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 863: 13816d8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 864: 13816d94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 865: 138172c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 866: 1381732c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 867: 13817380 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 868: 138ddc30 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 wavestream_volume 869: 138ddc30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 870: 138dfe6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 871: 138dfe6c 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mixer 872: 138dfe84 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music 873: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS music_ogg.c 874: 13817388 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 875: 138173b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 876: 138173b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 877: 138173bc 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_read_func 878: 138173e8 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_seek_func 879: 138173fc 16 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_close_func 880: 1381740c 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sdl_tell_func 881: 1381745c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 882: 13817460 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 883: 13817498 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 884: 1381749c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 885: 138176a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 886: 138176b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 887: 1381778c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 888: 138177a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 889: 138177d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 890: 138dfe88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 891: 138dfe88 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mixer 892: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS dynamic_ogg.c 893: 138177e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 894: 13817830 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 895: 1381784c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 896: 13817864 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 897: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS strlcpy.c 898: 13817868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 899: 00003134 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 900: 0001029d 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 901: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_mixer.c 902: 138178c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 903: 13817af0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 904: 138c6a33 512 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mix8 905: 138c6a33 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 906: 00003154 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 907: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_wave.c 908: 13817b0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 909: 13817b18 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ReadChunk 910: 1381874c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 911: 138c6c5c 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 adaptive.1923 912: 138c6c5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 913: 138c6c9c 356 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 step_table.2080 914: 138c6e00 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 index_table.2079 915: 138dfec0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 916: 138dfec0 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 MS_ADPCM_state 917: 138dff00 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 IMA_ADPCM_state 918: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_resize.c 919: 1381879c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 920: 13818890 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 921: 138dff24 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 last_resize 922: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_keyboard.c 923: 138188a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 924: 138188b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 925: 138188bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 926: 138188d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 927: 138188d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 928: 138188e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 929: 138188e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 930: 138188f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 931: 138188f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 932: 13818924 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 933: 13818930 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 934: 13818948 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 935: 1381894c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 936: 13818984 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 937: 1381898c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 938: 13818a0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 939: 13818a14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 940: 13818a68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 941: 13818aa0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 942: 13818da0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 943: 13818dc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 944: 13818e44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 945: 13818e50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 946: 13819630 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 947: 138dff2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 948: 138dff30 323 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_KeyState 949: 138e0074 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_ModState 950: 138e0078 1292 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 keynames 951: 138e0584 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_NoLockKeys 952: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_RLEaccel.c 953: 138199e4 232 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 copy_opaque_16 954: 138199e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 955: 13819acc 256 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 uncopy_opaque_16 956: 13819bcc 240 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 copy_transl_565 957: 13819cb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 958: 13819cbc 240 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 copy_transl_555 959: 13819cbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 960: 13819da8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 961: 13819dac 260 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 uncopy_transl_16 962: 13819dac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 963: 13819eb0 204 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 copy_32 964: 13819f7c 236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 uncopy_32 965: 1381a068 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 getpix_8 966: 1381a070 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 getpix_16 967: 1381a078 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 getpix_24 968: 1381a098 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 getpix_32 969: 1381ab80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 970: 1381ab8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 971: 1381ac3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 972: 1381ac4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 973: 1381af60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 974: 1381af70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 975: 1381bb5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 976: 1381bb90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 977: 1381c23c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 978: 1381c24c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 979: 1381d368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 980: 1381d394 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 981: 1381d600 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 982: 1381d610 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 983: 1381d698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 984: 1381d6a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 985: 1381e210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 986: 138c7624 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 getpixes 987: 138c7624 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 988: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_blit.c 989: 1381e23c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 990: 1381e5c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 991: 1381e798 100 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_BlitCopy 992: 1381e7fc 180 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_BlitCopyOverlap 993: 1381e5dc 444 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SoftBlit 994: 1381e5dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 995: 1381e794 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 996: 1381e798 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 997: 00003538 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 998: 000154e6 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 999: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_blit_N.c 1000: 1381e8b0 984 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB888_index8 1001: 1381e8b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1002: 1381e914 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1003: 1381e934 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1004: 1381eae4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1005: 1381eb04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1006: 1381ec88 524 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB888_RGB555 1007: 1381ecf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1008: 1381ed10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1009: 1381ee94 524 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB888_RGB565 1010: 1381eefc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1011: 1381ef1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1012: 1381f0a0 496 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB565_32 1013: 1381f108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1014: 1381f128 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1015: 1381f290 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB565_ARGB8888 1016: 1381f298 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1017: 1381f29c 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB565_ABGR8888 1018: 1381f29c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1019: 1381f2a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1020: 1381f2a8 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB565_RGBA8888 1021: 1381f2a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1022: 1381f2b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1023: 1381f2b4 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB565_BGRA8888 1024: 1381f2b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1025: 1381f2bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1026: 1381f2c0 516 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit_RGB888_index8_map 1027: 1381f2c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1028: 1381f320 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1029: 1381f340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1030: 1381f4c4 3108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNto1 1031: 1381f540 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1032: 1381f560 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1033: 1381fb04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1034: 1381fb24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1035: 138200e8 648 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit4to4MaskAlpha 1036: 13820154 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1037: 13820174 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1038: 138201b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1039: 138201d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1040: 13820370 3940 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoN 1041: 13820400 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1042: 13820420 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1043: 138212d4 896 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNCopyAlpha 1044: 13821654 5196 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNto1Key 1045: 138216f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1046: 13821710 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1047: 13821f18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1048: 13821f38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1049: 13822aa0 464 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit2to2Key 1050: 13822b14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1051: 13822b34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1052: 13822c70 3588 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNKey 1053: 13822d18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1054: 13822d38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1055: 13823a74 6108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNKeyCopyAlpha 1056: 13823b10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1057: 13823b30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1058: 138254e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1059: 138c7654 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 RGB565_ARGB8888_LUT 1060: 138c7654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1061: 138c7e54 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 RGB565_ABGR8888_LUT 1062: 138c8654 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 RGB565_RGBA8888_LUT 1063: 138c8e54 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 RGB565_BGRA8888_LUT 1064: 138c9654 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 normal_blit 1065: 138c9664 44 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 normal_blit_1 1066: 138c9690 220 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 normal_blit_2 1067: 138c976c 44 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 normal_blit_3 1068: 138c9798 132 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 normal_blit_4 1069: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_blit_1.c 1070: 1382550c 312 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to1 1071: 1382550c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1072: 13825554 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1073: 13825574 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1074: 13825644 348 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to2 1075: 1382568c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1076: 138256ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1077: 138257a0 556 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to3 1078: 138257e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1079: 13825808 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1080: 138259cc 332 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to4 1081: 13825a28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1082: 13825a48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1083: 13825b18 784 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to1Key 1084: 13825b70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1085: 13825b90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1086: 13825cf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1087: 13825d10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1088: 13825e28 480 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to2Key 1089: 13825e88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1090: 13825ea8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1091: 13826008 672 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to3Key 1092: 13826058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1093: 13826078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1094: 138262a8 452 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1to4Key 1095: 13826310 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1096: 13826330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1097: 1382646c 2688 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1toNAlpha 1098: 138264ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1099: 138264fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1100: 13826eec 5076 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit1toNAlphaKey 1101: 13826f7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1102: 13826f9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1103: 138282e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1104: 138282f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1105: 13828348 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1106: 138c981c 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 one_blit 1107: 138c981c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1108: 138c9830 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 one_blitkey 1109: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_blit_0.c 1110: 13828354 288 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto1 1111: 13828354 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1112: 13828474 164 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto2 1113: 13828518 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto3 1114: 138285c8 196 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto4 1115: 1382868c 256 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto1Key 1116: 1382878c 184 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto2Key 1117: 13828844 184 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto4Key 1118: 138288fc 980 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBtoNAlpha 1119: 13828cd0 996 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBtoNAlphaKey 1120: 138290f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1121: 13829108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1122: 13829150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1123: 1382915c 244 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitBto3Key 1124: 1382915c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1125: 138c9844 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 bitmap_blit 1126: 138c9844 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1127: 138c9858 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 colorkey_blit 1128: 00019f35 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1129: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_nullevents.c 1130: 13829250 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1131: 00003b68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1132: 000368e9 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 9 $d 1133: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_lbm.c 1134: 13829258 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1135: 00003b98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1136: 0001a58d 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1137: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_pnm.c 1138: 13829268 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1139: 00003bc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1140: 0001a5b3 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1141: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_tif.c 1142: 13829278 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1143: 138292a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1144: 00003bf8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1145: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_tga.c 1146: 138292a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1147: 13829314 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1148: 13829340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1149: 138293e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1150: 13829444 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1151: 1382959c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1152: 138295e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1153: 1382998c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1154: 00003c50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1155: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_gif.c 1156: 13829998 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1157: 00003c8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1158: 0001ad73 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1159: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_xcf.c 1160: 138299a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1161: 00003cbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1162: 0001ad99 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1163: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_pcx.c 1164: 138299b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1165: 00003cec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1166: 0001adbf 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1167: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_bmp.c 1168: 138299c8 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isICOCUR 1169: 138299c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1170: 1382a190 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1171: 1382a1d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1172: 1382a450 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1173: 1382a464 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1174: 1382a4f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1175: 1382a4f8 1828 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 LoadICOCUR_RW 1176: 1382a4f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1177: 1382a780 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1178: 1382a800 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1179: 1382abf8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1180: 1382ac1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1181: 00003d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1182: 0001ade5 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1183: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_jpg.c 1184: 1382ac34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1185: 1382ac5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1186: 00003e04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1187: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_png.c 1188: 1382ac60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1189: 1382ad00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1190: 1382ad44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1191: 1382ad5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1192: 1382ad60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1193: 1382ae04 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_data 1194: 1382ae34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1195: 1382ae38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1196: 1382b330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1197: 138e0588 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1198: 138e0588 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 lib 1199: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS IMG_xpm.c 1200: 1382b34c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1201: 00003ee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1202: 0001c609 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1203: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS effects_internal.c 1204: 1382b364 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1205: 1382b41c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1206: 1382b428 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1207: 1382b4f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1208: 1382b4fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1209: 138e05d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1210: 0001c642 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1211: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_voc.c 1212: 1382b500 1320 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 voc_get_block 1213: 1382b500 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1214: 1382b5a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1215: 1382b5c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1216: 1382ba08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1217: 1382ba28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1218: 1382bd4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1219: 00003f9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1220: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS music_mod.c 1221: 1382bd5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1222: 1382bd78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1223: 1382bd7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1224: 1382bd98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1225: 1382bd9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1226: 1382befc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1227: 1382bf04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1228: 1382bf18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1229: 1382bf1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1230: 1382bf30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1231: 1382bf34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1232: 1382c130 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1233: 1382c138 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1234: 1382c14c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1235: 1382c150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1236: 1382c164 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1237: 1382c168 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1238: 1382c190 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1239: 1382c194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1240: 1382c210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1241: 1382c218 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1242: 1382c3f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1243: 1382c418 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1244: 1382c4f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1245: 138c9b58 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.2.2840 1246: 138c9b58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1247: 138e05d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1248: 138e05d8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 current_output_channels 1249: 138e05dc 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 current_output_format 1250: 138e05e0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_swap8 1251: 138e05e4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 music_swap16 1252: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_cpuinfo.c 1253: 1382c504 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1254: 1382c54c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1255: 1382c550 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1256: 1382c594 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1257: 1382c598 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1258: 1382c5e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1259: 1382c5e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1260: 1382c62c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1261: 1382c630 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1262: 1382c678 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1263: 1382c67c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1264: 1382c6c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1265: 1382c6c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1266: 1382c710 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1267: 1382c714 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1268: 1382c75c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1269: 138ddc34 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 SDL_CPUFeatures 1270: 138ddc34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1271: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_string.c 1272: 1382c760 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1273: 1382c7c8 364 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ScanFloat 1274: 1382cb50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1275: 1382cc8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1276: 1382d0fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1277: 1382d104 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1278: 1382d19c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1279: 1382d1a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1280: 1382d2b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1281: 138c9bc2 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ntoa_table 1282: 138c9bc2 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1283: 0000426c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1284: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS SDL_blit_A.c 1285: 1382d2bc 1860 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNto1SurfaceAlpha 1286: 1382d2bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1287: 1382d340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1288: 1382d350 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1289: 1382da00 3408 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNto1PixelAlpha 1290: 1382da80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1291: 1382da90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1292: 1382e750 3816 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNto1SurfaceAlphaKey 1293: 1382e7dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1294: 1382e7fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1295: 1382f638 1088 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitRGBtoRGBSurfaceAlpha 1296: 1382f940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1297: 1382f950 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1298: 1382fa70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1299: 1382fa78 732 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitRGBtoRGBPixelAlpha 1300: 1382fa78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1301: 1382fae0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1302: 1382faf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1303: 1382fd54 496 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit16to16SurfaceAlpha128 1304: 1382ff44 452 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit565to565SurfaceAlpha 1305: 1382ffb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1306: 1382ffc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1307: 13830100 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1308: 13830108 452 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Blit555to555SurfaceAlpha 1309: 13830108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1310: 13830174 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1311: 13830184 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1312: 138302c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1313: 138302cc 728 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitARGBto565PixelAlpha 1314: 138302cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1315: 13830330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1316: 13830340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1317: 138305a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1318: 138305a4 728 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitARGBto555PixelAlpha 1319: 138305a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1320: 13830608 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1321: 13830618 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1322: 13830878 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1323: 1383087c 3908 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNSurfaceAlpha 1324: 1383087c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1325: 13830918 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1326: 13830928 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1327: 138317c0 3984 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNSurfaceAlphaKey 1328: 1383185c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1329: 1383186c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1330: 13832750 4428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 BlitNtoNPixelAlpha 1331: 138327d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1332: 138327e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1333: 13833a94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1334: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS effect_position.c 1335: 13833ac4 356 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u8 1336: 13833ac4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1337: 13833c28 1136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u8_c4 1338: 13834094 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1339: 13834098 1808 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u8_c6 1340: 13834098 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1341: 138347a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1342: 138347a8 240 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_table_u8 1343: 138347a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1344: 13834894 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1345: 13834898 316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s8 1346: 13834898 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1347: 138349d4 900 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s8_c4 1348: 13834d54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1349: 13834d58 1692 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s8_c6 1350: 13834d58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1351: 138353f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1352: 138353f4 288 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_table_s8 1353: 138353f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1354: 13835510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1355: 13835514 192 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16lsb 1356: 13835514 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1357: 138355d4 512 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16lsb_c4 1358: 138357d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1359: 138357d4 800 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16lsb_c6 1360: 138357d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1361: 13835af0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1362: 13835af4 160 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16lsb 1363: 13835af4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1364: 13835b94 424 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16lsb_c4 1365: 13835d38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1366: 13835d3c 732 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16lsb_c6 1367: 13835d3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1368: 13836014 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1369: 13836018 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_PositionDone 1370: 13836018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1371: 1383606c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1372: 13836070 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1373: 138360c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1374: 138360cc 1052 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16msb_c6 1375: 138360cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1376: 138364e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1377: 138364e8 624 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16msb_c4 1378: 138364e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1379: 13836754 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1380: 13836758 180 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_s16msb 1381: 13836758 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1382: 1383680c 1092 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16msb_c6 1383: 13836c4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1384: 13836c50 704 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16msb_c4 1385: 13836c50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1386: 13836f0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1387: 13836f10 240 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_position_u16msb 1388: 13836f10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1389: 13837000 572 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 get_position_arg 1390: 13837234 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1391: 1383723c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1392: 138372d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1393: 138372ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1394: 138372fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1395: 13837314 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1396: 1383732c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1397: 13837344 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1398: 13837354 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1399: 1383736c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1400: 1383737c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1401: 13837394 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1402: 138373a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1403: 138373bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1404: 13837530 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1405: 13837598 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1406: 13837638 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1407: 13837650 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1408: 13837660 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1409: 13837678 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1410: 13837690 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1411: 138376a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1412: 138376b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1413: 138376d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1414: 138376e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1415: 138376f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1416: 13837708 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1417: 13837720 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1418: 13838070 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1419: 138380f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1420: 138381d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1421: 138381e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1422: 1383822c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1423: 13838244 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1424: 13838254 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1425: 1383826c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1426: 13838390 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1427: 138383a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1428: 138383e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1429: 138383fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1430: 13838438 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1431: 13838450 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1432: 13838470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1433: 138e05e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1434: 138e05e8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 pos_args_global 1435: 138e05ec 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 pos_args_array 1436: 138e05f0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 position_channels 1437: 138e05f4 6 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 speaker_amplitude 1438: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS png.c 1439: 138384d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1440: 138384f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1441: 138384fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1442: 13838504 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1443: 13838508 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1444: 13838510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1445: 13838514 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1446: 1383851c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1447: 13838520 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1448: 13838528 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1449: 1383852c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1450: 13838578 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1451: 1383857c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1452: 138385c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1453: 138385c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1454: 138388ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1455: 138388f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1456: 1383892c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1457: 13838930 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1458: 13838a20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1459: 13838a24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1460: 13838a7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1461: 13838a80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1462: 13838b8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1463: 13838ba4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1464: 138392e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1465: 138392f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1466: 1383935c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1467: 13839360 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1468: 13839424 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1469: 138c9bef 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.0.3508 1470: 138c9bef 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1471: 138c9bf7 48 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 short_months.3710 1472: 000049b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1473: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngget.c 1474: 13839428 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1475: 00004c34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1476: 00025efb 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1477: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngtrans.c 1478: 13839f98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1479: 1383a0dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1480: 1383a0e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1481: 1383a208 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1482: 1383a210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1483: 1383a2ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1484: 1383a2b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1485: 1383a790 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1486: 138ca0a5 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 onebppswaptable 1487: 138ca0a5 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1488: 138ca1a5 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 twobppswaptable 1489: 138ca2a5 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 fourbppswaptable 1490: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngread.c 1491: 1383a794 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1492: 1383aff8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1493: 1383b050 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1494: 1383b32c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1495: 1383b348 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1496: 1383b4ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1497: 1383b504 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1498: 1383b670 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1499: 1383b674 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1500: 1383bc24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1501: 1383bc88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1502: 1383bf54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1503: 1383bf70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1504: 1383c00c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1505: 1383c038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1506: 1383c338 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1507: 138ca3a8 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IHDR.3849 1508: 138ca3a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1509: 138ca3ad 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IEND.3851 1510: 138ca3b2 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IDAT.3850 1511: 138ca3b7 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_PLTE.3852 1512: 138ca3bc 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_bKGD.3853 1513: 138ca3c1 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_cHRM.3854 1514: 138ca3c6 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_gAMA.3855 1515: 138ca3cb 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_hIST.3856 1516: 138ca3d0 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_oFFs.3859 1517: 138ca3d5 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pCAL.3860 1518: 138ca3da 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sCAL.3863 1519: 138ca3df 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pHYs.3861 1520: 138ca3e4 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sBIT.3862 1521: 138ca3e9 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sRGB.3865 1522: 138ca3ee 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_iCCP.3857 1523: 138ca3f3 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sPLT.3864 1524: 138ca3f8 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tEXt.3866 1525: 138ca3fd 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tIME.3867 1526: 138ca402 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tRNS.3868 1527: 138ca407 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_zTXt.3869 1528: 138ca40c 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_iTXt.3858 1529: 138ca414 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_dsp_mask.3704 1530: 138ca430 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IDAT.3703 1531: 138ca438 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_mask.3705 1532: 138ca454 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IDAT.3614 1533: 138ca459 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IHDR.3613 1534: 138ca45e 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IEND.3615 1535: 138ca463 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_PLTE.3616 1536: 138ca468 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_bKGD.3617 1537: 138ca46d 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_cHRM.3618 1538: 138ca472 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_gAMA.3619 1539: 138ca477 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_hIST.3620 1540: 138ca47c 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_oFFs.3623 1541: 138ca481 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pCAL.3624 1542: 138ca486 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sCAL.3627 1543: 138ca48b 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pHYs.3625 1544: 138ca490 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sBIT.3626 1545: 138ca495 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sRGB.3629 1546: 138ca49a 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_iCCP.3621 1547: 138ca49f 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_sPLT.3628 1548: 138ca4a4 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tEXt.3630 1549: 138ca4a9 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tIME.3631 1550: 138ca4ae 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_tRNS.3632 1551: 138ca4b3 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_zTXt.3633 1552: 138ca4b8 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_iTXt.3622 1553: 00005110 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1554: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngrio.c 1555: 1383c340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1556: 1383c398 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1557: 1383c3a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1558: 1383c3dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1559: 1383c3e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1560: 1383c404 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1561: 000052ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1562: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngrtran.c 1563: 1383c408 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1564: 1383c794 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1565: 1383c798 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1566: 1383c998 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1567: 1383c9d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1568: 1383db10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1569: 1383db18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1570: 1383db34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1571: 1383db54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1572: 1383dc28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1573: 1383dc44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1574: 1383f2e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1575: 1383f308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1576: 1383f34c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1577: 1383f368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1578: 1383f880 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1579: 1383f8c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1580: 13840508 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1581: 13840514 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1582: 13840600 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1583: 13840620 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1584: 13840698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1585: 1384069c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1586: 138406bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1587: 138406cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1588: 138406f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1589: 13840708 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1590: 1384077c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1591: 13840780 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1592: 13840dec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1593: 13840e2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1594: 13841610 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1595: 13841648 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1596: 138416f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1597: 13841700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1598: 13841fa8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1599: 13841fac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1600: 138420f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1601: 13842118 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1602: 13842a08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1603: 138ca7b8 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_gamma_shift 1604: 138ca7b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1605: 00005308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1606: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngmem.c 1607: 13842a1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1608: 13842bc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1609: 13842bc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1610: 13842c98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1611: 13842c9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1612: 13842d18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1613: 000056c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1614: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngerror.c 1615: 13842d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1616: 13842de8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1617: 13842df4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1618: 13842e74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1619: 13842e80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1620: 13842f70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1621: 13842f74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1622: 138430f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1623: 138ca8ee 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_digit 1624: 138ca8ee 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1625: 000057e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1626: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngrutil.c 1627: 13843104 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1628: 13843148 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1629: 1384314c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1630: 13843448 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1631: 13843458 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1632: 1384351c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1633: 13843530 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1634: 1384371c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1635: 13843720 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1636: 13843b30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1637: 13843b40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1638: 13843e14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1639: 13843e20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1640: 13843ecc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1641: 13843ed0 288 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_inflate 1642: 13843ed0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1643: 13843fe4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1644: 13843ff0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1645: 13844194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1646: 138441a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1647: 1384431c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1648: 13844324 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1649: 138444a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1650: 138444a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1651: 13844808 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1652: 13844824 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1653: 13844a00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1654: 13844a10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1655: 13844ccc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1656: 13844ce8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1657: 13844f28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1658: 13844f44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1659: 13845120 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1660: 13845134 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1661: 1384525c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1662: 13845268 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1663: 138454d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1664: 138454f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1665: 13845848 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1666: 13845868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1667: 138459ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1668: 138459bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1669: 13845b00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1670: 13845b10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1671: 13845c90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1672: 13845ca4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1673: 13845edc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1674: 13845ef8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1675: 13846178 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1676: 1384619c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1677: 138464d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1678: 138464f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1679: 138467b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1680: 138467dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1681: 138469f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1682: 13846a20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1683: 13846fec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1684: 13847018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1685: 13847198 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1686: 138471ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1687: 13847368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1688: 13847394 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1689: 138473e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1690: 138473f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1691: 138475f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1692: 13847620 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1693: 13847720 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1694: 1384773c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1695: 138477f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1696: 138ca928 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_inc.5281 1697: 138ca928 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1698: 138ca944 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_start.5280 1699: 138ca960 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_inc.4934 1700: 138ca97c 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_inc.5208 1701: 138ca998 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_start.5207 1702: 138ca9b4 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_yinc.5210 1703: 138ca9d0 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_pass_ystart.5209 1704: 138ca9ec 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IDAT.5214 1705: 138ca9f1 5 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 png_IDAT.4758 1706: 000058ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1707: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pngset.c 1708: 13847804 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1709: 13847a00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1710: 13847a08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1711: 13847f20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1712: 13847f24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1713: 13848058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1714: 1384805c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1715: 13848124 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1716: 1384812c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1717: 138481c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1718: 138481cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1719: 138482a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1720: 138482c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1721: 13848464 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1722: 1384846c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1723: 13848860 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1724: 13848868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1725: 1384888c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1726: 13848890 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1727: 13848940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1728: 13848944 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1729: 13848b04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1730: 13848b14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1731: 13848c1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1732: 13848c20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1733: 13848d98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1734: 13848d9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1735: 13848e88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1736: 00005d68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1737: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS vorbisfile.c 1738: 13848ecc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1739: 13849060 352 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _get_next_page 1740: 138491bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1741: 138491c0 896 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _fetch_headers 1742: 138491c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1743: 1384953c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1744: 13849540 372 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _initial_pcmoffset 1745: 13849540 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1746: 138496b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1747: 138496b4 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _fseek64_wrap 1748: 138496b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1749: 138497d8 436 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _ov_open1 1750: 138499fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1751: 13849a00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1752: 13849b60 1140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _fetch_and_process_packet 1753: 13849fd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1754: 13849fd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1755: 1384a158 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1756: 1384a15c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1757: 1384a7c4 648 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _get_prev_page_serial 1758: 1384aa44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1759: 1384aa4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1760: 1384af50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1761: 1384af54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1762: 1384bbbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1763: 1384bbc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1764: 1384c304 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1765: 1384c308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1766: 1384c488 1672 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _bisect_forward_serialno 1767: 1384cb0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1768: 1384cb10 436 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _open_seekable2 1769: 1384cb10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1770: 1384ce4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1771: 138cbc88 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.9.2312 1772: 138cbc98 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.10.2313 1773: 138cbcb8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.11.2354 1774: 138cbcc8 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.12.2356 1775: 138cbce8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.40.2810 1776: 138cbce8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1777: 138cbcf8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.26.2591 1778: 138cbd08 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.27.2592 1779: 138cbd28 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.6.2269 1780: 138cbd38 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.48.3027 1781: 138cbd48 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.49.3028 1782: 138cbd68 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.52.3121 1783: 138cbd78 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.53.3122 1784: 138cbd98 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.55.3214 1785: 138cbdb8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.56.3215 1786: 138cbdc8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.17.2449 1787: 138cbdd8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.39.2782 1788: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS block.c 1789: 1384ce50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1790: 1384d700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1791: 1384d704 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1792: 1384da80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1793: 1384da84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1794: 00006520 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1795: 00033ca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1796: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS framing.c 1797: 1384db34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1798: 1384f834 5860 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _packetout 1799: 13852ae8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1800: 13852aec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1801: 138cbde8 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 crc_lookup 1802: 138cbde8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1803: 000344a6 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1804: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS info.c 1805: 13852b34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1806: 13852b7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1807: 13852b80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1808: 13852db0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1809: 13852dbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1810: 13852ee0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1811: 13852ee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1812: 1385351c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1813: 1385352c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1814: 138535d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1815: 138535dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1816: 138536c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1817: 000069ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1818: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS registry.c 1819: 138ddc38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1820: 000647b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 9 $d 1821: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS res012.c 1822: 138536c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1823: 1385390c 660 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _01inverse 1824: 13853c10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1825: 13853c14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1826: 13853c84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1827: 13853c88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1828: 13853fb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1829: 13853fbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1830: 1385416c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1831: 138ddc50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1832: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS sharedbook.c 1833: 13854170 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1834: 13854228 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sort32a 1835: 13854c68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1836: 13854c70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1837: 13855258 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1838: 13855278 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1839: 00006bf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 1840: 000391ed 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1841: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS synthesis.c 1842: 138552bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1843: 138554f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1844: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS window.c 1845: 138554f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1846: 13855574 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1847: 13855594 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1848: 138cc1f0 16384 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin8192 1849: 138cc1f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1850: 138d01f0 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin64 1851: 138d0270 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin128 1852: 138d0370 512 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin256 1853: 138d0570 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin512 1854: 138d0970 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin1024 1855: 138d1170 4096 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin2048 1856: 138d2170 8192 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 vwin4096 1857: 0003a1e1 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1858: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS bitwise.c 1859: 13855700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1860: 13855940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1861: 13855944 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1862: 13855ea0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1863: 13855ea4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1864: 138d4170 132 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mask 1865: 138d4170 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1866: 0003a3d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1867: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS codebook.c 1868: 13855f88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1869: 13856154 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1870: 1385616c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1871: 1385646c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1872: 13856470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1873: 138568d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1874: 138568ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1875: 13856d68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1876: 13856d80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1877: 138571bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1878: 138571d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1879: 13857750 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1880: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS floor0.c 1881: 13857768 408 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_inverse1 1882: 13857768 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1883: 13857900 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_free_look 1884: 13857948 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_free_info 1885: 13857f04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1886: 13857f10 120 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_inverse2 1887: 13857f10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1888: 13857f88 624 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_look 1889: 138581f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1890: 138581f8 272 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor0_unpack 1891: 138581f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1892: 138d41f4 516 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 COS_LOOKUP_I 1893: 138d41f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1894: 138d43f8 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MLOOP_1 1895: 138d4438 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MLOOP_2 1896: 138d4478 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MLOOP_3 1897: 138d4480 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 INVSQ_LOOKUP_IDel 1898: 138d4580 260 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 INVSQ_LOOKUP_I 1899: 138d4684 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ADJUST_SQRT2 1900: 138d468c 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 FROMdB2_LOOKUP 1901: 138d470c 140 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 FROMdB_LOOKUP 1902: 138d4798 112 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 barklook 1903: 138ddc8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1904: 0003bb37 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1905: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS floor1.c 1906: 13858308 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 icomp 1907: 13858308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1908: 13858320 548 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_inverse2 1909: 13858540 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1910: 13858544 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_free_look 1911: 13858544 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1912: 13858568 40 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_free_info 1913: 1385858c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1914: 13858590 600 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_look 1915: 13858590 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1916: 138586a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1917: 138586b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1918: 138587e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1919: 138587e8 880 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_inverse1 1920: 138587e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1921: 13858b58 572 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 floor1_unpack 1922: 13858d90 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1923: 138d4808 1024 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 FLOOR_fromdB_LOOKUP 1924: 138d4808 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1925: 138ddca4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1926: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mapping0.c 1927: 13858d94 1128 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mapping0_inverse 1928: 13858d94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1929: 138591f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1930: 138591fc 168 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mapping0_free_look 1931: 138591fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1932: 138592a4 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mapping0_free_info 1933: 138592c8 336 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mapping0_look 1934: 13859410 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1935: 13859418 632 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 mapping0_unpack 1936: 13859418 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1937: 138ddcbc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1938: 138e05fc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 seq 1939: 0003ce30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1940: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mdct.c 1941: 13859690 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1942: 1385a3f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1943: 1385a400 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1944: 1385c2d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1945: 1385c2fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1946: 138d4c08 4104 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sincos_lookup0 1947: 138d4c08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1948: 138d5c10 4096 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sincos_lookup1 1949: 138d6c10 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 bitrev 1950: 0003d382 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 1951: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS drv_nos.c 1952: 1385d0d4 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 NS_IsThere 1953: 1385d0d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1954: 1385d0dc 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 NS_Update 1955: 1385d0f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1956: 1385d0f8 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 NS_Exit 1957: 1385d0f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1958: 1385d120 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1959: 1385d124 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 NS_Init 1960: 1385d124 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1961: 1385d140 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1962: 138ddcd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1963: 138e0600 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1964: 138e0600 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 zerobuf 1965: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mmalloc.c 1966: 1385d144 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1967: 1385d184 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1968: 1385d18c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1969: 1385d1d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1970: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mmerror.c 1971: 1385d1dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1972: 1385d1f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1973: 1385d1f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1974: 1385d208 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1975: 1385d20c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1976: 1385d220 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1977: 138ddd48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 1978: 138e0604 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 1979: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mdriver.c 1980: 1385d224 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1981: 1385d27c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1982: 1385d284 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1983: 1385d2dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1984: 1385d2e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1985: 1385d32c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1986: 1385d330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1987: 1385d350 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1988: 1385d354 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1989: 1385d368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1990: 1385d36c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1991: 1385d3c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1992: 1385d3cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1993: 1385d460 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1994: 1385d468 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1995: 1385d4a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1996: 1385d4a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1997: 1385d50c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 1998: 1385d510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 1999: 1385d54c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2000: 1385d550 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2001: 1385d5d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2002: 1385d5dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2003: 1385d618 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2004: 1385d61c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2005: 1385d698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2006: 1385d69c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2007: 1385d6e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2008: 1385d6ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2009: 1385d728 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2010: 1385d72c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2011: 1385d774 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2012: 1385d778 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2013: 1385d7bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2014: 1385d7c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2015: 1385d81c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2016: 1385d824 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2017: 1385d858 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2018: 1385d85c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2019: 1385d868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2020: 1385d86c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2021: 1385d874 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2022: 1385d878 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2023: 1385d894 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2024: 1385d898 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2025: 1385d9dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2026: 1385d9e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2027: 1385da38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2028: 1385da3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2029: 1385db00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2030: 1385db0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2031: 1385db18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2032: 1385db1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2033: 1385db80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2034: 1385db84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2035: 1385dbc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2036: 1385dbc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2037: 1385dc20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2038: 1385dc28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2039: 1385dc5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2040: 1385dc60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2041: 1385dce8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2042: 1385dcf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2043: 1385dd3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2044: 1385dd40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2045: 1385dda4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2046: 1385dda8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2047: 1385de3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2048: 1385de44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2049: 1385dec4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2050: 1385dec8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2051: 1385e0e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2052: 1385e0f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2053: 1385e18c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2054: 1385e194 608 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_init 2055: 1385e194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2056: 1385e3dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2057: 1385e3f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2058: 1385e828 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2059: 1385e840 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2060: 1385e9a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2061: 1385e9bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2062: 1385ea44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2063: 138dde50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2064: 138dde5c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 firstcall.3234 2065: 138dde60 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 olddevice 2066: 138e0610 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2067: 138e0614 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 firstdriver 2068: 138e0618 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 isplaying 2069: 138e0620 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 md_sample 2070: 138e0624 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sfxinfo 2071: 138e062c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 initialized 2072: 138e0630 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sfxpool 2073: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mloader.c 2074: 1385ea4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2075: 1385ea7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2076: 1385ea80 180 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadTitle_internal 2077: 1385ea80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2078: 1385eb20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2079: 1385eb34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2080: 1385eb7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2081: 1385eb80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2082: 1385ed78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2083: 1385ed80 484 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ML_FreeEx 2084: 1385ed80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2085: 1385ef5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2086: 1385ef64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2087: 1385f018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2088: 1385f020 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2089: 1385f0ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2090: 1385f0f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2091: 1385f140 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2092: 1385f14c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2093: 1385f220 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2094: 1385f228 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2095: 1385f26c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2096: 1385f274 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2097: 1385f4d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2098: 1385f4e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2099: 1385f590 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2100: 1385f59c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2101: 1385f5e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2102: 1385f5e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2103: 1385fa3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2104: 1385fa54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2105: 1385faec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2106: 1385faf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2107: 138dde68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2108: 138e063c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2109: 138e063c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 firstloader 2110: 0003f23d 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 2111: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mlreg.c 2112: 1385fb0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2113: 1385fba4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2114: 1385fbec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2115: 000079e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 2116: 0003fdc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 2117: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mplayer.c 2118: 1385fbf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2119: 1385fc10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2120: 1385fc14 332 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 GetPeriod 2121: 1385fc14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2122: 1385fd4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2123: 1385fd60 500 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ProcessEnvelope 2124: 1385fd60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2125: 1385fff8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2126: 13860008 788 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoEEffects 2127: 13860008 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2128: 13860050 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2129: 13860088 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2130: 13860318 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2131: 1386031c 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoKeyOff 2132: 1386031c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2133: 13860348 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoMEDEffectF1 2134: 13860394 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoMEDEffectF2 2135: 138603e0 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoMEDEffectF3 2136: 13860434 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2137: 13860438 572 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoNNAEffects 2138: 13860438 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2139: 13860450 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2140: 13860484 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2141: 13860670 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2142: 13860674 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2143: 138606b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2144: 138606bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2145: 138606c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2146: 138606cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2147: 138606f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2148: 13860700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2149: 13860740 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2150: 13860744 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2151: 13860780 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2152: 13860784 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2153: 138607c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2154: 138607c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2155: 138607dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2156: 138607e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2157: 138607fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2158: 13860800 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2159: 1386083c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2160: 13860840 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2161: 13860888 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2162: 1386088c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2163: 138609ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2164: 138609f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2165: 13860b58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2166: 13860b60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2167: 13860cc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2168: 13860cc8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2169: 13860ee0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2170: 13860ef4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2171: 13860fe0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2172: 13860ff4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2173: 138610e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2174: 138610f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2175: 13861130 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2176: 13861138 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2177: 138611b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2178: 138611bc 400 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectS0 2179: 138611bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2180: 1386121c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2181: 13861254 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2182: 1386134c 180 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectW 2183: 13861400 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectT 2184: 1386146c 184 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectP 2185: 13861524 164 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectN 2186: 138615c8 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectM 2187: 13861604 112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectI 2188: 13861674 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectX2 2189: 138616cc 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectX1 2190: 13861724 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectP 2191: 138617a8 172 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectL 2192: 13861854 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectH 2193: 138618d8 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectG 2194: 13861908 80 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectEB 2195: 13861958 84 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectEA 2196: 138619ac 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectE2 2197: 138619f4 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectE1 2198: 13861a38 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffectA 2199: 13861ac0 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoKeyFade 2200: 13861b18 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectT 2201: 13861b58 384 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectQ 2202: 13861bdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2203: 13861c18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2204: 13861cd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2205: 13861cd8 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectI 2206: 13861cd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2207: 13861d60 144 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectF 2208: 13861df0 152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectE 2209: 13861e88 92 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectA 2210: 13861ee0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2211: 13861ee4 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectF 2212: 13861ee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2213: 13861f64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2214: 13861f68 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectE 2215: 13861f68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2216: 13861fc0 264 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectD 2217: 138620b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2218: 138620c8 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectC 2219: 138620c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2220: 13862108 264 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectB 2221: 13862204 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2222: 13862210 124 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffectA 2223: 13862210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2224: 1386228c 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect9 2225: 138622f8 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect8 2226: 13862334 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect2 2227: 1386238c 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect1 2228: 138623e4 192 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect0 2229: 138624a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2230: 138624a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2231: 1386253c 16 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoNothing 2232: 13862734 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2233: 13862738 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2234: 13862958 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2235: 13862960 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoMEDSpeed 2236: 13862960 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2237: 13862978 84 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoULTEffect9 2238: 138629cc 380 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect7 2239: 13862a30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2240: 13862a40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2241: 13862b44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2242: 13862b48 272 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectG 2243: 13862b48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2244: 13862c58 260 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect3 2245: 13862d74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2246: 13862d78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2247: 13862ef4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2248: 13862f04 344 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect4 2249: 13862f04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2250: 13862f6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2251: 13862f7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2252: 13863058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2253: 1386305c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2254: 13863558 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2255: 13863568 344 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectY 2256: 13863568 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2257: 138635c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2258: 138635d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2259: 138636bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2260: 138636c0 316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectU 2261: 138636c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2262: 13863720 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2263: 13863730 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2264: 138637f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2265: 138637fc 328 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoITEffectH 2266: 138637fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2267: 1386385c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2268: 1386386c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2269: 13863940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2270: 13863944 324 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectU 2271: 13863944 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2272: 138639ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2273: 138639bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2274: 13863a84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2275: 13863a88 368 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectR 2276: 13863a88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2277: 13863ae0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2278: 13863af0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2279: 13863bf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2280: 13863bf8 336 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect5 2281: 13863bf8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2282: 13863d84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2283: 13863d8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2284: 13863e0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2285: 13863e14 1216 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoVolEffects 2286: 13863e14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2287: 13863e6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2288: 13863e88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2289: 13863eec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2290: 13863efc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2291: 138642d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2292: 138642d4 428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoXMEffect6 2293: 138642d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2294: 13864394 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2295: 138643a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2296: 1386447c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2297: 13864480 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoS3MEffectD 2298: 13864480 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2299: 13864554 432 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoPTEffect6 2300: 1386459c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2301: 138645ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2302: 13864700 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2303: 13864704 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2304: 13864960 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2305: 1386496c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2306: 138653b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2307: 138653d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2308: 13865784 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2309: 1386579c 372 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DoOktArp 2310: 1386579c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2311: 138657fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2312: 13865814 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2313: 1386590c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2314: 13865910 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2315: 13865990 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2316: 138d7518 208 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 logtab 2317: 138d7518 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2318: 138d75e8 48 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 oldperiods 2319: 138d7618 3072 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 lintab 2320: 138d8218 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 VibratoTable 2321: 138d8238 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 PanbrelloTable 2322: 138d8338 248 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 effects 2323: 138d8430 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 avibtab 2324: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS munitrk.c 2325: 13865998 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2326: 138659c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2327: 138659c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2328: 138659f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2329: 138659f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2330: 13865a84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2331: 13865a88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2332: 13865aac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2333: 13865ab0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2334: 13865ad8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2335: 13865adc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2336: 13865b54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2337: 13865b58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2338: 13865bb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2339: 13865bb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2340: 13865c18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2341: 13865c1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2342: 13865c9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2343: 13865ca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2344: 13865d10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2345: 13865d14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2346: 13865e1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2347: 138dde88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2348: 138e0644 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 rowstart 2349: 138e0648 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 rowpc 2350: 138e064c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 rowend 2351: 138e0650 1 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 lastbyte 2352: 138e0652 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 unitt 2353: 138e0654 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 unipc 2354: 138e0656 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 lastp 2355: 138e0658 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 unibuf 2356: 138e065c 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 unimax 2357: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS sloader.c 2358: 13865e20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2359: 13865e48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2360: 13865e4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2361: 13865ebc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2362: 13865ec0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2363: 13865f60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2364: 13865f64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2365: 13866018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2366: 1386601c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2367: 13866078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2368: 1386607c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2369: 138669b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2370: 138669c4 580 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 DitherSamples 2371: 138669c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2372: 13866c00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2373: 13866c08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2374: 13866c80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2375: 138e0660 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sl_rlength 2376: 138e0664 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sl_buffer 2377: 138e0668 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 musiclist 2378: 138e066c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sndfxlist 2379: 138e0670 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 sl_old 2380: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS virtch_common.c 2381: 13866c88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2382: 13866c9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2383: 13866ca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2384: 13866cb4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2385: 13866cb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2386: 13866ccc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2387: 13866cd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2388: 13866ce4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2389: 13866ce8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2390: 13866cfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2391: 13866d00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2392: 13866d14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2393: 13866d18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2394: 13866d2c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2395: 13866d30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2396: 13866d4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2397: 13866d50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2398: 13866d6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2399: 13866d70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2400: 13866d84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2401: 13866d88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2402: 13866d9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2403: 13866da0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2404: 13866dc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2405: 13866dc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2406: 13866ddc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2407: 13866de0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2408: 13866df8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2409: 13866dfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2410: 13866e14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2411: 13866e18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2412: 13866e30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2413: 13866e34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2414: 13866e4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2415: 13866e50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2416: 13866e98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2417: 13866e9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2418: 13866eb4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2419: 13866eb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2420: 13866ed0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2421: 13866ed4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2422: 13866eec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2423: 13866ef0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2424: 13866f08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2425: 13866f0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2426: 13867094 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2427: 138ddf04 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 VC_Init_ptr 2428: 138ddf04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2429: 138ddf08 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 VC_Exit_ptr 2430: 138e0674 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SetNumVoices_ptr 2431: 138e0678 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SampleSpace_ptr 2432: 138e067c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SampleLength_ptr 2433: 138e0680 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_PlayStart_ptr 2434: 138e0684 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_PlayStop_ptr 2435: 138e0688 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SampleLoad_ptr 2436: 138e068c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SampleUnload_ptr 2437: 138e0690 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_WriteBytes_ptr 2438: 138e0694 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_SilenceBytes_ptr 2439: 138e0698 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceSetVolume_ptr 2440: 138e069c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceGetVolume_ptr 2441: 138e06a0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceSetFrequency_ptr 2442: 138e06a4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceGetFrequency_ptr 2443: 138e06a8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceSetPanning_ptr 2444: 138e06ac 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceGetPanning_ptr 2445: 138e06b0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoicePlay_ptr 2446: 138e06b4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceStop_ptr 2447: 138e06b8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceStopped_ptr 2448: 138e06bc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceGetPosition_ptr 2449: 138e06c0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 VC_VoiceRealVolume_ptr 2450: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_669.c 2451: 13867150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2452: 138671b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2453: 138671b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2454: 1386735c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2455: 13867368 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2456: 138673a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2457: 138673a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2458: 138679f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2459: 13867a10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2460: 13867b9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2461: 13867bc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2462: 13867bf8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2463: 138d84b0 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 S69_Version 2464: 138d84b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2465: 138ddf0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2466: 138e06c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2467: 138e06c4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 s69pat 2468: 138e06c8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2469: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_amf.c 2470: 13867bfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2471: 13867c5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2472: 13867c60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2473: 13867c98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2474: 13867c9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2475: 138684a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2476: 13868504 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2477: 13868b14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2478: 13868b34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2479: 13868b74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2480: 13868b78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2481: 13868bf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2482: 138ddf2c 23 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 AMF_Version 2483: 138ddf44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2484: 138e06cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2485: 138e06cc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2486: 138e06d0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 track 2487: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_dsm.c 2488: 13868bfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2489: 13868c5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2490: 13868c60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2491: 13868cd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2492: 13868cdc 292 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 GetBlockHeader 2493: 13868cdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2494: 13868df0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2495: 13868e00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2496: 138695f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2497: 13869614 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2498: 1386964c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2499: 13869650 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2500: 13869690 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2501: 138d852c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SONGID 2502: 138d852c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2503: 138d8530 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 INSTID 2504: 138d8534 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 PATTID 2505: 138ddf64 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 DSMSIG 2506: 138ddf64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2507: 138ddf6c 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 DSM_Version 2508: 138e06d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2509: 138e06d4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 blockln 2510: 138e06d8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 blocklp 2511: 138e06dc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 blockid 2512: 138e06e0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2513: 138e06e4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 dsmbuf 2514: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_far.c 2515: 13869694 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2516: 138696f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2517: 138696f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2518: 13869c0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2519: 13869c40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2520: 13869fa4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2521: 13869fc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2522: 1386a010 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2523: 1386a014 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2524: 1386a06c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2525: 1386a070 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2526: 1386a0e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2527: 138ddf9c 10 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 FAR_Version 2528: 138ddfa6 7 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 FARSIG 2529: 138ddfa6 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2530: 138e06e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2531: 138e06e8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh1 2532: 138e06ec 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh2 2533: 138e06f0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 pat 2534: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_gdm.c 2535: 1386a0ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2536: 1386a14c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2537: 1386a150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2538: 1386a1c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2539: 1386a244 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2540: 1386a8a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2541: 1386a8b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2542: 1386b078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2543: 1386b098 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2544: 1386b0d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2545: 1386b0d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2546: 1386b110 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2547: 1386b114 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2548: 1386b1d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2549: 138ddfe8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2550: 138e06f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2551: 138e06f4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 gdmbuf 2552: 138e06f8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2553: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_it.c 2554: 1386b1e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2555: 1386b240 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2556: 1386b244 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2557: 1386b2c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2558: 1386b2d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2559: 1386b378 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2560: 1386b384 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2561: 1386b3d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2562: 1386b3dc 660 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 IT_LoadMidiConfiguration 2563: 1386b3dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2564: 1386b660 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2565: 1386b670 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2566: 1386c48c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2567: 1386c4e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2568: 1386d5c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2569: 138d85b4 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 IT_Version 2570: 138d85b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2571: 138d85cc 10 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 portatable 2572: 138de008 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2573: 138e06fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2574: 138e06fc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2575: 138e0700 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 itpat 2576: 138e0704 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mask 2577: 138e0708 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 last 2578: 138e070c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 paraptr 2579: 138e0710 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 numtrk 2580: 138e0714 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 old_effect 2581: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_imf.c 2582: 1386d5d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2583: 1386d630 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2584: 1386d634 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2585: 1386d69c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2586: 1386d6a4 988 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_ProcessCmd 2587: 1386d6a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2588: 1386d6cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2589: 1386d750 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2590: 1386d934 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2591: 1386d970 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2592: 1386e888 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2593: 1386e8cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2594: 1386ee94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2595: 1386ee98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2596: 1386eed4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2597: 138de028 14 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 IMF_Version 2598: 138de038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2599: 138e0718 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2600: 138e0718 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2601: 138e071c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 imfpat 2602: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_m15.c 2603: 1386eed8 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 M15_LoadTitle 2604: 1386eed8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2605: 1386ef40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2606: 1386ef44 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 M15_Cleanup 2607: 1386ef44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2608: 1386ef7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2609: 1386ef80 712 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 LoadModuleHeader 2610: 1386ef80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2611: 1386f244 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2612: 1386f248 1820 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 M15_Load 2613: 1386f248 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2614: 1386f800 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2615: 1386f810 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2616: 1386f93c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2617: 1386f964 696 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 M15_Test 2618: 1386f964 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2619: 1386fc00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2620: 1386fc1c 40 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 M15_Init 2621: 1386fc1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2622: 1386fc40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2623: 138d86f0 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 signatures 2624: 138d86f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2625: 138d86f8 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 siglen 2626: 138de058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2627: 138e0720 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2628: 138e0720 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2629: 138e0724 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 patbuf 2630: 138e0728 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ust_loader 2631: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_med.c 2632: 1386fc44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2633: 1386fc9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2634: 1386fca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2635: 1386fd68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2636: 1386fd6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2637: 1386fdf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2638: 1386fdf8 492 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 EffectCvt 2639: 1386fdf8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2640: 1386fe10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2641: 1386fe3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2642: 1386ffd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2643: 1386ffe4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2644: 13870da0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2645: 13870dd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2646: 13871168 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2647: 138de078 15 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 MED_Version 2648: 138de088 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2649: 138e072c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2650: 138e072c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 me 2651: 138e0730 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2652: 138e0734 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ms 2653: 138e0738 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ba 2654: 138e073c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mmd0pat 2655: 138e0740 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mmd1pat 2656: 138e0744 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 bpmtempos 2657: 138e0748 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 decimalvolumes 2658: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_mod.c 2659: 13871174 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_LoadTitle 2660: 13871174 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2661: 138711dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2662: 138711e0 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_Cleanup 2663: 138711e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2664: 13871218 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2665: 1387121c 652 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_CheckType 2666: 1387121c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2667: 13871468 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2668: 138714a8 112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_Test 2669: 138714a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2670: 13871510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2671: 13871518 560 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ConvertNote 2672: 13871518 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2673: 1387173c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2674: 13871748 40 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_Init 2675: 13871748 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2676: 1387176c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2677: 13871770 2372 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_Load 2678: 13871770 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2679: 13872098 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2680: 138de0a8 11 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 protracker 2681: 138de0b4 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 startrekker 2682: 138de0c0 10 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 oktalyzer 2683: 138de0cc 10 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 oktalyser 2684: 138de0d8 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 fasttracker 2685: 138de0e4 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 taketracker 2686: 138de0f0 27 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 orpheus 2687: 138de10c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2688: 138e074c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2689: 138e074c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2690: 138e0750 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 patbuf 2691: 138e0754 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 trekker 2692: 138e0758 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 modtype 2693: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_mtm.c 2694: 138720b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2695: 13872114 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2696: 13872118 236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_Convert 2697: 13872118 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2698: 13872200 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2699: 13872204 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2700: 138727a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2701: 138727c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2702: 13872800 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2703: 13872804 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2704: 13872844 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2705: 13872848 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2706: 13872898 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2707: 138de12c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 MTM_Version 2708: 138de130 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2709: 138e075c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2710: 138e075c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mtmtrk 2711: 138e0760 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2712: 138e0764 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 pat 2713: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_okt.c 2714: 138728a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2715: 138728a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2716: 138728ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2717: 138728fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2718: 13872904 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2719: 138730ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2720: 13873128 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2721: 13873418 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2722: 138d8815 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.3.2692 2723: 138d8815 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2724: 138de150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2725: 138e07a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2726: 138e07a4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 okttrk 2727: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_s3m.c 2728: 1387345c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2729: 138734bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2730: 138734c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2731: 13873528 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2732: 13873530 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2733: 13873594 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2734: 1387359c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2735: 138741c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2736: 138741f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2737: 13874270 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2738: 138d888c 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_Version 2739: 138d888c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2740: 138d88a4 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 numeric 2741: 138de170 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2742: 138e07a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2743: 138e07a8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 s3mbuf 2744: 138e07ac 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2745: 138e07b0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 tracker 2746: 138e07b4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 paraptr 2747: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_stm.c 2748: 1387427c 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STM_Cleanup 2749: 1387427c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2750: 138742b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2751: 138742b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2752: 13874318 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2753: 1387431c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2754: 138743c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2755: 138743d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2756: 1387493c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2757: 138749a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2758: 13874cb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2759: 13874ce0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2760: 13874d20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2761: 138d89a4 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STM_Version 2762: 138d89a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2763: 138de190 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2764: 138e07b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2765: 138e07b8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2766: 138e07bc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 stmbuf 2767: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_stx.c 2768: 13874d28 100 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STX_LoadTitle 2769: 13874d28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2770: 13874d88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2771: 13874d8c 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STX_Cleanup 2772: 13874d8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2773: 13874df0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2774: 13874df8 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STX_Init 2775: 13874df8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2776: 13874e5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2777: 13874e64 2924 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STX_Load 2778: 13874e64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2779: 13875788 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2780: 138757ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2781: 138759a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2782: 138759d0 232 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 STX_Test 2783: 138759d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2784: 13875aac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2785: 138de1b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2786: 138e07c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2787: 138e07c0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 stxbuf 2788: 138e07c4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 paraptr 2789: 138e07c8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2790: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_ult.c 2791: 13875ab8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2792: 13875b24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2793: 13875b28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2794: 138760c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2795: 138760f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2796: 13876110 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2797: 13876138 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2798: 13876300 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2799: 13876320 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2800: 13876384 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2801: 138de1d0 18 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 ULT_Version 2802: 138de1e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2803: 138e07cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2804: 138e07cc 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 ev 2805: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_uni.c 2806: 1387638c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2807: 138763bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2808: 138763c0 1176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 loadinstr6 2809: 138763c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2810: 13876834 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2811: 13876858 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2812: 138768f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2813: 138768fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2814: 138769c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2815: 138769cc 1412 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 loadinstr5 2816: 138769cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2817: 13876f34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2818: 13876f50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2819: 13877a48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2820: 13877a5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2821: 13877eac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2822: 138d8aa0 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 C.34.3246 2823: 138d8aa0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2824: 138de204 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2825: 138e07d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2826: 138e07d4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 wh 2827: 138e07d8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 s 2828: 138e07dc 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 universion 2829: 138e07e0 316 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2830: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS load_xm.c 2831: 13877ef8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2832: 13877f58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2833: 13877f5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2834: 13877f80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2835: 13877f84 1040 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 XM_Convert 2836: 13877f84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2837: 13877ff0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2838: 13878018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2839: 13878038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2840: 138780b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2841: 138781c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2842: 138781ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2843: 13878394 1576 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 LoadPatterns 2844: 138789a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2845: 138789bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2846: 138789e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2847: 138789e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2848: 13878a4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2849: 13878a54 3132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 LoadInstruments 2850: 13878a54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2851: 13879674 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2852: 13879690 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2853: 13879cb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2854: 138de224 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2855: 138e091c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2856: 138e091c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 mh 2857: 138e0920 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 xmpat 2858: 138e0924 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 nextwav 2859: 138e0928 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 wh 2860: 138e092c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 s 2861: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mmio.c 2862: 13879ccc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2863: 13879cec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2864: 13879cf0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2865: 13879d00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2866: 13879d04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2867: 13879e7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2868: 13879f48 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileWriter_Seek 2869: 13879f20 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileWriter_Tell 2870: 13879ef4 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileWriter_Write 2871: 13879ee4 16 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileWriter_Put 2872: 13879e8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2873: 13879ed0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2874: 13879f90 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileReader_Eof 2875: 13879f7c 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileReader_Read 2876: 13879f74 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileReader_Get 2877: 13879f50 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileReader_Seek 2878: 13879f28 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileReader_Tell 2879: 13879ee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2880: 13879f44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2881: 13879f48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2882: 13879f70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2883: 13879f74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2884: 13879fc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2885: 13879fc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2886: 1387a004 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2887: 1387a00c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2888: 138e0930 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2889: 138e0930 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 temp_iobase 2890: 138e0934 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 _mm_iobase 2891: 0004b086 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 2892: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS mlutil.c 2893: 1387ab44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2894: 1387abdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2895: 1387abe0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2896: 1387acd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2897: 1387ace0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2898: 1387ae04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2899: 1387ae0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2900: 1387ae38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2901: 1387ae3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2902: 1387ae74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2903: 1387ae7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2904: 1387aef0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2905: 1387aef8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2906: 1387af24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2907: 1387af8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2908: 1387b6f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2909: 138de244 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2910: 138e0938 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 2911: 138e0944 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 noteindexcount 2912: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS npertab.c 2913: 138de25c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 2914: 0009cbdb 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 9 $d 2915: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS virtch.c 2916: 1387b714 928 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MixReverb_Normal 2917: 1387b714 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2918: 1387baac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2919: 1387bab4 1428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MixReverb_Stereo 2920: 1387bab4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2921: 1387c040 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2922: 1387c048 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2923: 1387c074 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2924: 1387c078 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2925: 1387c09c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2926: 1387c0a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2927: 1387c0c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2928: 1387c0c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2929: 1387c0ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2930: 1387c0f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2931: 1387c140 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2932: 1387c144 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2933: 1387c16c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2934: 1387c170 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2935: 1387c19c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2936: 1387c1a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2937: 1387c1d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2938: 1387c1d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2939: 1387c354 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2940: 1387c358 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2941: 1387c398 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2942: 1387c39c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2943: 1387c43c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2944: 1387c448 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2945: 1387c750 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2946: 1387c774 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2947: 1387c7c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2948: 1387c7c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2949: 1387c85c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2950: 1387c874 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2951: 1387d7d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2952: 1387d7f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2953: 1387e388 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2954: 1387e38c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2955: 1387e454 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2956: 1387e458 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2957: 1387e4ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2958: 1387e4b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2959: 1387e508 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2960: 1387e50c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2961: 1387e6d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2962: 1387e6d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 2963: 1387e764 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 2964: 138e0948 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVRindex 2965: 138e094c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc1 2966: 138e0950 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc2 2967: 138e0954 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc3 2968: 138e0958 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc4 2969: 138e095c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc5 2970: 138e0960 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc6 2971: 138e0964 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc7 2972: 138e0968 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc8 2973: 138e096c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL1 2974: 138e0970 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL2 2975: 138e0974 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL3 2976: 138e0978 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL4 2977: 138e097c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL5 2978: 138e0980 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL6 2979: 138e0984 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL7 2980: 138e0988 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL8 2981: 138e098c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR1 2982: 138e0990 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR2 2983: 138e0994 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR3 2984: 138e0998 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR4 2985: 138e099c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR5 2986: 138e09a0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR6 2987: 138e09a4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR7 2988: 138e09a8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR8 2989: 138e09ac 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vinf 2990: 138e09b0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 Samples 2991: 138e09b4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_softchn 2992: 138e09b8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 samplesthatfit 2993: 138e09bc 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_mode 2994: 138e09c0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 tickleft 2995: 138e09c4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_tickbuf 2996: 138e09c8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 MixReverb 2997: 138e09cc 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxsize 2998: 138e09d4 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxlpos 2999: 138e09dc 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxlend 3000: 138e09e4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vnf 3001: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS virtch2.c 3002: 1387e768 928 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MixReverb_Normal 3003: 1387e768 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3004: 1387eb00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3005: 1387eb08 1428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 MixReverb_Stereo 3006: 1387eb08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3007: 1387f094 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3008: 1387f09c 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Mix32To16_Normal 3009: 1387f09c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3010: 1387f144 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3011: 1387f14c 308 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Mix32To16_Stereo 3012: 1387f14c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3013: 1387f278 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3014: 1387f280 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Mix32To8_Normal 3015: 1387f280 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3016: 1387f32c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3017: 1387f330 296 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Mix32To8_Stereo 3018: 1387f330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3019: 1387f454 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3020: 1387f458 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3021: 1387f488 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3022: 1387f48c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3023: 1387f4b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3024: 1387f4b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3025: 1387f4e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3026: 1387f4e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3027: 1387f50c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3028: 1387f510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3029: 1387f564 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3030: 1387f568 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3031: 1387f594 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3032: 1387f598 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3033: 1387f5c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3034: 1387f5cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3035: 1387f600 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3036: 1387f604 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3037: 1387f784 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3038: 1387f788 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3039: 1387f7c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3040: 1387f7cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3041: 1387f87c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3042: 1387f88c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3043: 1387fba4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3044: 1387fbcc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3045: 1387fc1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3046: 1387fc20 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3047: 1387fcf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3048: 1387fd1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3049: 13880b0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3050: 13880b24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3051: 1388146c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3052: 13881470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3053: 13881534 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3054: 13881538 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3055: 13881590 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3056: 13881594 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3057: 138815f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3058: 138815f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3059: 13881798 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3060: 138817a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3061: 1388182c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3062: 138e09e8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVRindex 3063: 138e09ec 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc1 3064: 138e09f0 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc2 3065: 138e09f4 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc3 3066: 138e09f8 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc4 3067: 138e09fc 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc5 3068: 138e0a00 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc6 3069: 138e0a04 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc7 3070: 138e0a08 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVc8 3071: 138e0a0c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL1 3072: 138e0a10 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL2 3073: 138e0a14 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL3 3074: 138e0a18 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL4 3075: 138e0a1c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL5 3076: 138e0a20 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL6 3077: 138e0a24 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL7 3078: 138e0a28 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufL8 3079: 138e0a2c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR1 3080: 138e0a30 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR2 3081: 138e0a34 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR3 3082: 138e0a38 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR4 3083: 138e0a3c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR5 3084: 138e0a40 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR6 3085: 138e0a44 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR7 3086: 138e0a48 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 RVbufR8 3087: 138e0a4c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vinf 3088: 138e0a50 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 Samples 3089: 138e0a54 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_softchn 3090: 138e0a58 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 samplesthatfit 3091: 138e0a5c 2 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_mode 3092: 138e0a60 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 tickleft 3093: 138e0a64 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vc_tickbuf 3094: 138e0a68 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 Mix32to16 3095: 138e0a6c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 Mix32to8 3096: 138e0a70 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 MixReverb 3097: 138e0a74 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxsize 3098: 138e0a7c 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxlpos 3099: 138e0a84 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 idxlend 3100: 138e0a8c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 vnf 3101: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS ftbase.c 3102: 13881830 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3103: 138819cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3104: 138819d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3105: 13881d9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3106: 13881da0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3107: 13881e14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3108: 13881e18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3109: 13881e88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3110: 13881e8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3111: 13882014 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3112: 13882018 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3113: 138820e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3114: 138820e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3115: 13882168 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3116: 1388216c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3117: 138821c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3118: 138821cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3119: 13882250 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3120: 13882254 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3121: 138822d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3122: 138822d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3123: 13882340 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3124: 13882344 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3125: 138823b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3126: 138823b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3127: 13882548 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3128: 1388254c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3129: 138826b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3130: 138826bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3131: 13882eec 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raccess_sort_ref_by_id 3132: 13883530 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3133: 13883534 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3134: 13883d10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3135: 13883d14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3136: 13883e14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3137: 13883e1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3138: 13884328 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3139: 13884338 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3140: 138844bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3141: 138844c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3142: 1388466c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3143: 13884680 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3144: 138847f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3145: 138847f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3146: 13884918 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3147: 13884924 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3148: 13884b5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3149: 13884b70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3150: 13884c44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3151: 13884c54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3152: 13884d0c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3153: 13884d1c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3154: 13884de8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3155: 13884dec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3156: 13884ed0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3157: 13884ed4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3158: 13885060 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3159: 13885068 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3160: 138851e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3161: 138851e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3162: 13885534 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3163: 13885538 112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 destroy_size 3164: 13885538 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3165: 1388582c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3166: 13885830 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3167: 13885874 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3168: 138858cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3169: 13885c24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3170: 13885c28 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3171: 13885cd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3172: 13885cdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3173: 13886304 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3174: 13886308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3175: 13886420 476 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Destroy_Module 3176: 138865f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3177: 1388669c 784 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 destroy_face 3178: 138865fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3179: 138869a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3180: 138869ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3181: 13886d08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3182: 13886d10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3183: 13886df0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3184: 13886df4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3185: 138871b0 716 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 open_face 3186: 13887470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3187: 1388747c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3188: 138884f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3189: 13888500 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3190: 138888b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3191: 138888c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3192: 13889194 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3193: 13889198 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3194: 138893d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3195: 138893dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3196: 1388a38c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3197: 1388a398 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3198: 1388a958 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3199: 1388a974 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3200: 1388ac10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3201: 1388ac18 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3202: 1388ac4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3203: 1388ac60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3204: 1388b33c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3205: 1388b348 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3206: 1388b724 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3207: 1388b728 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3208: 1388b7a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3209: 1388b7b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3210: 1388c144 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3211: 1388c158 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3212: 1388c6f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3213: 1388c6f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3214: 1388d178 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3215: 1388d180 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3216: 1388d3ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3217: 1388d3f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3218: 1388d5a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3219: 138d8b78 96 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_trig_arctan_table 3220: 138d8b78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3221: 138d8bd8 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 null_outline 3222: 0000a268 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3223: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS ftsystem.c 3224: 1388d5ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3225: 1388d5b0 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_free 3226: 1388d5f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3227: 1388d5fc 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_alloc 3228: 1388d604 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_realloc 3229: 1388d5fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3230: 1388d68c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3231: 1388d698 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_ansi_stream_close 3232: 1388d6bc 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_ansi_stream_io 3233: 1388d698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3234: 0000b5e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3235: 00060db3 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3236: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS ftinit.c 3237: 1388d6fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3238: 1388d748 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3239: 1388d750 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3240: 1388d7b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3241: 138d8c4c 44 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_default_modules 3242: 138d8c4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3243: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS autofit.c 3244: 1388d7b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3245: 1388d7c4 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_dummy_hints_apply 3246: 1388d7cc 152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_hints_init 3247: 1388d864 608 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_compute_stem_wid 3248: 1388dac4 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_metrics_scale 3249: 1388db0c 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_hints_init 3250: 1388db90 496 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_compute_stem_width 3251: 1388dd80 464 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_hint_normal_stem 3252: 1388df50 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_face_globals_free 3253: 1388dfd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3254: 1388dfdc 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_autofitter_init 3255: 1388dfdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3256: 1388e020 2128 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_loader_load_g 3257: 1388e868 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3258: 1388e870 1308 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_hints_compute_se 3259: 1388e870 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3260: 1388ed80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3261: 1388ed8c 1188 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_reload 3262: 1388ed8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3263: 1388f230 812 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_hints_link_segment 3264: 1388f55c 1300 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_hints_compute_ed 3265: 1388fa68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3266: 1388fa70 564 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_align_stro 3267: 1388fa70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3268: 1388fca0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3269: 1388fca4 700 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_metrics_scale_di 3270: 1388fca4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3271: 1388ff60 56 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_metrics_scale 3272: 1388ff98 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_dummy_hints_init 3273: 1388ffac 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_metrics_scale 3274: 1388fff4 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_hints_init 3275: 13890078 1404 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_hints_compute_edge 3276: 138905e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3277: 138905f4 1032 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_autofitter_load_glyph 3278: 138905f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3279: 138909f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3280: 138909fc 1408 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_metrics_init_wid 3281: 138909fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3282: 13890f74 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3283: 13890f7c 232 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_metrics_init 3284: 13890f7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3285: 13891058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3286: 13891064 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_metrics_init 3287: 13891064 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3288: 13891068 1700 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_metrics_init 3289: 138916fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3290: 1389170c 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_autofitter_done 3291: 1389170c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3292: 138917e0 1588 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_align_weak 3293: 13891e14 1956 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_hints_apply 3294: 138925b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3295: 138925b8 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_hints_apply 3296: 138925b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3297: 138925bc 3692 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_hints_apply 3298: 1389341c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3299: 138d8c78 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_script_classes 3300: 138d8c78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3301: 138d8cac 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 latin_encodings.4268 3302: 138d8cc0 78 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_blue_chars 3303: 138d8da4 216 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_uniranges 3304: 138d8e7c 168 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_uniranges 3305: 138d8f24 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_uniranges 3306: 0000b6fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3307: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS psaux.c 3308: 13893428 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_init 3309: 13893428 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3310: 1389347c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3311: 13893480 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_done 3312: 13893480 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3313: 13893484 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_done 3314: 138934b4 236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_close_contour 3315: 138935a0 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_std_done 3316: 138935b8 56 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_expert_init 3317: 138935f0 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_custom_init 3318: 13893620 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_custom_done 3319: 13893634 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_custom_char_index 3320: 13893668 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_custom_char_next 3321: 138936f0 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_get_glyph_name 3322: 138936fc 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_unicode_init 3323: 13893734 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3324: 13893738 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_unicode_char_inde 3325: 13893738 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3326: 13893750 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_unicode_char_next 3327: 13893768 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_compare_kern_pairs 3328: 13893794 92 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_decrypt 3329: 138937ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3330: 138937f0 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_done 3331: 138937f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3332: 13893810 40 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_unicode_done 3333: 13893838 92 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_table_release 3334: 13893890 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3335: 13893894 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_std_char_index 3336: 13893894 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3337: 13893920 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_table_new 3338: 138939ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3339: 138939f4 100 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_init 3340: 138939f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3341: 13893a58 164 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_table_done 3342: 13893afc 348 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_table_add 3343: 13893c58 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_add_point 3344: 13893cc4 156 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_add_contour 3345: 13893d60 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_check_points 3346: 13893da4 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_init 3347: 13893e50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3348: 13893e54 56 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_standard_init 3349: 13893e54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3350: 13893e8c 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_decoder_done 3351: 13893ebc 676 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 PS_Conv_ToInt 3352: 1389415c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3353: 13894160 732 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 PS_Conv_ToFixed 3354: 13894160 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3355: 13894430 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3356: 1389443c 296 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_decoder_init 3357: 1389443c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3358: 13894558 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3359: 13894564 992 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 skip_procedure 3360: 13894564 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3361: 1389477c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3362: 138948b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3363: 13894944 124 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_skip_spaces 3364: 138949c0 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_std_char_next 3365: 13894a94 1292 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_skip_PS_token 3366: 13894cd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3367: 13894e08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3368: 13894fa0 796 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_read_vals 3369: 13895020 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3370: 13895038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3371: 138952b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3372: 138952bc 944 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_next_key 3373: 138952bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3374: 1389566c 2796 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_parse 3375: 138957d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3376: 138958a0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3377: 138959dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3378: 13895abc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3379: 13895e98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3380: 13895f78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3381: 13896148 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3382: 13896158 508 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_fixed_array 3383: 13896158 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3384: 13896354 516 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_coord_array 3385: 13896558 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_fixed 3386: 138965e4 124 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_int 3387: 13896660 448 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_bytes 3388: 1389681c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3389: 13896820 1316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_token 3390: 13896820 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3391: 13896b4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3392: 13896c80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3393: 13896d44 1232 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_load_field 3394: 13896f80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3395: 13896f9c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3396: 13897214 224 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_to_token_array 3397: 138972f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3398: 138972f4 448 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_load_field_tabl 3399: 138972f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3400: 138974b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3401: 138974b4 188 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_add_point1 3402: 138974b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3403: 13897570 392 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_start_point 3404: 138976f8 9656 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_decoder_parse_charstri 3405: 138979f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3406: 13897a7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3407: 13897bd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3408: 13897c3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3409: 13897ea0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3410: 13897f14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3411: 138986b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3412: 138986cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3413: 138d8f40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3414: 138d8fa4 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_char_table 3415: 138d9030 296 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 afm_key_table 3416: 138d9158 108 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_args_count 3417: 138d92a4 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psaux_interface 3418: 0000bb48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3419: 00066f88 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3420: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS psnames.c 3421: 138d9600 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3422: 000c3e93 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 9 $d 3423: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS pshinter.c 3424: 13899cb0 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t2_hints_open 3425: 13899cb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3426: 13899cdc 596 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_hint_table_find_stron 3427: 13899f30 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 pshinter_get_globals_func 3428: 13899f38 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 pshinter_get_t1_funcs 3429: 13899f40 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 pshinter_get_t2_funcs 3430: 13899f48 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_globals_destroy 3431: 13899f74 248 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hinter_init 3432: 1389a038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3433: 1389b270 316 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_globals_new 3434: 1389b3ac 864 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_globals_set_scale 3435: 1389a540 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_hints_open 3436: 1389d09c 160 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t1_hints_stem 3437: 1389aa88 624 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_close 3438: 1389d26c 1012 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_t1stem3 3439: 1389d974 328 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_t1reset 3440: 1389d8ec 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_t2mask 3441: 1389d13c 304 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 t2_hints_stems 3442: 1389d860 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_t2counter 3443: 1389a06c 1236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_hint_align 3444: 1389a06c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3445: 1389a56c 824 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_hint_table_init 3446: 1389a8a4 484 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_mask_table_merge 3447: 1389acf8 228 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_dimension_done 3448: 1389addc 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hinter_done 3449: 1389ae18 1112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 psh_blues_set_zones 3450: 1389b704 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3451: 1389b70c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3452: 1389c938 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3453: 1389c940 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3454: 1389ce28 628 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_dimension_add_t1stem 3455: 1389d660 512 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ps_dimension_set_mask_bit 3456: 138d962c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3457: 138d9650 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 pshinter_interface 3458: 0000c148 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3459: 0006e134 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3460: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS raster.c 3461: 1389dabc 144 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Split_Conic 3462: 1389dabc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3463: 1389db4c 248 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Split_Cubic 3464: 1389dc44 548 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Bezier_Up 3465: 1389de68 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Vertical_Sweep_Init 3466: 1389dea8 304 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Vertical_Sweep_Span 3467: 1389dfd8 448 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Vertical_Sweep_Drop 3468: 1389e03c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3469: 1389e054 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3470: 1389e198 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Vertical_Sweep_Step 3471: 1389e1ac 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Horizontal_Sweep_Init 3472: 1389e1b0 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Horizontal_Sweep_Span 3473: 1389e23c 476 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Horizontal_Sweep_Drop 3474: 1389e2f4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3475: 1389e30c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3476: 1389e418 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Horizontal_Sweep_Step 3477: 1389e41c 84 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_black_reset 3478: 1389e46c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3479: 1389e470 4 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_black_set_mode 3480: 1389e470 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3481: 1389e474 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_init 3482: 1389e4a0 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_set_mode 3483: 1389e4bc 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_get_cbox 3484: 1389e4fc 84 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_transform 3485: 1389e550 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_black_done 3486: 1389e55c 552 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_render 3487: 1389e778 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3488: 1389e784 512 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Line_Up 3489: 1389e784 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3490: 1389e984 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_black_new 3491: 1389e9c4 2408 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Draw_Sweep 3492: 1389f32c 1184 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Cubic_To 3493: 1389f7c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3494: 1389f7cc 1232 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Line_To 3495: 1389f7cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3496: 1389fc9c 1012 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Conic_To 3497: 138a008c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3498: 138a0090 1956 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Convert_Glyph 3499: 138a0090 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3500: 138a0834 1312 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_black_render 3501: 138a0d30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3502: 138d9668 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3503: 0000c4a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3504: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS smooth.c 3505: 138a0d54 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_raster_reset 3506: 138a0d54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3507: 138a0da8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3508: 138a0dac 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_init 3509: 138a0dac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3510: 138a0dd8 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_set_mode 3511: 138a0df4 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_raster_done 3512: 138a0e00 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_raster_new 3513: 138a0e40 916 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_render_generic 3514: 138a11d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3515: 138a11d4 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_render_lcd_v 3516: 138a11d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3517: 138a1200 44 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_render_lcd 3518: 138a122c 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_render 3519: 138a1250 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_get_cbox 3520: 138a1290 204 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_render_span 3521: 138a12f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3522: 138a1314 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3523: 138a135c 84 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_transform 3524: 138a13b0 348 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_convert_glyph_inner 3525: 138a1508 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3526: 138a150c 420 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_move_to 3527: 138a150c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3528: 138a16b0 2664 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_raster_render 3529: 138a2108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3530: 138a2118 1604 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_render_scanline 3531: 138a2118 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3532: 138a275c 2252 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_render_line 3533: 138a3028 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_line_to 3534: 138a304c 1084 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_cubic_to 3535: 138a3488 692 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gray_conic_to 3536: 138d9708 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 func_interface 3537: 138d9708 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3538: 0000c7cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3539: 00076ad3 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3540: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS sfnt.c 3541: 138a373c 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap_init 3542: 138a373c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3543: 138a3748 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap0_char_index 3544: 138a3760 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap0_char_next 3545: 138a37a4 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap0_get_info 3546: 138a37c4 264 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap2_char_index 3547: 138a38cc 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap2_get_info 3548: 138a38f0 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_init 3549: 138a3920 540 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_next 3550: 138a3b34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3551: 138a3b3c 564 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_char_map_linear 3552: 138a3b3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3553: 138a3d6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3554: 138a3d70 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_get_info 3555: 138a3d70 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3556: 138a3d94 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap6_char_index 3557: 138a3de0 200 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap6_char_next 3558: 138a3ea8 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap6_get_info 3559: 138a3ecc 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap8_char_index 3560: 138a3fa0 236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap8_char_next 3561: 138a408c 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap8_get_info 3562: 138a40c8 116 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap10_char_index 3563: 138a413c 208 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap10_char_next 3564: 138a420c 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap10_get_info 3565: 138a4248 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_init 3566: 138a4284 640 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_char_map_binary 3567: 138a4504 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_char_index 3568: 138a4528 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_get_info 3569: 138a4564 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_init 3570: 138a45a0 584 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_char_map_binary 3571: 138a47e8 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_char_index 3572: 138a480c 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_get_info 3573: 138a4848 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_init 3574: 138a4888 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_char_index 3575: 138a4890 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_char_next 3576: 138a489c 24 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_get_info 3577: 138a48b4 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_get_cmap_info 3578: 138a48c8 636 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_get_kerning 3579: 138a4b40 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3580: 138a4b44 152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 get_sfnt_table 3581: 138a4b44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3582: 138a4b50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3583: 138a4b6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3584: 138a4bd8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3585: 138a4bdc 116 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_table_info 3586: 138a4bdc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3587: 138a4c50 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_strike_metri 3588: 138a4cd8 112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_goto_table 3589: 138a4d48 356 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_get_metrics 3590: 138a4eac 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_set_sbit_strike 3591: 138a4eb8 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_free_eblc 3592: 138a4edc 348 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_eblc 3593: 138a502c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3594: 138a5038 620 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_kern 3595: 138a5038 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3596: 138a529c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3597: 138a52a4 76 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_cmap 3598: 138a52a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3599: 138a52ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3600: 138a52f0 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_hmtx 3601: 138a52f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3602: 138a5354 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3603: 138a535c 128 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_hhea 3604: 138a535c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3605: 138a53d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3606: 138a53dc 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_pclt 3607: 138a53dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3608: 138a5418 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3609: 138a5420 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_post 3610: 138a5420 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3611: 138a545c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3612: 138a5464 200 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_os2 3613: 138a5464 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3614: 138a551c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3615: 138a552c 268 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_maxp 3616: 138a552c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3617: 138a5624 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3618: 138a5638 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_head 3619: 138a5638 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3620: 138a5674 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3621: 138a567c 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_name_entry_ascii_from_ 3622: 138a567c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3623: 138a5708 152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_name_entry_ascii_from_ 3624: 138a57a0 196 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_variants 3625: 138a5864 428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_name 3626: 138a5a00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3627: 138a5a10 832 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_font_dir 3628: 138a5a10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3629: 138a5d34 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3630: 138a5d50 236 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_free_ps_names 3631: 138a5d50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3632: 138a5e38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3633: 138a5e3c 424 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_done_face 3634: 138a5e3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3635: 138a5fe0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3636: 138a5fe4 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_done 3637: 138a5fe4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3638: 138a6018 124 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_free_name 3639: 138a6094 320 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_gasp 3640: 138a61cc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3641: 138a61d4 324 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 load_format_25 3642: 138a61d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3643: 138a6318 684 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 load_format_20 3644: 138a65bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3645: 138a65c4 696 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_get_name 3646: 138a65c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3647: 138a6668 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3648: 138a6678 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3649: 138a6870 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3650: 138a687c 696 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_sbit_decoder_load_byte 3651: 138a687c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3652: 138a6a78 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3653: 138a6a98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3654: 138a6b34 672 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_build_cmaps 3655: 138a6dd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3656: 138a6dd4 644 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_get_ps_name 3657: 138a6dd4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3658: 138a7050 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3659: 138a7058 580 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_init_face 3660: 138a7058 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3661: 138a7280 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3662: 138a729c 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_get_interface 3663: 138a729c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3664: 138a72a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3665: 138a72a8 904 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_validate 3666: 138a72a8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3667: 138a7630 456 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_validate 3668: 138a77f8 464 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_validate 3669: 138a79c8 256 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap10_validate 3670: 138a7ac8 776 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap8_validate 3671: 138a7dcc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3672: 138a7dd0 220 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap6_validate 3673: 138a7dd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3674: 138a7eac 1160 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_validate 3675: 138a8330 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3676: 138a8334 548 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap2_validate 3677: 138a8334 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3678: 138a8554 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3679: 138a8558 152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap0_validate 3680: 138a8558 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3681: 138a85ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3682: 138a85f0 184 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_any 3683: 138a85f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3684: 138a86a8 2520 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_load_face 3685: 138a904c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3686: 138a9080 356 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap2_char_next 3687: 138a9080 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3688: 138a91e4 1664 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_sbit_decoder_load_imag 3689: 138a92fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3690: 138a9310 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3691: 138a9734 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3692: 138a9758 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3693: 138a9854 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3694: 138aaeb4 552 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_sbit_decoder_load_comp 3695: 138ab0dc 768 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_sbit_decoder_load_bit_ 3696: 138a9864 352 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_sbit_image 3697: 138a9864 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3698: 138a99bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3699: 138a99c4 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_bhed 3700: 138a99c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3701: 138a9a00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3702: 138a9a08 540 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_char_var_index 3703: 138a9a08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3704: 138a9c24 988 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_find_bdf_prop 3705: 138a9ee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3706: 138a9ef4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3707: 138a9ffc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3708: 138aa000 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_get_charset_id 3709: 138aa000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3710: 138aa07c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3711: 138aa084 632 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_char_variants 3712: 138aa084 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3713: 138aa2fc 536 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_char_var_isdefa 3714: 138aa514 284 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_char_next 3715: 138aa630 344 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_char_next 3716: 138aa788 1656 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_char_map_binary 3717: 138aadfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3718: 138aae00 108 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_char_next 3719: 138aae00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3720: 138aae68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3721: 138aae6c 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_char_index 3722: 138aae6c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3723: 138ab020 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3724: 138ab040 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3725: 138ab328 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3726: 138ab348 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3727: 138ab3dc 1892 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_variant_chars 3728: 138abb40 544 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_get_ps_name 3729: 138abd50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3730: 138abd60 120 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_get_name_index 3731: 138abd60 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3732: 138abdd8 60 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_get_glyph_name 3733: 138d980c 76 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 metrics_header_fields.401 3734: 138d980c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3735: 138d9858 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 pclt_fields.3933 3736: 138d9898 44 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 post_fields.3924 3737: 138d98c4 176 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 os2_fields.3907 3738: 138d9974 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 os2_fields_extra.3908 3739: 138d9984 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 os2_fields_extra2.3909 3740: 138d99a0 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 maxp_fields.3812 3741: 138d99b0 60 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 maxp_fields_extra.3813 3742: 138d99ec 84 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 header_fields.3788 3743: 138d9a40 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 name_table_fields.3835 3744: 138d9a54 28 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 name_record_fields.3836 3745: 138d9a70 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 offset_table_fields.3720 3746: 138d9a88 24 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 table_dir_entry_fields.36 3747: 138d9aa0 40 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap_classes 3748: 138d9ac8 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ttc_header_fields.7365 3749: 138d9ad8 48 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_services 3750: 138da200 12 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_service_sfnt_table 3751: 138da20c 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_service_ps_name 3752: 138da210 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_service_glyph_dict 3753: 138da218 8 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_service_bdf 3754: 138da220 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_service_get_cmap_info 3755: 138d9b08 132 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_encodings.7346 3756: 138d9b8c 1032 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_post_default_names 3757: 138da18c 116 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_interface 3758: 0000ca48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3759: 000796a2 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3760: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS truetype.c 3761: 138abe14 52 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_get_kerning 3762: 138abe14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3763: 138abe48 260 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_get_location 3764: 138abf4c 248 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_get_advances 3765: 138ac044 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Load_Glyph_Header 3766: 138ac0d0 32 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_init 3767: 138ac0f0 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Read_CVT 3768: 138ac0fc 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Write_CVT 3769: 138ac108 20 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Move_CVT 3770: 138ac11c 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move_X 3771: 138ac14c 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move_Y 3772: 138ac17c 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move_Orig_X 3773: 138ac198 28 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move_Orig_Y 3774: 138ac1b4 48 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_None 3775: 138ac1e4 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_To_Grid 3776: 138ac22c 68 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_To_Half_Grid 3777: 138ac270 64 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_Down_To_Grid 3778: 138ac2b0 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_Up_To_Grid 3779: 138ac2f8 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_To_Double_Grid 3780: 138ac340 132 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_Super 3781: 138ac3c4 136 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Round_Super_45 3782: 138ac44c 340 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 SetSuperRound 3783: 138ac5a0 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Project 3784: 138ac648 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3785: 138ac650 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Project_x 3786: 138ac650 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3787: 138ac658 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Project_y 3788: 138ac660 640 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_MDRP 3789: 138ac8dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3790: 138ac8e0 312 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_MD 3791: 138ac8e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3792: 138aca18 252 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_var_apply_tuple 3793: 138acb14 392 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 _iup_worker_interpolate 3794: 138acc9c 580 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_IUP 3795: 138acee0 636 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_IP 3796: 138ad158 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3797: 138ad15c 648 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_ISECT 3798: 138ad15c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3799: 138ad3e4 472 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Compute_Point_Displacemen 3800: 138ad5b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3801: 138ad5bc 156 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move_Orig 3802: 138ad5bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3803: 138ad654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3804: 138ad658 188 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Direct_Move 3805: 138ad658 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3806: 138ad710 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3807: 138ad714 368 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_reset 3808: 138ad714 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3809: 138ad884 88 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_select 3810: 138ad8dc 128 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_glyphzone_done 3811: 138ad95c 160 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_done_bytecode 3812: 138ad9fc 36 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_done 3813: 138ada20 824 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Hint_Glyph 3814: 138add50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3815: 138add58 72 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Access_Glyph_Frame 3816: 138add58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3817: 138adda0 8 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Forget_Glyph_Frame 3818: 138adda8 376 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_var_readpackeddeltas 3819: 138adf20 428 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 ft_var_readpackedpoints 3820: 138ae0cc 1540 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Vary_Get_Glyph_Deltas 3821: 138ae6d0 1088 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Load_Simple_Glyph 3822: 138aeb08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3823: 138aeb10 12 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_slot_init 3824: 138aeb10 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3825: 138aeb1c 364 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_done 3826: 138aec88 1228 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_vary_cvt 3827: 138af150 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3828: 138af154 272 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_load_cvt 3829: 138af154 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3830: 138af260 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3831: 138af264 1472 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_face_init 3832: 138af264 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3833: 138af7e4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3834: 138af824 592 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Load_Composite_Glyph 3835: 138af824 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3836: 138afa74 112 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_get_interface 3837: 138afadc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3838: 138afae4 1248 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Get_MM_Var 3839: 138afae4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3840: 138aff94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3841: 138affc4 1152 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Set_MM_Blend 3842: 138affc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3843: 138b043c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3844: 138b0444 1196 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Set_Var_Design 3845: 138b0444 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3846: 138b08ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3847: 138b08f0 340 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Normalize 3848: 138b08f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3849: 138b0a3c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3850: 138b0a44 624 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 TT_Load_Context 3851: 138b0a44 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3852: 138b0cb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3853: 138b0cb4 176 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Dual_Project 3854: 138b0cb4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3855: 138b0d5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3856: 138b0d64 308 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_driver_init 3857: 138b0d64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3858: 138b0e94 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3859: 138b0e98 888 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_MIRP 3860: 138b0e98 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3861: 138b1204 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3862: 138b1210 424 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_MIAP 3863: 138b1210 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3864: 138b13b0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3865: 138b13b8 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_size_request 3866: 138b13b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3867: 138b15b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3868: 138b15b8 140 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_driver_done 3869: 138b15b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3870: 138b1640 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3871: 138b1644 4320 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 load_truetype_glyph 3872: 138b1644 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3873: 138b25f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3874: 138b25fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3875: 138b2724 2216 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_loader_init 3876: 138b2fb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3877: 138b2fcc 1660 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Load_Glyph 3878: 138b2fcc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3879: 138b327c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3880: 138b3294 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3881: 138b3630 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3882: 138b3648 224 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Move_CVT_Stretched 3883: 138b3648 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3884: 138b3724 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3885: 138b3728 212 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Write_CVT_Stretched 3886: 138b3728 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3887: 138b37f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3888: 138b37fc 204 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Read_CVT_Stretched 3889: 138b37fc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3890: 138b38c4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3891: 138b38c8 544 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_DELTAP 3892: 138b38c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3893: 138b3ae0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3894: 138b3ae8 524 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_DELTAC 3895: 138b3ae8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3896: 138b3cec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3897: 138b3cf4 896 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Ins_SDPVTL 3898: 138b3cf4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3899: 138b4040 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3900: 138b4074 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3901: 138b4248 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3902: 138b4268 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3903: 138b4338 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3904: 138b4578 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3905: 138b4fac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3906: 138b5028 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3907: 138b6fc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3908: 138b700c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3909: 138daa40 119 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 trick_names.5726 3910: 138daab8 40 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_services 3911: 138daab8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3912: 138dadf0 20 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_service_gx_multi_maste 3913: 138dae04 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_service_truetype_engin 3914: 138dae08 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 tt_service_truetype_glyf 3915: 138daae0 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 fvar_fields.9361 3916: 138dab04 32 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 fvaraxis_fields.9362 3917: 138dab24 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 gvar_fields.9204 3918: 138dab90 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 opcode_length 3919: 138dac90 256 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 Pop_Push_Count 3920: 0000d644 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3921: 00082629 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3922: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS crc32.c 3923: 138b7fb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3924: 138b7fc0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3925: 138b7fc4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3926: 138b87dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3927: 138b87e0 480 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 crc32_combine_ 3928: 138b87e0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3929: 138b89bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3930: 138b89c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3931: 138dae58 8192 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 crc_table 3932: 138dae58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3933: 0008b70e 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3934: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS inflate.c 3935: 138b89c8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3936: 138b8a64 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3937: 138b8a68 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3938: 138b8c50 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3939: 138b8c5c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3940: 138b8dac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3941: 138b8db0 364 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 updatewindow 3942: 138b8db0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3943: 138b90a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3944: 138b9120 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3945: 138b954c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3946: 138b955c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3947: 138ba0f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3948: 138ba15c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3949: 138bad48 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3950: 138bad4c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3951: 138baee8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3952: 138baef8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3953: 138dce58 2048 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 lenfix.1817 3954: 138dce58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3955: 138dd658 128 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 distfix.1818 3956: 138dd6d8 38 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 order.1869 3957: 0000dfd0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3958: 0008bb7c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3959: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS inftrees.c 3960: 138baf08 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3961: 138bb5ac 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3962: 138dd8e8 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 dbase.1680 3963: 138dd8e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3964: 138dd928 64 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 dext.1681 3965: 138dd968 62 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 lbase.1678 3966: 138dd9a6 62 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 lext.1679 3967: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS zutil.c 3968: 138bb5b4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3969: 138bb5bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3970: 138bb5c0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3971: 138bb5d8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3972: 138bb5dc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3973: 138dda14 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3974: 0000e1a4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3975: 0008d725 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 3976: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS adler32.c 3977: 138bb5ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3978: 138bb92c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3979: 138bb93c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3980: 138bb9f8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3981: 138bba04 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3982: 138bbac0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3983: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS inffast.c 3984: 138bbacc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3985: 138bc034 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3986: 0000e26c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 3987: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS control.c 3988: 138e0a90 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 3989: 138de304 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 3990: 138bc044 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3991: 138bc07c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3992: 138bc088 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3993: 138bc0a4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3994: 138bc0a8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3995: 138bc148 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3996: 138bc15c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3997: 138bc204 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 3998: 138bc214 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 3999: 138bc228 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4000: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS timer.c 4001: 138bc22c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4002: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS ctype.c 4003: 138bc298 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4004: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS entry_point.c 4005: 138e0b18 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 4006: 138bc474 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4007: 138bc4f0 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4008: 138bc4f4 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4009: 138bc554 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4010: 138bc55c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4011: 138bc794 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4012: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS errno.c 4013: 138e0b1c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 4014: 138bc7c0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4015: 138bc7c8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4016: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS malloc.c 4017: 138e0b20 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 _malloc_list_root 4018: 138bc7cc 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4019: 138bc814 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4020: 138bc818 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4021: 138bc888 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4022: 138bc88c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4023: 138bc8c8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4024: 138bc8cc 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4025: 138bc910 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4026: 138bc914 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4027: 138bc964 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4028: 138bc968 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4029: 138bc9d4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4030: 138bc9d8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4031: 138bcb28 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4032: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS setjmp.c 4033: 138bcb2c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4034: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS snprintf.c 4035: 138bcb4c 352 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 add_cnk_list_entry 4036: 138bcb4c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4037: 138bccac 732 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 fmtint 4038: 138bcf80 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4039: 138bcf88 3304 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 my_modf 4040: 138bcf88 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4041: 138bd2f4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4042: 138bd304 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4043: 138bdafc 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4044: 138bdb0c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4045: 138bdc70 7284 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 dopr 4046: 138bdccc 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4047: 138bdce8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4048: 138bde9c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4049: 138bdf44 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4050: 138be090 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4051: 138be1e0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4052: 138be628 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4053: 138be650 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4054: 138be9ec 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4055: 138bea18 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4056: 138beeb4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4057: 138beee4 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4058: 138e0b24 4096 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 buf.1811 4059: 138bf920 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4060: 138bf924 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4061: 138bfb54 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4062: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS stdio.c 4063: 138bfb58 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4064: 138bfbb0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4065: 138bfbb8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4066: 138bfbfc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4067: 138bfc00 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4068: 138bfde0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4069: 138bfde8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4070: 138bfee4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4071: 138bfee8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4072: 138bfffc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4073: 138c0000 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4074: 138c0080 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4075: 138c0084 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4076: 138c00e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4077: 138c00ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4078: 138c01d0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4079: 138c01d4 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4080: 138c0278 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4081: 138c027c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4082: 138c040c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4083: 138c0414 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4084: 138c0568 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4085: 138c056c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4086: 138c064c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4087: 138c0654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4088: 138c0774 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4089: 138c0778 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4090: 138c07e8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4091: 138c07ec 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4092: 138c0874 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4093: 138c0878 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4094: 138c097c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4095: 138c0980 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4096: 138c0a80 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4097: 138c0a84 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4098: 138c0b8c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4099: 138de308 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 4100: 138e1b24 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 4101: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS stdlib.c 4102: 138e1b28 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 4103: 138de318 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 $d 4104: 138c0b90 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4105: 138c0ba8 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4106: 138c0bb0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4107: 138c0c00 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4108: 138c0c08 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4109: 138c0c64 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4110: 138c0c68 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4111: 138c0c94 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4112: 138c0ca0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4113: 138c0dfc 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4114: 138c0e08 672 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 strtoxl 4115: 138c0e08 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4116: 138c10a4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4117: 138c10a8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4118: 138c11e4 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4119: 138c11e8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4120: 138c133c 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4121: 138c1344 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4122: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS string.c 4123: 138c13c8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4124: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS strtod.c 4125: 138ddafc 72 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 powersOf10 4126: 138ddafc 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4127: 138c1cdc 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4128: 138c1fbc 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4129: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS time.c 4130: 138c1fd4 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4131: 138c2000 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4132: 138e1b30 36 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 tm_storage 4133: 138c2004 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4134: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS uclibc_memcmp.c 4135: 138c200c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4136: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS uclibc_qsort.c 4137: 138c2040 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4138: 138c2110 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4139: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS fcntl.c 4140: 138e1b54 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 3 $d 4141: 138c2114 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4142: 138c2348 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4143: 138c2364 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4144: 138c23c0 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4145: 138c23e0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4146: 138c2454 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4147: 138c247c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4148: 138c2500 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4149: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS s_ceil.c 4150: 138c2510 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4151: 138c2688 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4152: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS s_fabs.c 4153: 138c2698 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4154: 0000f05c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 4155: 000936ad 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 4156: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS w_pow.c 4157: 138c26b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4158: 0000f080 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 4159: 000936f0 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 4160: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS e_pow.c 4161: 138c26bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4162: 138c3654 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4163: 138ddb54 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 bp 4164: 138ddb54 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4165: 138ddb64 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 dp_l 4166: 138ddb74 16 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 dp_h 4167: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS s_scalbn.c 4168: 138c374c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4169: 138c388c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4170: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS w_sqrt.c 4171: 138c38b8 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4172: 0000f108 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 4173: 00094221 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 4174: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS e_sqrt.c 4175: 138c38bc 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4176: 138c3b30 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4177: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS s_copysign.c 4178: 138c3b38 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4179: 0000f15c 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 17 $d 4180: 0009447a 0 NOTYPE LOCAL DEFAULT 11 $d 4181: 00000000 0 FILE LOCAL DEFAULT ABS _div64.c 4182: 138de324 4 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 2 zero.752 4183: 138c3b70 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4184: 138c4148 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4185: 138c4154 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4186: 138c420c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4187: 138c431c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4188: 138c445c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4189: 138c4528 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4190: 138c460c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4191: 138c4628 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4192: 138c4a28 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4193: 138c4e98 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4194: 138c4fc0 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4195: 138c501c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4196: 138c5070 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4197: 138c5110 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4198: 138c53bc 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4199: 138c56b4 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4200: 138c57ac 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4201: 138c5808 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4202: 138c585c 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4203: 138c58a8 0 FUNC LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $a 4204: 138c5940 0 OBJECT LOCAL DEFAULT 1 $d 4205: 13815be0 316 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeOutMusic 4206: 13885d50 344 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_GlyphSlot 4207: 13847d58 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sBIT 4208: 138bcb3c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 longjmp 4209: 138000a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_set_volume 4210: 13838508 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_header_ver 4211: 13842bc8 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_destroy_struct 4212: 1388d5ac 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_Memory 4213: 13839064 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_zfree 4214: 13810634 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_OpenFont 4215: 13879d3c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_UWORD 4216: 13903a74 7 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_calloc 4217: 13903c88 18 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDSetRefreshRate 4218: 138ddca4 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 floor1_exportbundle 4219: 1383ce14 944 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_filler 4220: 138e1c20 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 curReadBuffer 4221: 138dde5b 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_pansep 4222: 13903670 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDGetWidth 4223: 138155d8 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_PlayingMusic 4224: 138c4f84 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dcmple 4225: 138c13f0 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strcpy 4226: 138164a0 660 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 music_mixer 4227: 13800474 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballInit 4228: 13800768 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballDraw 4229: 138e1b5c 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 paused 4230: 1388d7b8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_dump_point 4231: 1386fca0 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MED_LoadTitle 4232: 13903640 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_TVOUTInit 4233: 13800208 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 free_irq 4234: 1385eb34 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadTitle 4235: 138df9b8 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_alarm_interval 4236: 138c4ea8 132 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __cmpdf2 4237: 13842a1c 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_mem_fn 4238: 138d8f84 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_builder_funcs 4239: 1387c0f0 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoicePlay 4240: 138380f4 996 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetPanning 4241: 138c2698 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fabs 4242: 13903b94 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDFlushFB 4243: 138001b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 get_game_vol 4244: 1385d510 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_GetFrequency 4245: 13807b14 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_StopTimer 4246: 138071b8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RWFromFP 4247: 1383a720 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_add_alpha 4248: 138c38b8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 sqrt 4249: 1388ac18 1840 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Request_Metrics 4250: 138bcb2c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 setjmp 4251: 13800298 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DVCOpenDevice 4252: 13839cbc 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_sBIT 4253: 13817460 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_delete 4254: 1380eeb4 216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_PumpEvents 4255: 138819f4 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_DivFix 4256: 13863d8c 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Exit_internal 4257: 13866d30 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SampleLoad 4258: 13881b94 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_validator_init 4259: 1380964c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_Lock 4260: 139035f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_PMSetMode 4261: 13839838 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_cHRM_fixed 4262: 1380a140 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DisplayFormat 4263: 138c4ea8 132 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __eqdf2 4264: 13848c20 380 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_cHRM_fixed 4265: 138b8c5c 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateCopy 4266: 13850f28 2060 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_pagein 4267: 139033b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_USB_No_Connect 4268: 1380b9dc 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_LowerBlit 4269: 138c4190 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __divdi3 4270: 13800168 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_ftell 4271: 1387a37c 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_ULONG 4272: 138b8bc0 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateUndermine 4273: 1382b368 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_build_volume_table_s 4274: 13860b60 360 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Unmute 4275: 138075b4 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RemoveTimer 4276: 13903b64 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDYUVDraw 4277: 138d8f40 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ps_parser_funcs 4278: 13903a8c 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSMalloc 4279: 13852c0c 432 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_info_clear 4280: 1387a24c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_SWORD 4281: 138441d4 336 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_chunk_header 4282: 138de224 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_xm 4283: 13806b04 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateQuit 4284: 13879fc4 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_fopen 4285: 13877f5c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 XM_Cleanup 4286: 13818dc0 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ResetKeyboard 4287: 1385dcf0 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Stop 4288: 138de32f 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 MIXIsInit 4289: 13885448 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReleaseFrame 4290: 1380b580 620 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_VideoInit 4291: 138e1b60 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 colorIntWhite 4292: 138dea54 256 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _lastError 4293: 13839700 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_bKGD 4294: 1382c150 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_delete 4295: 138c49bc 108 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatdidf 4296: 13849ab4 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_serialnumber 4297: 1386a0ec 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_LoadTitle 4298: 138bc818 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _free 4299: 1385d20c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterErrorHandl 4300: 1385db0c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Active 4301: 138002f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 printf 4302: 138de30c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 stdout 4303: 13903c14 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_PMSetMode 4304: 138bc254 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 timer_delta 4305: 138d962c 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pshinter_module_class 4306: 138ddb88 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _fdata 4307: 138467dc 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_sRGB 4308: 13805680 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundVolumeDecrease 4309: 1386d5d0 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_LoadTitle 4310: 1382bf34 516 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_playAudio 4311: 138c1530 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _strcmp 4312: 13842df4 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_error 4313: 1383a7a0 676 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_destroy 4314: 138de088 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_med 4315: 13812d14 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FreeChunk 4316: 13816b10 476 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_PlaySome 4317: 1381338c 720 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadWAV_RW 4318: 13815438 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetMusicType 4319: 13873530 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_Init 4320: 13866ca0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_Exit 4321: 13882f98 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Close 4322: 1380a2d0 360 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_VideoModeOK 4323: 1388c1a4 1364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Transform_Scale 4324: 1380660c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetRelativeMouseState 4325: 13860784 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_GetChannelPeriod 4326: 13839a48 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_hIST 4327: 1383852c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_64bit_product 4328: 13804a4c 584 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateSLOW 4329: 13818930 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetKeyRepeat 4330: 138003a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SysSetLastBrightness 4331: 138e060c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 MikMod_critical 4332: 138481cc 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_gAMA 4333: 1380e280 444 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetCursor 4334: 1382ac40 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadJPG_RW 4335: 1380721c 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RWFromConstMem 4336: 1382c138 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_stop 4337: 1380f338 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontDescent 4338: 1387fc20 252 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_Init 4339: 138da030 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap6_class_rec 4340: 1385f274 620 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ReadLinedComment 4341: 1385ef64 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Free_internal 4342: 13881538 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceSetPanning 4343: 1380126c 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameDrawSplash 4344: 13812668 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetChunkDecoder 4345: 1385f228 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocPositions 4346: 13842d64 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_warning 4347: 13807120 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteBE32 4348: 138444a4 896 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_finish_row 4349: 138394ec 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_interlace_type 4350: 138290b4 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateBlit0 4351: 13807ec0 568 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateThread 4352: 13839670 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_x_offset_pixels 4353: 1385d4a8 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetFrequency_intern 4354: 13903ab8 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_av_wo_write 4355: 1383c4e0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_read_user_transfo 4356: 1383a2b8 792 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_strip_filler 4357: 1388d750 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Init_FreeType 4358: 13815498 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MIX_string_equals 4359: 1388254c 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_module_get_service 4360: 13847620 484 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_IHDR 4361: 13903350 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_wavaopen 4362: 139033a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_close 4363: 13843458 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_crc_error 4364: 13839a1c 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_sPLT 4365: 138c5554 352 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __divsf3 4366: 13883034 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetShort 4367: 138e0a90 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _control_lock 4368: 13882f0c 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Raccess_Guess 4369: 1382c6c8 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Has3DNow 4370: 13800180 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fread 4371: 1386ffe4 4372 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MED_Load 4372: 13862d78 396 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Init 4373: 138e1b64 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 player2Y 4374: 13800170 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fseek 4375: 13860800 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_SetSpeed 4376: 1387c1dc 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SampleLength 4377: 1384db34 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_wrote 4378: 13804c94 1812 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_BuildAudioCVT 4379: 1383c41c 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_strip_alpha 4380: 13903690 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string___to_unicode_le 4381: 138055bc 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundClearBuffers 4382: 138e0a98 128 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _control_duration 4383: 138bac34 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateReset2 4384: 1385424c 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_clear 4385: 13903588 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_KBDGetSKeyStatus 4386: 13903d14 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 8 _section_info 4387: 13902dd4 64 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 remap 4388: 1381879c 260 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateResize 4389: 139039a8 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_serial_putc 4390: 1388140c 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SilenceBytes 4391: 13881aac 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_SqrtFixed 4392: 138de25c 168 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 npertab 4393: 1386b2d0 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IT_Cleanup 4394: 138e0638 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_reverb 4395: 138710f8 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MED_Test 4396: 138130a8 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Pause 4397: 138dde88 124 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 unioperands 4398: 138c1be8 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 memmove 4399: 13806644 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetMouseRange 4400: 138e1c24 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 getDataCallback 4401: 138889a0 508 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Sfnt_Name 4402: 13829998 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isGIF 4403: 138e05d4 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _Mix_effects_max_speed 4404: 13812004 1104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUNICODE_Solid 4405: 1380ef8c 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_Linked_Version 4406: 1380f154 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_Load 4407: 138de008 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_it 4408: 13806d8c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteLE16 4409: 13883534 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_qalloc 4410: 13882614 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Debug_Hook 4411: 13847ad4 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_unknown_chunk_loc 4412: 13852dbc 296 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_comment_query 4413: 13903c34 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_dl_load 4414: 1384f0e0 276 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_reset 4415: 1380e4e4 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeCursor 4416: 1387a430 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_SWORDS 4417: 138bf924 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 snprintf 4418: 13801a34 300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_InitSubSystem 4419: 13852ee4 1608 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_headerin 4420: 13885244 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Finalize 4421: 13866d50 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SampleUnload 4422: 138c57ac 92 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixsfsi 4423: 1384e5d0 480 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_granulepos 4424: 13800088 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pcm_can_write 4425: 13801718 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameDraw 4426: 138019a8 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_QuitSubSystem 4427: 13817b0c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeWAV 4428: 138000f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findnextW 4429: 1382d104 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ultoa 4430: 138188d8 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetModState 4431: 138bb5b4 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 zlibVersion 4432: 1386b244 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IT_Init 4433: 13847b18 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_permit_mng_features 4434: 1388b828 2352 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Load_Glyph 4435: 13807c88 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RunThread 4436: 138007c4 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballCollidesWithPaddle 4437: 138ddf44 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_amf 4438: 13856d80 1108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_decodev_add 4439: 138d8d30 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_cjk_script_class 4440: 138844c4 444 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Polarize 4441: 13809648 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_UpdateRects 4442: 1380542c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundGetVolume 4443: 1382ac1c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadCUR_RW 4444: 138c3b70 1508 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __qdivrem 4445: 13829258 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isLBM 4446: 13865e70 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_SampleSigned 4447: 13903954 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fopen 4448: 13814338 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Volume 4449: 138c4e98 148 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __gtdf2 4450: 13884104 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_alloc 4451: 1383c480 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_expand_gray_1_2_4 4452: 138c11e8 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 atol 4453: 138869ac 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_Face 4454: 13839444 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_rowbytes 4455: 138dad90 96 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_driver_class 4456: 1387c874 6836 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_WriteSamples 4457: 13848868 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_text 4458: 138bc22c 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 timer_create 4459: 13903ba0 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDGetFB 4460: 13842a3c 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_free_default 4461: 138dde54 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_player 4462: 13865a88 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniCleanup 4463: 13803de0 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Convert16LSB 4464: 138de331 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 quit 4465: 1387c078 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceGetPanning 4466: 138399a4 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_iCCP 4467: 13903c3c 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_usb_disconnect 4468: 13800190 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fopen 4469: 13801b98 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Quit 4470: 1383c408 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_strip_16 4471: 138072f4 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RWFromFile 4472: 1387a6d4 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_SLONG 4473: 13884074 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_dup 4474: 13903714 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskCreate 4475: 13843e20 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_check_chunk_name 4476: 13809b70 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_SetCaption 4477: 13801954 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 controlSetPressed 4478: 13817430 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_playing 4479: 1381d394 636 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UnRLESurface 4480: 13800340 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 usb_disconnect 4481: 138088dc 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MapRGB 4482: 13839e50 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_rgb_to_gray_statu 4483: 138c2510 392 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ceil 4484: 13883574 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_free 4485: 1385fa54 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadFP 4486: 1380cc2c 1592 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertSurface 4487: 13879e30 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_delete_file_reader 4488: 139037f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveioc 4489: 138823f0 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Lookup_Renderer 4490: 13815210 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_PausedMusic 4491: 13865b58 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniSkipOpcode 4492: 138d9fc8 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap2_class_rec 4493: 13903a5c 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LcdGetDisMode 4494: 13800090 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_write 4495: 1383a794 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_read_status_fn 4496: 13838a24 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_zalloc 4497: 138e0b1c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 errno 4498: 13865e20 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_Sample16to8 4499: 13800320 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 PMSetMode 4500: 138de32c 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDLIsInit 4501: 13883788 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadAt 4502: 13868c60 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DSM_Test 4503: 1382ad60 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isPNG 4504: 13903748 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTimeDly 4505: 138ddb88 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _etext 4506: 1387a79c 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_ULONGS 4507: 13842d1c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_longjmp_fn 4508: 13865c1c 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniDup 4509: 1384812c 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_gAMA_fixed 4510: 13843104 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_uint_31 4511: 13903540 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_av_wo_write 4512: 1380d274 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CursorPaletteChanged 4513: 1386fc44 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MED_Init 4514: 138536c4 584 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res2_inverse 4515: 1387a484 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_SWORDS 4516: 138c0c14 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 labs 4517: 13803eec 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Convert8 4518: 1387c048 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceGetVolume 4519: 138c0778 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gets 4520: 138096e4 1164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_SetIcon 4521: 1385f020 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocInstruments 4522: 138dfe00 108 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 mikmod 4523: 1390373c 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSSemPend 4524: 138384fc 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_libpng_ver 4525: 138c4f48 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cdcmple 4526: 139035c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_consoleDisable 4527: 1385d5dc 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_GetPanning 4528: 138b900c 6512 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflate 4529: 139034f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_vxGoHome 4530: 138741f4 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_Cleanup 4531: 00000000 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _gp 4532: 13886d10 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Face_GetVariantsOfChar 4533: 13887e58 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_Memory_Face 4534: 139036fc 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskDel 4535: 138389b0 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_sig_cmp 4536: 138c511c 444 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fadd 4537: 1382b35c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_ReadXPMFromArray 4538: 1383a070 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_filler 4539: 1382ac38 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isJPG 4540: 13863d48 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Stop 4541: 138001b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 kbd_get_status 4542: 13885068 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Render_Glyph 4543: 138c5118 448 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __subsf3 4544: 13903460 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fopenW 4545: 13815238 464 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadMUS_RW 4546: 138da0cc 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap12_class_rec 4547: 13903978 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string__kbd_get_key 4548: 13903478 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_Tp_Get_Pos 4549: 13800048 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskCreate 4550: 13801880 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gamePlayerScored 4551: 139037cc 22 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_close_at_ 4552: 139032f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskChangePrio 4553: 13869614 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DSM_Cleanup 4554: 138499a8 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_test 4555: 1382b34c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isXPM 4556: 13800020 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskChangePrio 4557: 13800358 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDInit 4558: 1380040c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 renderText 4559: 13852b34 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_info_blocksize 4560: 13800128 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findclose 4561: 13839e98 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_chunk_malloc_max 4562: 1387c39c 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SetNumVoices 4563: 1383c038 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_create_read_struct 4564: 13881da0 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_synthesize_vertical_me 4565: 138299b8 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isPCX 4566: 1380b8ac 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetClipRect 4567: 138c2040 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 qsort 4568: 13812d94 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Mix_RegisterEffect_locke 4569: 13800038 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskDel 4570: 13903610 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_dl_load 4571: 13842aa8 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_create_struct_2 4572: 138897d4 772 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_CheckPoint 4573: 138c0654 188 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fgets 4574: 13839e8c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_chunk_cache_max 4575: 1385de44 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Play 4576: 13847b68 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_chunk_cache_max 4577: 138deb68 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_EventOK 4578: 1385d3cc 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetVolume_internal 4579: 1386254c 492 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_NNA 4580: 1384a1f4 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_time_total 4581: 139038f4 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_ferror 4582: 13903c58 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_rmt_get_status 4583: 138d9ffc 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap4_class_rec 4584: 13883e5c 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_Prepare 4585: 1380f384 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_WasInit 4586: 1387c7c8 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_Init 4587: 13848fb0 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_info 4588: 13800098 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_can_write 4589: 1385fbec 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterAllLoaders 4590: 13903960 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_GetDLHandle 4591: 1387fbcc 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_Exit 4592: 138bc044 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 control_init 4593: 13848f90 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_pcm_tell 4594: 1387a00c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_UWORDS 4595: 13903420 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_feof 4596: 13809608 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ListModes 4597: 138394d4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_filter_type 4598: 13879e24 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_delete_file_writer 4599: 1382c454 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_new 4600: 13807be4 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetThreadID 4601: 13807288 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RWFromMem 4602: 1388a974 676 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Kerning 4603: 138c0710 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 getc 4604: 13903468 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fopen 4605: 1384d7bc 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _vorbis_block_ripcord 4606: 13812ab4 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_HookMusic 4607: 13881edc 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Char_Index 4608: 1380bc3c 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetColorKey 4609: 13800388 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FlushDCache 4610: 139033c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_udc_attached 4611: 13903330 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSSemPost 4612: 138d9774 60 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_lcd_renderer_cl 4613: 1387431c 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 STM_Test 4614: 1385d85c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Active_internal 4615: 138bc474 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _app_path_init 4616: 13839d44 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_tIME 4617: 138388f4 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sig_bytes 4618: 13804168 296 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateMUL2_c2 4619: 139038bc 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findnext 4620: 13886f40 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_realloc 4621: 138c14e0 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 memcpy 4622: 1384f1f4 572 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_reset 4623: 13903a98 7 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_malloc 4624: 1380b434 332 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_VideoQuit 4625: 138c4f2c 48 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cdrcmple 4626: 13854194 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _book_maptype1_quantvals 4627: 13903cc0 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_FlushDCache 4628: 13812f60 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupOldest 4629: 13882c84 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Reverse 4630: 13903850 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findnextW 4631: 138392f8 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_info_destroy 4632: 138060e8 236 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_StartEventLoop 4633: 138768fc 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UNI_LoadTitle 4634: 1384de30 520 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_bufferin 4635: 13839640 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_y_offset_microns 4636: 138081f4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SemWaitTimeout 4637: 138d9024 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_decoder_funcs 4638: 1384bbc8 384 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_time_seek_page 4639: 1382927c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isTIF 4640: 1385e844 376 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Reset 4641: 13851734 5048 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_pageseek 4642: 138c5798 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fcmpgt 4643: 1381285c 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Paused 4644: 13805414 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundIsPaused 4645: 13882c28 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Translate 4646: 138001e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __dcache_writeback_all 4647: 138026e8 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FirstAudioFormat 4648: 138c493c 44 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatsidf 4649: 138bfc0c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 perror 4650: 138e0636 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_hardchn 4651: 138544bc 1972 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _book_unquantize 4652: 138c4ea0 140 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __ltdf2 4653: 13829a58 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isICO 4654: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __DTOR_END__ 4655: 13903400 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findclose 4656: 1383ea64 2212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_build_gamma_table 4657: 13816a88 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_Active 4658: 1382b364 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Mix_InitEffects 4659: 138607c4 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Paused_internal 4660: 1383a038 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_interlace_handlin 4661: 138836ec 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_highpow2 4662: 138002b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 KBDGetSKeyStatus 4663: 138852ac 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ExitFrame 4664: 13806e70 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeRW 4665: 13903c4c 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_usb_connect 4666: 138c0a84 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 puts 4667: 13800398 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDGetWidth 4668: 138728a0 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OKT_LoadTitle 4669: 1385d8a0 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MD_GetAtom 4670: 138bc300 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 islower 4671: 13886308 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_Size 4672: 13883978 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_validator_error 4673: 1387aef8 2076 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3MIT_ProcessCmd 4674: 138818a0 308 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_MulDiv 4675: 1384aa4c 1288 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_raw_seek 4676: 1386a014 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FAR_Init 4677: 138ddd48 264 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _mm_errmsg 4678: 13839eac 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_io_chunk_name 4679: 138653d4 968 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_HandleTick 4680: 138176b0 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_new_RW 4681: 138de1b0 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_stx 4682: 138bc41c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tolower 4683: 1384e228 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_continued 4684: 1384cdac 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_open 4685: 13865adc 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniWriteWord 4686: 138bbacc 1400 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 inflate_fast 4687: 13876f50 4008 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UNI_Load 4688: 1382be1c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LMM_Get 4689: 138bfbbc 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 feof 4690: 138bc250 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 timer_delete 4691: 138de328 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 screen 4692: 138da134 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap14_class_rec 4693: 1381784c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_QuitOgg 4694: 13903814 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_open 4695: 1382c964 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_strupr 4696: 13829260 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadLBM_RW 4697: 13868b34 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AMF_Init 4698: 13903af8 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_DVCReadDevice 4699: 13800250 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 malloc 4700: 138c056c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 remove 4701: 1388970c 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_CheckSubGl 4702: 13847d8c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_bKGD 4703: 138188e8 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetModState 4704: 13903b44 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_KBDGetSKeyStatus 4705: 13885754 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Face_GetVariantSelecto 4706: 1384f5f0 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_reset_serialno 4707: 138c420c 248 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __udivsi3 4708: 138e1c28 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 curWriteBuffer 4709: 13866c88 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_Init 4710: 13903918 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_ftell 4711: 1383948c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_image_height 4712: 13884d1c 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Charmap 4713: 1385d550 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetPanning_internal 4714: 1385e3f8 1096 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_SetNumVoices_inter 4715: 13876858 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UNI_Test 4716: 1382ae38 1300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadPNG_RW 4717: 138830cc 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetLong 4718: 13800080 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pcm_ioctl 4719: 138c52e0 32 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_i2f 4720: 139033e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findfirstW 4721: 13839aec 196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_pCAL 4722: 138d8d70 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_autofitter_service 4723: 13903398 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveioc 4724: 13839474 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_image_width 4725: 13816a44 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_Start 4726: 1382c168 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_jump_to_time 4727: 1383c8e4 608 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_unshift 4728: 138e0610 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_driver 4729: 13800268 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 av_wo_write 4730: 138743d0 2320 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 STM_Load 4731: 13800220 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LcdGetDisMode 4732: 13903630 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDInit 4733: 13852b80 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_comment_clear 4734: 13872904 2904 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OKT_Load 4735: 138068b4 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateMouseMotion 4736: 138bf8e4 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vsnprintf 4737: 138bc564 604 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AppMain 4738: 138554f4 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _vorbis_window 4739: 13805644 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundSetVolume 4740: 13903580 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_RMTGetSKey 4741: 13903a14 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_mkdir 4742: 138c56bc 104 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __lesf2 4743: 1386088c 360 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_ToggleMute 4744: 138055ec 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundClose 4745: 138c501c 84 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixunsdfsi 4746: 1387fd1c 5872 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_WriteSamples 4747: 13903388 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_close_at_onc 4748: 13842f74 400 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_chunk_warning 4749: 13903cb0 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_InvalidICache 4750: 13903898 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_flush_cache 4751: 138173b4 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_setvolume 4752: 1380226c 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateAudioSpec 4753: 13884338 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Read 4754: 1385f59c 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterLoader 4755: 1383a210 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_swap 4756: 138dde58 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_musicvolume 4757: 13882634 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_SubGlyph_Info 4758: 1382d1a0 284 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ltoa 4759: 13881830 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_RoundFix 4760: 1387c0c8 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceGetFrequency 4761: 13811d14 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderText_Shaded 4762: 1388d3f0 444 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Advance 4763: 1385e108 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetPanning 4764: 1383c340 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_read_fn 4765: 138c10b0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strtoul 4766: 13883608 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Add 4767: 138ddc40 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _residue_P 4768: 13809650 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_Unlock 4769: 138c4914 40 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_ui2d 4770: 138de304 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _control_repeat 4771: 13903490 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_kbd_get_status 4772: 1387e50c 460 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SampleLoad 4773: 138de204 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_uni 4774: 139035c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_consoleEnable 4775: 138039ac 1076 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertSurround_4 4776: 1383951c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_x_pixels_per_mete 4777: 13806e74 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AllocRW 4778: 138dea44 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 current_audio 4779: 13903390 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveclose 4780: 13816734 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 close_music 4781: 13903c68 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDInit 4782: 13839fcc 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_packing 4783: 13882fb8 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Seek 4784: 1380f330 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontAscent 4785: 138078d0 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetTimerThreaded 4786: 13903628 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_rmt_get_status 4787: 13803158 684 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertStrip_2 4788: 1388370c 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_TryRead 4789: 138deb5c 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 dingooSoundStarted 4790: 138bc39c 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ispunct 4791: 13860cc8 556 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_SetPosition 4792: 13800328 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dl_free 4793: 1383723c 860 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetDistance 4794: 13805b74 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EventThreadID 4795: 138002e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDGetFB 4796: 138151e8 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_PauseMusic 4797: 138065e0 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetMouseState 4798: 138c4628 0 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_drsub 4799: 138de170 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_s3m 4800: 13887068 328 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_Size 4801: 13800110 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_stat 4802: 1387a3d8 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_SWORDS 4803: 138e1b68 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 textSubTitle 4804: 138065b0 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MouseInit 4805: 13903408 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findnext 4806: 13848ed4 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_seekable 4807: 139032e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym___to_locale_ansi 4808: 138007bc 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballSetSound 4809: 1384bd48 1472 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_pcm_seek 4810: 138e0637 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_softchn 4811: 139035a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDDisableDoubleFB 4812: 13903b28 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_sys_judge_event 4813: 13903a50 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_vxGoHome 4814: 13839968 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_sRGB 4815: 1390396c 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_Tp_Get_Pos 4816: 1383d3b8 1888 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_rgb_to_gray 4817: 13816220 236 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeInMusicPos 4818: 1385e9bc 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Exit 4819: 1380e1d4 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MoveCursor 4820: 13800350 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 rmt_get_status 4821: 13862d5c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Paused 4822: 138bc0a8 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 control_poll 4823: 1387f4b8 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceSetFrequency 4824: 1380f364 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontFaceFamilyName 4825: 13853ba0 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res1_inverse 4826: 13903b18 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_DVCOpenDevice 4827: 1387e458 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceSetPanning 4828: 13806378 428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EventState 4829: 13903ad4 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_DVCControlDevice 4830: 1387f60c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SampleLength 4831: 1380a81c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetColors 4832: 13800148 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_feof 4833: 13872204 1476 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_Load 4834: 13841fac 364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_rgb_to_gray 4835: 138dde59 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_sndfxvolume 4836: 138384d8 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_io_ptr 4837: 1383c4c4 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_gray_to_rgb 4838: 13807b18 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Delay 4839: 1388d7c0 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_dump_edges 4840: 138bb5c0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 zlibCompileFlags 4841: 138096ac 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetWMInfo 4842: 1380f370 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontFaceStyleName 4843: 13838a80 292 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_convert_to_rfc1123 4844: 13903930 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fclose 4845: 138dde62 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_mixfreq 4846: 138bc2ac 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isspace 4847: 138c4f70 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dcmplt 4848: 13881b58 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_Rewind 4849: 1388216c 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Sfnt_Table 4850: 1380c194 672 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateRGBSurface 4851: 13903880 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_stat 4852: 138e1b6c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 smallFont 4853: 138bfde8 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fflush 4854: 1387a910 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_SLONGS 4855: 138877e8 596 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_GlyphSlot 4856: 13807b00 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_TimerInit 4857: 13800288 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DVCReadDevice 4858: 138606bc 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_GetModule 4859: 13809c40 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_GetAttribute 4860: 13815850 740 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadMUS 4861: 13866dc4 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceGetVolume 4862: 138001e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __icache_invalidate_all 4863: 13853fbc 436 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res0_unpack 4864: 138e0940 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 noteindex 4865: 138c4968 64 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __extendsfdf2 4866: 138c4c94 516 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_ddiv 4867: 138542f4 456 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _make_words 4868: 13903988 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_get_game_vol 4869: 138396d0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_channels 4870: 13903cdc 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDGetWidth 4871: 13903320 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskCreate 4872: 138c4634 736 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __adddf3 4873: 138c56c4 96 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __nesf2 4874: 13812fe8 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Resume 4875: 138c10b8 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 realpath 4876: 138571d4 1428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_decodevs_add 4877: 13843500 544 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_filter_row 4878: 13800160 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_remove 4879: 13889ad8 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_CopyPoints 4880: 138299c0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadPCX_RW 4881: 13855f88 484 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_decode 4882: 1382be54 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_LoadSongRW 4883: 13806524 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetEventFilter 4884: 13839e74 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_user_width_max 4885: 1382928c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_InitTIF 4886: 13865bb8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniGetWord 4887: 138ddfb0 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_far 4888: 13806c7c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadLE16 4889: 138188a0 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_KeyboardQuit 4890: 1381894c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EnableKeyRepeat 4891: 13847a08 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_oFFs 4892: 13807908 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_TimerQuit 4893: 1380543c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundLastError 4894: 138e1c2c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 dingooSoundBufferSize 4895: 1384dbb8 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_create 4896: 138c4a28 620 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dmul 4897: 138c4154 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __umoddi3 4898: 13866e34 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceGetPanning 4899: 1382ba28 820 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadVOC_RW 4900: 138de314 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _serial 4901: 13800060 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSSemPend 4902: 13881880 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_FloorFix 4903: 13903568 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_DVCCloseDevice 4904: 1381136c 796 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderGlyph_Shaded 4905: 1380d4ac 508 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EraseCursorNoLock 4906: 13869694 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FAR_LoadTitle 4907: 1387e38c 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceRealVolume 4908: 13855944 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_eop 4909: 138da064 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap8_class_rec 4910: 13805f80 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Lock_EventThread 4911: 13807de0 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WaitThread 4912: 1390388c 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_chdir 4913: 13848b14 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_IHDR 4914: 1384314c 780 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_start_row 4915: 1384ce50 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_restart 4916: 138d8f74 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ps_table_funcs 4917: 1382c550 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasRDTSC 4918: 13902c48 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_ProcessEvents 4919: 13866c08 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_LoadSamples 4920: 138826bc 1024 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Decompose 4921: 138ddf7c 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_dsm 4922: 13886c04 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Face_GetCharVariantInd 4923: 13903428 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_ferror 4924: 13808a08 1032 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MapSurface 4925: 138c4174 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __udivdi3 4926: 13839118 480 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_check_cHRM_fixed 4927: 13903a6c 5 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_free 4928: 138398dc 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_gAMA 4929: 1382b428 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_build_volume_table_u 4930: 1385d468 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_GetVolume 4931: 13800258 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 abort 4932: 13800390 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDGetHeight 4933: 1380bd54 748 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UpperBlit 4934: 13903560 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_DVCReadDevice 4935: 138c4914 40 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatunsidf 4936: 138178c4 584 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MixAudio 4937: 1380a9c0 344 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_ToggleFullScreen 4938: 1388b728 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Pixel_Sizes 4939: 13902c68 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_alarm_callback 4940: 13879f98 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_fclose 4941: 138128d8 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupAvailable 4942: 138021ac 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PauseAudio 4943: 1386607c 2376 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_Load 4944: 1385dd40 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetFrequency 4945: 13804014 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertEndian 4946: 13903bd4 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskResume 4947: 13879f9c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_FileExists 4948: 138659c8 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniGetByte 4949: 138847f8 300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Atan2 4950: 13881e8c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Charmap_Index 4951: 13867c60 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AMF_Cleanup 4952: 138727c8 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_Cleanup 4953: 138396a0 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_y_offset_pixels 4954: 1390376c 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_pcm_ioctl 4955: 139033e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_stat 4956: 138bc36c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isxdigit 4957: 138b8b84 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateSyncPoint 4958: 13802360 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CloseAudio 4959: 13829a60 2564 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadBMP_RW 4960: 1387a5d8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_SLONG 4961: 13903508 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_calloc 4962: 138129c0 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupNewer 4963: 13803f74 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertSign 4964: 13903470 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_GetDLHandle 4965: 138d91d0 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_classes 4966: 138167c8 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetMusicCMD 4967: 13855700 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_look 4968: 138c027c 408 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _file_path 4969: 13882344 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_CMap_Format 4970: 1380f14c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_Load_RW 4971: 1385d824 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_DisableOutput_inte 4972: 139037e4 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveclose 4973: 138da098 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap10_class_rec 4974: 1387f788 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SampleUnload 4975: 138bc358 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isodigit 4976: 138e1b70 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 state 4977: 1387a140 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_SWORD 4978: 138ddc64 20 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 residue1_exportbundle 4979: 13882018 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Glyph_Name 4980: 13903bf4 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_SYSGetVolume 4981: 13865910 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Exit 4982: 13866ef0 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceRealVolume 4983: 13859690 14916 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 mdct_backward 4984: 1387a81c 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_SLONG 4985: 1385d7c0 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_EnableOutput_inter 4986: 13806084 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_StopEventLoop 4987: 13903c70 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_TVOUTExit 4988: 13883d14 264 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Select_Charmap 4989: 13903450 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fclose 4990: 138e1b74 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 textStart 4991: 13885090 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Render 4992: 13903340 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTimeDly 4993: 138c10a8 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strtol 4994: 13903680 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_SysSetLastBrightness 4995: 13872848 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_Test 4996: 1384e7b0 536 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_pageno 4997: 1381567c 468 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 open_music 4998: 13838948 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_as_unknown 4999: 138105e8 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_OpenFontIndex 5000: 13882e00 236 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Transform 5001: 13829278 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_QuitTIF 5002: 138b8b48 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateGetHeader 5003: 13800120 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_flush_cache 5004: 138e1b28 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _atexit_table 5005: 1388d5b8 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_Memory 5006: 13807b78 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetTicks 5007: 138c5070 160 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_d2f 5008: 138dfea0 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 vorbis 5009: 13879df8 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_string 5010: 13868bfc 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DSM_LoadTitle 5011: 13847c10 264 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_keep_unknown_chun 5012: 1380f394 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_Quit 5013: 138002f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 consoleEnable 5014: 13800260 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 av_wo_create 5015: 138c5118 448 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fsub 5016: 13812774 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Playing 5017: 1388b348 992 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Request_Size 5018: 138ddc50 20 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 residue0_exportbundle 5019: 13902c6c 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_KeyRepeat 5020: 13802170 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetAudioStatus 5021: 138000c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveopen 5022: 13903348 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTimeGet 5023: 13807a48 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_TimerInit 5024: 13865ab0 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniInit 5025: 13855278 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_staticbook_destroy 5026: 13866eb8 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceStopped 5027: 13817444 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_jump_to_time 5028: 13903c20 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_dl_free 5029: 138ddc4c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _mapping_P 5030: 138c04f4 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 rename 5031: 13888b9c 1532 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Raccess_Get_DataOffset 5032: 13802118 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Error 5033: 13886fbc 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_Library 5034: 13800078 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 wavaopen 5035: 138df9bc 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_timer_started 5036: 13807b08 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_TimerQuit 5037: 1383c05c 740 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_png 5038: 138838b0 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Module 5039: 138dfcec 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_cursorlock 5040: 1380779c 308 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ThreadedTimerCheck 5041: 1388d610 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Open 5042: 138c1958 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strrchr 5043: 13847f24 312 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_tRNS 5044: 1380fd08 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_Init 5045: 138ddfd0 23 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 GDM_Version 5046: 139035d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskResume 5047: 13879d70 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_string 5048: 138c5784 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fcmpge 5049: 13839e68 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_compression_buffe 5050: 138baef8 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateInit_ 5051: 13829270 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadPNM_RW 5052: 138c4fc0 92 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixdfsi 5053: 13800230 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 calloc 5054: 1385fb0c 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterAllLoaders 5055: 1385faf0 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Free 5056: 13850f20 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_packetout 5057: 138bc55c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DLLMain 5058: 13800eec 700 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameLoadGame 5059: 1383d1c4 500 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_gray_to_rgb 5060: 1382bf1c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_playing 5061: 1387a87c 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_ULONGS 5062: 13883094 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetOffset 5063: 13852b48 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_comment_init 5064: 13903300 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTimerGetTickTimeus 5065: 1385f5e4 1136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadGeneric_intern 5066: 13806ccc 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadBE32 5067: 1386a150 1428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_ConvertTrack 5068: 138c5310 172 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatdisf 5069: 13815408 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadingMusic 5070: 13903318 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSSemDel 5071: 138de058 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_m15 5072: 138c1cdc 760 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strtod 5073: 13879d04 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_UWORD 5074: 138459bc 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_pHYs 5075: 138bc8d4 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _memsys_cleanup 5076: 1380f328 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontHeight 5077: 13903900 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_rename 5078: 13810210 984 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_OpenFontIndexRW 5079: 138865fc 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Remove_Module 5080: 13829284 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadTIF_RW 5081: 13812714 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_ReserveChannels 5082: 13879cf0 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_iobase_revert 5083: 13885650 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_Reset 5084: 13807654 328 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetTimer 5085: 13804290 400 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateMUL2_c4 5086: 13903a20 18 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_RefreshCache 5087: 1381749c 532 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_playAudio 5088: 13849a00 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_raw_total 5089: 138001a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Tp_Get_Pos 5090: 13847394 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_IEND 5091: 13903948 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fopenW 5092: 138851e4 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Skip 5093: 13800000 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 stricmp 5094: 13903488 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_get_game_vol 5095: 139032c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 4 _sym_AppMain 5096: 13866dfc 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceGetFrequency 5097: 138c0ca0 360 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 atof 5098: 1386b098 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_Cleanup 5099: 138c56b4 112 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __gtsf2 5100: 138000b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveclose 5101: 138bfa6c 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fprintf 5102: 13845b10 404 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_hIST 5103: 138e1b24 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _stream_reserved 5104: 1387e4b0 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceSetVolume 5105: 138c4634 736 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dadd 5106: 13800370 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDSetRefreshRate 5107: 1384e320 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_version 5108: 138c4ea0 140 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __ledf2 5109: 13816a74 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_Stop 5110: 13825250 700 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateBlitN 5111: 138819d4 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_MulFix 5112: 139032c8 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _freemem 5113: 138bb5ec 848 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 adler32 5114: 1384e038 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_eos 5115: 13839428 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_valid 5116: 138c0c20 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _gcd_maxint32 5117: 138c1ab8 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strcat 5118: 138c5770 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fcmple 5119: 1385fa90 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadGeneric 5120: 13808f0c 1528 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AllocFormat 5121: 138bb5dc 8 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 zcfree 5122: 13816a34 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_SetVolume 5123: 138dff2c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_TranslateUNICODE 5124: 138003e0 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 drawSurface 5125: 13829250 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_PumpEvents 5126: 13881f10 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Next_Char 5127: 13829a50 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isCUR 5128: 1380810c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_CreateThread 5129: 138c49a8 128 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_ul2d 5130: 13903b08 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_DVCCloseDevice 5131: 1385d284 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MD_SampleLength 5132: 138c445c 204 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __umodsi3 5133: 1388d180 624 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Advances 5134: 138065dc 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MouseQuit 5135: 139033d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findnextW 5136: 1382b354 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadXPM_RW 5137: 1380f354 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontFaceIsFixedWidth 5138: 138b4074 16196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TT_RunIns 5139: 13806b00 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_QuitQuit 5140: 13866d70 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_WriteBytes 5141: 1388366c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Up 5142: 13889e8c 1292 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Get_Orientatio 5143: 1383a0e0 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_swap_alpha 5144: 1387c1a0 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceGetPosition 5145: 13902c90 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 modreader 5146: 1381295c 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupCount 5147: 13812754 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadingChannel 5148: 138ddc38 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _floor_P 5149: 13800378 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDGetRefreshRate 5150: 138108b0 628 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderGlyph_Blended 5151: 138659f4 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniFindRow 5152: 1384d734 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _vorbis_block_alloc 5153: 13808e10 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FormatChanged 5154: 13842b5c 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_malloc 5155: 13902e14 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 filtermacros 5156: 13800df8 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameUnloadGame 5157: 1383b050 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_start_read_image 5158: 138e1b78 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 music 5159: 13903310 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskDel 5160: 138003a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDSetBrightness 5161: 13887704 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Attach_File 5162: 13885aa4 388 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Get_Bitmap 5163: 13813698 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Init 5164: 13903688 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_stricmp 5165: 13885420 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ExtractFrame 5166: 13866da0 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceSetVolume 5167: 13840514 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_rgb_to_gray_fixed 5168: 13809e24 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_LoadLibrary 5169: 1382bd5c 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_exit 5170: 13814f58 592 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadOGG_RW 5171: 13839504 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_compression_type 5172: 1385d1dc 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_strerror 5173: 138100d8 312 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_CloseFont 5174: 13865ca0 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniWriteByte 5175: 13838520 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_access_version_number 5176: 13848944 464 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_pCAL 5177: 13800270 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 av_wo_destroy 5178: 1385dbc4 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_EnableOutput 5179: 1387aa18 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_SLONGS 5180: 1387a63c 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_ULONGS 5181: 1382ac60 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_InitPNG 5182: 138c00ec 232 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fseek 5183: 13885830 628 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadFields 5184: 13902e24 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 filters 5185: 13903ae8 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_DVCWriteDevice 5186: 13812658 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetNumChunkDecoders 5187: 138b8bf8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateMark 5188: 138d8d50 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_indic_script_class 5189: 13839610 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_x_offset_microns 5190: 138ddc78 20 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 residue2_exportbundle 5191: 1382bdd4 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LMM_Tell 5192: 138471ac 488 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_gAMA 5193: 1383a700 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_user_transform_in 5194: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __CTOR_LIST__ 5195: 13902e28 1024 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 filtersettings 5196: 13884924 588 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Rotate 5197: 139032d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_stricmp 5198: 1387f568 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceStop 5199: 13807b0c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_StartTimer 5200: 1380b968 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UnlockSurface 5201: 138c4fac 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dcmpgt 5202: 1385ff54 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 getfrequency 5203: 13817b9c 3072 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_LoadWAV_RW 5204: 13886df4 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_New 5205: 13842118 2308 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_transformatio 5206: 1383945c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_rows 5207: 1385dda8 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_SetVolume 5208: 13865e4c 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_Sample8to16 5209: 1380053c 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballReset 5210: 139037f8 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveopen 5211: 1387c204 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_PlayStop 5212: 138e05d0 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _Eff_volume_table 5213: 13800218 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vxGoHome 5214: 13845134 308 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_tIME 5215: 13839f98 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_bgr 5216: 13855958 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_bytes 5217: 13903a40 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_StartSwTimer 5218: 138843cc 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_TrueType_Engine_Ty 5219: 1384f430 448 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_destroy 5220: 138046e0 240 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateDIV2_c2 5221: 138c1818 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 memchr 5222: 13879e3c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_new_file_writer 5223: 13810674 216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_SetFontStyle 5224: 138d9600 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 psnames_module_class 5225: 13839fac 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_swap 5226: 138de10c 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_mod 5227: 13811bb0 356 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUTF8_Shaded 5228: 13903448 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fseek 5229: 1381a0a0 2796 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RLEAlphaBlit 5230: 13806db4 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteBE16 5231: 13805508 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _dingooSoundPlay 5232: 13903430 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_rename 5233: 1385da3c 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_InfoDriver 5234: 138bb5c8 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 zError 5235: 1384069c 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_crc_action 5236: 138b7fc4 2076 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 crc32 5237: 13800158 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_rename 5238: 13884b70 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_From_Polar 5239: 1388315c 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadChar 5240: 138de308 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 stdin 5241: 138821cc 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Load_Sfnt_Table 5242: 13903648 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDSetRefreshRate 5243: 1385eb80 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_LoadTitleFP 5244: 13876320 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ULT_Test 5245: 13800030 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GetTickCount 5246: 1384d52c 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_pcmout 5247: 138c4f98 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dcmpge 5248: 13881594 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceSetVolume 5249: 139036a0 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string___to_locale_ansi 5250: 13839a84 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_oFFs 5251: 13802368 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AudioDriverName 5252: 138e1b7c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 textTitle 5253: 138624a4 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_EffectsPass2 5254: 138000f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 USB_Connect 5255: 13884b84 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Unit 5256: 1380a2cc 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_UpdateRectsLock 5257: 13867bfc 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AMF_LoadTitle 5258: 1380efb0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_InvertAlpha 5259: 1380a298 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_VideoDriverName 5260: 13903788 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_write 5261: 13842d58 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_error_ptr 5262: 13875ab8 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ULT_Init 5263: 1380d3a0 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WarpMouse 5264: 13885610 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Free 5265: 138c4630 740 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dsub 5266: 138c2004 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 mktime 5267: 139034b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSCPUSaveSR 5268: 13800000 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _ftext 5269: 138b148c 300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TT_New_Context 5270: 1388a398 1500 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Embolden 5271: 1387a990 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_SLONGS 5272: 138394a4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_bit_depth 5273: 138b8a68 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflatePrime 5274: 138002c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDSetFBFormat 5275: 1384edd4 272 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_packet_release 5276: 1387f458 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceGetVolume 5277: 13800380 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 InvalidICache 5278: 138c0030 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ferror 5279: 138c19e4 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strstr 5280: 13866e18 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceSetPanning 5281: 13813ae4 568 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_OpenAudio 5282: 13866de0 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceSetFrequency 5283: 1380f2d0 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_ByteSwappedUNICODE 5284: 1380820c 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SemTryWait 5285: 13854170 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _ilog 5286: 138dde68 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 finetune 5287: 13852b54 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_info_init 5288: 13842bd4 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_create_struct 5289: 13882abc 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Check 5290: 13903ac4 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_av_wo_destroy 5291: 13806ca4 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadLE32 5292: 13800068 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTimeDly 5293: 138c49a8 128 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatundidf 5294: 138d8d10 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_latin_script_class 5295: 13847dc0 356 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_unknown_chunks 5296: 138c0c68 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 rand 5297: 13855994 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_bits 5298: 139034f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LcdGetDisMode 5299: 1380f37c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_GetFontStyle 5300: 13800200 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_RefreshCache 5301: 1388c158 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Load_Char 5302: 1383c458 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_palette_to_rgb 5303: 1385db84 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Stopped 5304: 138ddfe8 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_gdm 5305: 13903724 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSSemCreate 5306: 13800330 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dl_get_proc 5307: 138e0938 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 poslookup 5308: 1383a5d0 304 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_bgr 5309: 138081dc 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SemWait 5310: 13805f4c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Unlock_EventThread 5311: 138c52e0 32 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatsisf 5312: 138001c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 serial_putc 5313: 1383cba8 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_swap_alpha 5314: 13800278 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DVCControlDevice 5315: 138169ec 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_QuitMOD 5316: 138034d0 1244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertSurround 5317: 138002d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDFlushFB 5318: 138bc8cc 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _memsys_init 5319: 13903658 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_InvalidICache 5320: 13839ff4 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_packswap 5321: 1380407c 236 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateMUL2 5322: 139035e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_SYSGetVolume 5323: 13885ea8 892 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Raccess_Get_HeaderInfo 5324: 1382c598 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasAltiVec 5325: 13812a44 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupChannel 5326: 13903844 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_USB_Connect 5327: 13903244 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _libc_exit_status 5328: 13810028 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_SizeText 5329: 13817868 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strlcpy 5330: 13865998 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniSetRow 5331: 13839068 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_info_init_3 5332: 138bc2ec 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isupper 5333: 1385d86c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_GetVersion 5334: 138c15a4 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strncmp 5335: 1385ea4c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_registerloader 5336: 1383dbbc 1124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_gamma 5337: 139038dc 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fwrite 5338: 13903a0c 7 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_isTVON 5339: 13839e80 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_user_height_max 5340: 1384c308 384 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_time_seek 5341: 13806b90 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetAppState 5342: 1384dbf0 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_buffer_dup 5343: 1387ae7c 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniPTEffect 5344: 13883e1c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Renderer 5345: 13865a5c 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniReset 5346: 13801318 488 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameUpdateGame 5347: 138c26bc 4240 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __ieee754_pow 5348: 13903754 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTimeGet 5349: 13845ef8 676 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_tRNS 5350: 138ddcd0 120 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 drv_nos 5351: 139034c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_isTVON 5352: 138c26b8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pow 5353: 138e1b80 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 soundBounce 5354: 13848890 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_PLTE 5355: 138815f4 428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SampleLoad 5356: 138c57ac 92 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_f2iz 5357: 138bc88c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _malloc_reclaim 5358: 13887ed8 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Select_Metrics 5359: 138c1450 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strncpy 5360: 13882254 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Sfnt_Table_Info 5361: 138bc330 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isbdigit 5362: 1381e23c 928 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateBlit 5363: 13801c0c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UninstallParachute 5364: 139035a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDSetFBFormat 5365: 138c56c4 96 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __eqsf2 5366: 13882d4c 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Transform 5367: 13807bf8 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetErrBuf 5368: 13903438 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_remove 5369: 13800058 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSSemPost 5370: 138de038 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_imf 5371: 13903550 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_DVCControlDevice 5372: 1387a0a8 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_SWORD 5373: 13903cfc 21 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_SysSetLastBrightn 5374: 13862738 552 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_SetupVoices 5375: 138394bc 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_color_type 5376: 1388d6fc 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_FreeType 5377: 138084ac 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetRGB 5378: 139035b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDGetFB 5379: 13855594 364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _vorbis_apply_window 5380: 13903440 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_ftell 5381: 13812698 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Linked_Version 5382: 1380d264 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetCursor 5383: 13879d94 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_UWORD 5384: 13903998 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_kbd_get_status 5385: 1380d288 216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MouseRect 5386: 138095d8 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetVideoSurface 5387: 1383a108 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_invert_mono 5388: 13806d14 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadLE64 5389: 13816ad0 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_FreeSong 5390: 138bc42c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isascii 5391: 1385ebbc 260 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DupStr 5392: 13842c9c 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_calloc 5393: 1387a2e4 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_UWORDS 5394: 13800238 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 realloc 5395: 13800130 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findnext 5396: 138852f4 300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_EnterFrame 5397: 1380b8d0 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_LockSurface 5398: 1380a438 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_GrabInput 5399: 13800008 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __to_unicode_le 5400: 13883c04 272 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_MulDiv_No_Round 5401: 1388b7b0 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Char_Size 5402: 138bc968 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _calloc 5403: 138473f0 560 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_PLTE 5404: 139036d4 21 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTimerGetTickTim 5405: 138de320 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _rand_x 5406: 13802760 1192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_OpenAudio 5407: 1383a254 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_packswap 5408: 138056b4 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundVolumeIncrease 5409: 138c5554 352 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fdiv 5410: 13811168 348 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUTF8_Blended 5411: 138e1b54 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _fd_count 5412: 1382c998 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_strrev 5413: 1382c630 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasSSE 5414: 138c493c 44 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_i2d 5415: 1390390c 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_remove 5416: 1386a8b0 2024 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_Load 5417: 1384d844 576 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_init 5418: 138125b0 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderText_Solid 5419: 13860674 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_SetVolume 5420: 13903708 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSSemDel 5421: 13881bb4 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Transform 5422: 138002a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 RMTGetSKey 5423: 1385d898 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Unlock 5424: 138bc524 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 init_bss 5425: 13903538 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_av_wo_create 5426: 13801500 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameUpdate 5427: 1385e0f0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Sample_Play 5428: 138b89c8 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateReset 5429: 138c200c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 memcmp 5430: 1383c430 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_expand 5431: 1387f510 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoicePlay 5432: 1385d18c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_malloc 5433: 1387c0a0 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceSetFrequency 5434: 138bfd20 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fdopen 5435: 1387f7cc 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SetNumVoices 5436: 1385d224 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MD_SampleSpace 5437: 1388811c 648 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Matrix_Invert 5438: 13805bd4 852 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PeepEvents 5439: 1388747c 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_glyphslot_alloc_bitmap 5440: 1385d968 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MD_SampleLoad 5441: 138c5300 188 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatundisf 5442: 1380f2a4 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadXV_RW 5443: 1387a284 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_ULONG 5444: 13882f58 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Sfnt_Name_Count 5445: 1382c9dc 1832 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_sscanf 5446: 138e1b84 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 colorIntBlack 5447: 13800814 196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 init 5448: 13879690 1596 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 XM_Load 5449: 13805f28 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PushEvent 5450: 138bc314 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isalpha 5451: 13845868 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_oFFs 5452: 1380a518 772 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetPalette 5453: 13805400 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundPause 5454: 1387f604 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_SampleSpace 5455: 13816330 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeInMusic 5456: 138c4c94 516 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __divdf3 5457: 1384eee4 508 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_destroy 5458: 13845ca4 596 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_bKGD 5459: 13854c70 1544 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_init_decode 5460: 139032d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 5 _string_AppMain 5461: 138c1700 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strncat 5462: 13883ac0 324 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_corner_orientation 5463: 1380e734 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CursorQuit 5464: 1384ccc4 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_open_callbacks 5465: 138da168 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 sfnt_module_class 5466: 139036c0 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskChangePrio 5467: 1385d878 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_InitThreads 5468: 13902c94 320 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 of 5469: 13808224 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateSemaphore 5470: 138c52d8 40 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_ui2f 5471: 13807d08 216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_KillThread 5472: 13810b24 416 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_GlyphMetrics 5473: 13813120 252 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeOutChannel 5474: 13883814 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Copy 5475: 1382ac48 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_InitJPG 5476: 1385d61c 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Play_internal 5477: 13865ec0 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_HalveSample 5478: 13872804 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_Init 5479: 13884c54 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Cos 5480: 138ba97c 696 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateSync 5481: 138c4a28 620 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __muldf3 5482: 13800010 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __to_locale_ansi 5483: 1382c194 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_new_RW 5484: 13865f1c 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_Exit 5485: 138552bc 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_packet_blocksize 5486: 138ddbc0 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 SDL_cursorstate 5487: 138bfee8 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fread 5488: 138728ac 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OKT_Test 5489: 1387ab88 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniEffect 5490: 138de318 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _rand_c 5491: 13903518 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSFree 5492: 138da100 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap13_class_rec 5493: 138082f8 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FindColor 5494: 1385d9e4 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_DriverFromAlias 5495: 13806658 516 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateMouseButton 5496: 13903b38 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_RMTGetSKey 5497: 13839c70 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_PLTE 5498: 13885cdc 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_glyphslot_set_bitmap 5499: 13809c00 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_SwapBuffers 5500: 1380a0c4 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UpdateRect 5501: 138c1b40 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strdup 5502: 138734c0 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_Test 5503: 13813870 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_HaltGroup 5504: 1383e7c8 388 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_quantize 5505: 1380fd58 720 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_SizeUNICODE 5506: 13801b60 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Init 5507: 1380e7ac 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CursorInit 5508: 1383c4f8 672 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_transform_info 5509: 13849008 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_comment 5510: 138177e0 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_InitOgg 5511: 138e1c30 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 dingooSoundVolume 5512: 1387a550 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_ULONGS 5513: 138c1180 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _coprime_maxint32 5514: 13855ea4 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_adv 5515: 138d9204 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_standard_class_re 5516: 138151fc 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_ResumeMusic 5517: 13800118 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_chdir 5518: 139037b8 19 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_set_volum 5519: 138de31c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 _rand_a 5520: 138c56c4 96 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __cmpsf2 5521: 1380a1a0 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DisplayFormatAlpha 5522: 13903578 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_sys_judge_event 5523: 13815da4 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FreeMusic 5524: 138ddb8c 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 DINGOO_bootstrap 5525: 138888c0 224 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_CreateExtr 5526: 138de190 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_stm 5527: 13903760 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_wavaopen 5528: 13903498 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_serial_putc 5529: 138bc9d8 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _realloc 5530: 13886224 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Face_GetCharsOfVariant 5531: 138568ec 1172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_decodev_set 5532: 138c05a4 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fopen 5533: 138bc4f4 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 initterm 5534: 1380efb8 404 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadTyped_RW 5535: 1382bf04 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_play 5536: 1385ef80 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocSamples 5537: 1387f4e4 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceGetFrequency 5538: 138c1ff8 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 localtime 5539: 1388398c 308 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Matrix_Multiply 5540: 13800360 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TVOUTExit 5541: 138c1880 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 memset 5542: 1383957c 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_pixels_per_meter 5543: 1380f2ac 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_Linked_Version 5544: 13889bf0 668 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Select_Size 5545: 13879e8c 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_new_file_reader 5546: 13801f30 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetError 5547: 13866ed4 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceGetPosition 5548: 13800974 1156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 main 5549: 138dde50 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_mode 5550: 13845268 652 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_sCAL 5551: 138008d8 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 cleanup 5552: 13842a50 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_destroy_struct_2 5553: 13867c9c 3736 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AMF_Load 5554: 1382c934 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_strtod 5555: 138155cc 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_RewindMusic 5556: 13800150 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_ferror 5557: 138e061c 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_numchn 5558: 13903aa0 6 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_abort 5559: 13807960 232 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AddTimer 5560: 138c460c 28 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __div0 5561: 13903ccc 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDGetHeight 5562: 138df9ac 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_timer_running 5563: 139039dc 23 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string___dcache_writebac 5564: 1384cd54 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_test_open 5565: 138c0084 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ftell 5566: 139034a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSCPURestoreSR 5567: 138c5310 172 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_l2f 5568: 13879ccc 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_iobase_setcur 5569: 138384f0 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_copyright 5570: 138c0c58 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 srand 5571: 138080fc 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ThreadID 5572: 138e0604 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _mm_errorhandler 5573: 138ddc14 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 SLCD_bootstrap 5574: 13840780 3784 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_init_read_transformat 5575: 1383e2b8 1296 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_expand 5576: 138c56bc 104 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __ltsf2 5577: 13847b3c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_invalid 5578: 138e1c34 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 dingooSoundBuffers 5579: 1385dc60 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Exit_internal 5580: 1380c4bc 1416 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FillRect 5581: 138464f0 748 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_iCCP 5582: 138e1c40 4096 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 TaskStkPlay 5583: 138482c4 424 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sPLT 5584: 13817438 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_stop 5585: 1388c6f8 2696 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Matrix_Multiply_Scaled 5586: 1387c144 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceStop 5587: 138bfc00 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 clearerr 5588: 13838514 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_header_version 5589: 13804420 496 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateMUL2_c6 5590: 1381062c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_OpenFontRW 5591: 13816d94 1432 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_LoadSong_RW 5592: 138e1b88 20 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 event 5593: 13882b6c 188 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Get_CBox 5594: 138c01d4 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fclose 5595: 13888500 960 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Add_Module 5596: 13813d1c 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_AllocateChannels 5597: 138c0740 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 getchar 5598: 138c5070 160 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __truncdfsf2 5599: 13903bcc 7 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_printf 5600: 138001a8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _kbd_get_key 5601: 1380f348 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontFaces 5602: 13903834 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_udc_attached 5603: 13809654 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_GetCaption 5604: 13839eb4 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_IHDR 5605: 13903aa8 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_av_wo_create 5606: 1380c040 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeSurface 5607: 13874ce0 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 STM_Init 5608: 138c1ff0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 time 5609: 13877ef8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 XM_LoadTitle 5610: 1381732c 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_LoadSong 5611: 138087e8 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_MapRGBA 5612: 139034c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym___icache_invalidate_ 5613: 138d8d80 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 autofit_module_class 5614: 138c49bc 108 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_l2d 5615: 1384d5ac 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_read 5616: 138095f0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetVideoInfo 5617: 138496cc 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_clear 5618: 13818a14 940 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateKeyboard 5619: 1388364c 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Remove 5620: 138bc3e4 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isgraph 5621: 13850f18 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_packetpeek 5622: 13847804 516 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_cHRM 5623: 139035b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDFlushFB 5624: 138e1b9c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 seconds 5625: 1386496c 2664 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_UpdateVoices 5626: 138de32e 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 IMGIsInit 5627: 1380221c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_NextAudioFormat 5628: 139038ac 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findclose 5629: 13800300 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskResume 5630: 138bc444 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isalnum 5631: 13806ba0 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateAppActive 5632: 13813ec4 572 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeInChannelTimed 5633: 1387ab44 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniVolEffect 5634: 13903598 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDYUVDraw 5635: 138bc3f8 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isprint 5636: 13842e80 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_chunk_error 5637: 139033f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_chdir 5638: 13889198 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_New_Internal 5639: 13808134 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DestroyMutex 5640: 1383a11c 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_invert 5641: 138c5300 188 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_ul2f 5642: 1387f598 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceStopped 5643: 138c5734 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cfcmple 5644: 1389b70c 5916 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ps_hints_apply 5645: 138c431c 296 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __divsi3 5646: 1387e6d8 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_WriteBytes 5647: 138138e8 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GroupChannels 5648: 13808608 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_InvalidateMap 5649: 13805448 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _dingooSoundUpdate 5650: 138082a8 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculatePitch 5651: 13838930 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_reset_zstream 5652: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __CTOR_END__ 5653: 138c53bc 408 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __mulsf3 5654: 1384a5bc 520 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_bitrate 5655: 13885c28 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Done 5656: 13865f64 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_RegisterSample 5657: 13844ce8 604 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_zTXt 5658: 1385d1f4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_registererrorhandler 5659: 13903380 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_set_volume 5660: 1381074c 356 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_SizeUTF8 5661: 13883628 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Insert 5662: 138bc278 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 timer_total 5663: 1384e414 444 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_packets 5664: 138002e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 consoleDisable 5665: 138000a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 HP_Mute_sw 5666: 13882460 236 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Set_Renderer 5667: 1384a15c 152 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_pcm_total 5668: 139034e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_StartSwTimer 5669: 138454f4 884 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_pCAL 5670: 1382c504 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasMMX 5671: 138bc914 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _malloc 5672: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __DTOR_LIST__ 5673: 138048f0 348 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateDIV2_c6 5674: 13849fd4 392 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_read 5675: 13800050 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSSemCreate 5676: 13807cc4 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ThreadsQuit 5677: 138dda14 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 z_errmsg 5678: 13876394 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UNI_Cleanup 5679: 13903528 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_malloc 5680: 139033c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_USB_Connect 5681: 13812454 348 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUTF8_Solid 5682: 13875ac0 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ULT_Cleanup 5683: 138e2c40 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 TaskData 5684: 138e1ba0 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 textPaused 5685: 138bb5e4 8 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 zcalloc 5686: 13903510 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_realloc 5687: 138c3b38 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 copysign 5688: 138385c8 812 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_check_IHDR 5689: 138d927c 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_unicode_class_rec 5690: 138dfce0 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 current_video 5691: 139033f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_flush_cache 5692: 138c58a8 164 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixunsdfdi 5693: 138c4ea8 132 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __nedf2 5694: 139036b4 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskQuery 5695: 139035f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_SYSSetVolume 5696: 13903bac 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_consoleDisable 5697: 139033b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_open 5698: 13844a10 728 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_iTXt 5699: 13883114 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetLongLE 5700: 1380043c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fillRect 5701: 138053a8 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertAudio 5702: 13903228 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 poslookupcnt 5703: 13879dc4 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_UWORD 5704: 13811688 1320 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUNICODE_Shaded 5705: 1385352c 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_idheader 5706: 138822d8 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_CMap_Language_ID 5707: 1387abe0 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3MIT_CreateOrders 5708: 139039d0 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSCPUSaveSR 5709: 1387aab0 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_SLONGS 5710: 1385db1c 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterDriver 5711: 13800108 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findfirstW 5712: 138d9668 60 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster1_renderer_class 5713: 1380f1a0 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_Quit 5714: 13801c10 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ClearError 5715: 138c0000 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fgetc 5716: 13847a38 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sCAL 5717: 13815230 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetSynchroValue 5718: 13848750 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_iCCP 5719: 138bf954 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 sprintf 5720: 138070e8 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadBE16 5721: 138bfa34 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 asprintf 5722: 13903370 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_can_write 5723: 138b89c0 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 crc32_combine 5724: 13813748 296 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_HaltChannel 5725: 138c585c 76 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixdfdi 5726: 138834f4 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Angle_Diff 5727: 1385d2e4 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_registerdriver 5728: 13844824 492 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_unknown 5729: 1386b114 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_Test 5730: 13903730 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSSemPost 5731: 138ddc8c 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 floor0_exportbundle 5732: 1386b1e0 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IT_LoadTitle 5733: 138c0bb0 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 atexit 5734: 13842b2c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_free 5735: 138bc43c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 toascii 5736: 1381ab8c 10248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RLEBlit 5737: 13903678 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDSetBrightness 5738: 138c56b4 112 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __gesf2 5739: 138c17a0 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strcspn 5740: 1380838c 288 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetRGBA 5741: 13903be4 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSTaskSuspend 5742: 13866f0c 580 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SetupPointers 5743: 1383c4a4 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_tRNS_to_alpha 5744: 1387f88c 832 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_PlayStart 5745: 13883ee4 244 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_Add 5746: 13837598 2908 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetPosition 5747: 13806e18 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteLE64 5748: 1383992c 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_gAMA_fixed 5749: 13903600 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_dl_free 5750: 13800790 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballHasPlayerWon 5751: 13903358 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_pcm_ioctl 5752: 13884dec 232 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Face_GetCharVariantIsD 5753: 138c5110 456 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_frsub 5754: 138de310 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 stderr 5755: 138282c0 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateBlit1 5756: 1382c67c 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Has3DNowExt 5757: 13811dc4 576 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderGlyph_Solid 5758: 1383ccfc 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_invert_alpha 5759: 13866d00 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_PlayStart 5760: 13808108 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_KillThread 5761: 138e061d 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_sngchn 5762: 13842a30 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_mem_ptr 5763: 1385e3f4 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Init 5764: 138c1320 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _abort 5765: 1388358c 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_strcpyn 5766: 1384846c 740 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_text_2 5767: 138396e8 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_signature 5768: 13800240 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSFree 5769: 138c5748 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fcmpeq 5770: 13867368 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S69_Init 5771: 138c374c 364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 scalbn 5772: 13809e7c 584 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UpdateRects 5773: 138002d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDDisableDoubleFB 5774: 138696f8 2252 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FAR_Load 5775: 13847b80 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_compression_buffe 5776: 138e2c44 0x20000 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 TaskStkUpdate 5777: 138c53bc 408 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fmul 5778: 13903c04 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_SYSSetVolume 5779: 138855a8 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_glyphslot_free_bitmap 5780: 138299a8 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isXCF 5781: 13812704 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetMusicHookData 5782: 1387ace0 300 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 speed_to_finetune 5783: 13887a3c 1052 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Open_Face 5784: 138390a8 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_calculate_crc 5785: 13847b2c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_read_user_chunk_f 5786: 13903c28 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_dl_get_proc 5787: 13802c08 672 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertMono 5788: 138e0608 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 MikMod_errno 5789: 13839ea4 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_io_state 5790: 138002a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 sys_judge_event 5791: 1383b674 1556 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_info 5792: 1386ee98 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_Init 5793: 138e1b58 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _fd_list 5794: 13801920 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 controlJustPressed 5795: 139035e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskSuspend 5796: 138c5724 36 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cfrcmple 5797: 13903870 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findfirstW 5798: 13887640 196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Attach_Stream 5799: 1385616c 772 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_staticbook_unpack 5800: 1382c794 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_strlwr 5801: 1381321c 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_FadeOutGroup 5802: 13883920 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_service_list_lookup 5803: 1382a464 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isBMP 5804: 1388752c 276 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_New 5805: 138e0634 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_device 5806: 138055b0 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _dingooSoundSetVolume 5807: 1390322a 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 activemacro 5808: 13812ee8 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_QuickLoad_RAW 5809: 13848f70 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_raw_tell 5810: 1385d72c 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_GetPosition 5811: 13866ce8 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SampleLength 5812: 138bc15c 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 control_check 5813: 138dab48 72 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_default_graphics_state 5814: 13812b00 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetPostMix 5815: 13800338 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dl_load 5816: 1382c218 512 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_init 5817: 13801c08 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_InstallParachute 5818: 138d96a4 60 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_raster5_renderer_class 5819: 13800318 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SYSSetVolume 5820: 13903548 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_av_wo_destroy 5821: 13875b28 2040 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ULT_Load 5822: 138441a8 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_crc_read 5823: 13801c24 780 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetErrorMsg 5824: 1382bd7c 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MOD_setvolume 5825: 138c0980 260 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fputc 5826: 138bc7cc 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _malloc_list_add 5827: 138789e4 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 XM_Test 5828: 138ddf0c 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_669 5829: 1383db18 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_build_grayscale_palet 5830: 1386b0d4 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_Init 5831: 13886a38 460 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Done_Library 5832: 1385fbf0 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 getlinearperiod 5833: 13802540 424 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RunAudio 5834: 138081bc 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SemValue 5835: 13847b74 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_chunk_malloc_max 5836: 138000b0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_close_at_once 5837: 138e1ba4 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 tempTime 5838: 138836ac 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Iterate 5839: 138dde64 2 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_bpm 5840: 138151a8 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetNumMusicDecoders 5841: 1384af54 3188 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_pcm_seek_page 5842: 13805b84 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetEventFilter 5843: 138e1ba8 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 player1Score 5844: 1386ee58 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_Cleanup 5845: 13839cf4 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_text 5846: 1382b4fc 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Mix_DeinitEffects 5847: 1385ecc0 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ReadComment 5848: 13847018 404 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_sBIT 5849: 1382c5e4 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasSSE2 5850: 138606cc 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Active 5851: 138e1bac 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 ball 5852: 13866d18 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_PlayStop 5853: 13866cd0 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SampleSpace 5854: 138299a0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadGIF_RW 5855: 13903570 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_DVCOpenDevice 5856: 13800248 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSMalloc 5857: 139035d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_printf 5858: 138535dc 232 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_comment_query_coun 5859: 1384805c 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_hIST 5860: 138de330 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 MIXIsOpen 5861: 138073b4 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_getenv 5862: 13800140 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fwrite 5863: 138081c4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SemPost 5864: 1388426c 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Sin 5865: 138e1bec 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 controlState 5866: 13800198 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GetDLHandle 5867: 1387f634 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_PlayStop 5868: 138c501c 84 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_d2uiz 5869: 138610f4 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Stop_internal 5870: 138deb58 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 dingooSoundBufferTotal 5871: 1385dec8 552 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Sample_Play_internal 5872: 1388300c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetChar 5873: 1386a6e4 460 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 GDM_ReadPattern 5874: 138e0628 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 md_sfxchn 5875: 139032e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym___to_unicode_le 5876: 13903530 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_abort 5877: 138835d0 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_List_Find 5878: 13843b40 736 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_combine_row 5879: 13903798 18 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_can_write 5880: 138011a8 196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameUpdateSplash 5881: 1380d6a8 400 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EraseCursor 5882: 1380b7ec 192 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetClipRect 5883: 1390322c 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _control_status 5884: 1383e94c 280 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_intrapixel 5885: 1387a4ec 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_SWORDS 5886: 13885494 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_Done_Internal 5887: 138825dc 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Library_Version 5888: 13812b28 196 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Mix_UnregisterAllEffects 5889: 138c575c 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_fcmplt 5890: 1384dca8 392 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_dup 5891: 13884ed4 404 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Render_Glyph_Internal 5892: 13817424 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_play 5893: 1386b384 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IT_Test 5894: 138151b8 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetMusicDecoder 5895: 13806af8 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_QuitInit 5896: 13903a84 7 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSFree 5897: 1382bd9c 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LMM_Seek 5898: 138089bc 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeBlitMap 5899: 138c38bc 636 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __ieee754_sqrt 5900: 13815228 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetSynchroValue 5901: 138d97b0 60 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_lcdv_renderer_c 5902: 1387c774 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_Exit 5903: 1383aa44 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_destroy_read_struct 5904: 138c0414 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 stat 5905: 1385d89c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Lock 5906: 13839bb0 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_sCAL 5907: 138de244 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 STM_Signatures 5908: 1383cb44 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_chop 5909: 13881bac 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_validator_run 5910: 13809c88 320 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_SetAttribute 5911: 1385f4e0 188 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_InfoLoader 5912: 138c4304 24 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_uidivmod 5913: 13903924 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fseek 5914: 138ddc28 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 music_active 5915: 138001f8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_mkdir 5916: 138bc344 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isdigit 5917: 138000d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_close 5918: 138893f4 420 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_CMap_New 5919: 138c4f5c 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_dcmpeq 5920: 13881e18 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Track_Kerning 5921: 13815b34 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_VolumeMusic 5922: 13903bbc 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_consoleEnable 5923: 1386a070 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FAR_Test 5924: 138003b0 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 loadImage 5925: 1385d36c 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_Update 5926: 13808e70 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AllocBlitMap 5927: 138017e4 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameStartNewGame 5928: 138bfe04 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fwrite 5929: 138607e0 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_TogglePause 5930: 138081b8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DestroySemaphore 5931: 138e1bd4 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 textScore 5932: 13881c68 312 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Match_Size 5933: 139038cc 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findfirst 5934: 13806310 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PollEvent 5935: 138001d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSCPURestoreSR 5936: 13840620 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_background 5937: 13881470 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceRealVolume 5938: 13865d14 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UniNewline 5939: 13812a94 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_ChannelFinished 5940: 1388d7bc 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_glyph_hints_dump_segme 5941: 1387a730 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_SLONG 5942: 139034a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_serial_getc 5943: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _edata 5944: 138149f0 1256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_LoadAIFF_RW 5945: 13808104 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_WaitThread 5946: 138021c4 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_LockAudio 5947: 138789bc 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 XM_Init 5948: 138c1688 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _strnicmp 5949: 139036ec 13 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_GetTickCount 5950: 1387345c 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_LoadTitle 5951: 13860744 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_GetChannelVoice 5952: 13812730 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_VolumeChunk 5953: 1382ac28 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadICO_RW 5954: 13867150 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S69_LoadTitle 5955: 13883fd8 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_First_Char 5956: 13818e50 2964 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_KeyboardInit 5957: 1385e840 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_SetNumVoices 5958: 13861138 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Start 5959: 138080f8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SYS_SetupThread 5960: 139032c8 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _end 5961: 13903368 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveout_write 5962: 1384998c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_test_callbacks 5963: 1387c1d4 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SampleSpace 5964: 1385d144 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_calloc 5965: 1383b634 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_update_info 5966: 138de250 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 STM_Version 5967: 13853f94 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res0_free_info 5968: 13853ef4 160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res0_free_look 5969: 13839738 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_cHRM 5970: 1381365c 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_Quit 5971: 138390f8 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_reset_crc 5972: 13801940 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 controlPressed 5973: 13829268 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isPNM 5974: 13802ea8 688 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertStrip 5975: 138dd9e4 47 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflate_copyright 5976: 13903804 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_waveout_close 5977: 138c07ec 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 rewind 5978: 1387c448 812 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_PlayStart 5979: 138001d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSCPUSaveSR 5980: 138720b4 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MTM_LoadTitle 5981: 1387638c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 UNI_Init 5982: 1383c798 332 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_unpack 5983: 13903660 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_FlushDCache 5984: 13903ce8 17 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDSetBrightness 5985: 138e093c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 origpositions 5986: 1386fd6c 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MED_Cleanup 5987: 1381630c 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_PlayMusic 5988: 1383b504 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_image 5989: 1384a2e8 724 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_time_tell 5990: 139034b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym___dcache_writeback_a 5991: 13836070 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Eff_PositionDeinit 5992: 13842c1c 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_malloc_warn 5993: 138c5808 84 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_f2uiz 5994: 139033d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findcloseW 5995: 1387a0dc 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_ULONG 5996: 13860ff4 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_NextPosition 5997: 138000c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveioc 5998: 138d922c 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_expert_class_rec 5999: 1384619c 852 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_sPLT 6000: 13844324 384 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_crc_finish 6001: 13883274 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadShortLE 6002: 1383b068 1180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_row 6003: 138c162c 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _stricmp 6004: 13815520 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_SetMusicPosition 6005: 13884680 376 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Vector_Length 6006: 138bba04 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 adler32_combine 6007: 13846a20 1528 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_cHRM 6008: 1387359c 3160 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S3M_Load 6009: 13902c44 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 woHandle 6010: 1384e130 248 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_bos 6011: 13800368 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TVOUTInit 6012: 1380812c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_mutexV 6013: 13808124 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_mutexP 6014: 13839d7c 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_tRNS 6015: 13903c7c 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_TVOUTInit 6016: 13812bec 252 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _Mix_UnregisterEffect_loc 6017: 138d91e0 36 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 psaux_module_class 6018: 138bb93c 200 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 adler32_combine64 6019: 13847b58 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_user_limits 6020: 1380f29c 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_isXV 6021: 138559d0 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_readinit 6022: 13801f40 472 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetError 6023: 138bc7c0 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 __errno_location 6024: 1380bae8 340 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetAlpha 6025: 1387f48c 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceGetPanning 6026: 1387ae0c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FreeLinear 6027: 13839c10 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_pHYs 6028: 139037ac 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_HP_Mute_sw 6029: 138022a8 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AudioQuit 6030: 139039c0 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_OSCPURestoreSR 6031: 1380239c 324 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AudioInit 6032: 138ddc04 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 DUMMY_bootstrap 6033: 138c0b90 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 exit 6034: 1384d5e8 284 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_dsp_clear 6035: 13848d9c 304 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sRGB_gAMA_and_cHR 6036: 1387a348 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_I_SWORD 6037: 13887ea0 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_New_Face 6038: 138188bc 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetKeyState 6039: 1387c170 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_VoiceStopped 6040: 13806e44 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteBE64 6041: 1386d634 112 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_Test 6042: 138001c8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 serial_getc 6043: 1384e9c8 536 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_serialno 6044: 138c52d8 40 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __floatunsisf 6045: 13839360 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_create_info_struct 6046: 13815d1c 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_HaltMusic 6047: 138c4fc0 92 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_d2iz 6048: 1380ede4 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SLCD_InitOSKeymap 6049: 1386305c 1292 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_Notes 6050: 13829254 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DUMMY_InitOSKeymap 6051: 13812eac 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_RegisterEffect 6052: 13809504 212 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReallocFormat 6053: 138c4528 228 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __modsi3 6054: 1380e044 400 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DrawCursor 6055: 13800100 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findcloseW 6056: 1388572c 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_GlyphLoader_Done 6057: 138c5734 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cfcmpeq 6058: 138bfbb8 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 setbuf 6059: 13801618 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 gameDrawGame 6060: 13841700 2220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_quantize 6061: 1386b670 8032 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IT_Load 6062: 138001f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 isTVON 6063: 1380823c 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DitherColors 6064: 1383e020 664 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_expand_palette 6065: 13800138 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_findfirst 6066: 13903328 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSSemCreate 6067: 1381689c 336 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_InitMOD 6068: 13848ecc 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_streams 6069: 1384d704 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_block_init 6070: 13800018 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskQuery 6071: 13855ad0 980 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 oggpack_read 6072: 13847a88 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_pHYs 6073: 1380d838 2060 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_DrawCursorNoLock 6074: 139039f4 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string___icache_invalida 6075: 13800348 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 usb_connect 6076: 13860840 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_SetTempo 6077: 138c1344 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 atoi 6078: 138177a4 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_new 6079: 138817a0 144 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_WriteBytes 6080: 138e1bd8 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 player1Y 6081: 138bc298 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 iscntrl 6082: 1387e328 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SilenceBytes 6083: 1382c714 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_HasMMXExt 6084: 138005d8 400 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ballUpdate 6085: 13886e34 268 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_qrealloc 6086: 138542b8 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_staticbook_clear 6087: 138de150 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_okt 6088: 1385d330 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MD_SampleUnload 6089: 13843ff0 440 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_decompress_chunk 6090: 138299b0 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadXCF_RW 6091: 13881f7c 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Name_Index 6092: 138e0b18 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _app_path 6093: 13860700 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Muted 6094: 13809684 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WM_IconifyWindow 6095: 13860ef4 256 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_PrevPosition 6096: 13903860 16 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_findcloseW 6097: 13867bc0 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S69_Cleanup 6098: 13848edc 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ov_bitrate_instant 6099: 13903c9c 18 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDGetRefreshRate 6100: 1387a05c 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_I_UWORDS 6101: 13903668 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDGetHeight 6102: 1382be00 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LMM_Read 6103: 138bfb58 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fileno 6104: 138126c0 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_QuerySpec 6105: 138833a4 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadLong 6106: 1384cecc 1632 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis_blockin 6107: 13806b74 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AppActiveInit 6108: 1380e43c 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ShowCursor 6109: 138c5808 84 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __fixunssfsi 6110: 13903308 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_GetTickCount 6111: 138d96e0 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_standard_raster 6112: 13853c88 620 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res0_look 6113: 13903338 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSSemPend 6114: 13903b58 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_KBDGetSKey 6115: 1387ae3c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocLinear 6116: 1380685c 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ResetMouse 6117: 1380f1f0 172 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_Init 6118: 138bc214 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 control_lock 6119: 13866d88 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SilenceBytes 6120: 13804610 208 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateDIV2 6121: 1390393c 11 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_fread 6122: 13869650 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DSM_Init 6123: 138609f4 364 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Mute 6124: 13903778 14 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_pcm_can_write 6125: 13903a34 9 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_free_irq 6126: 1385fa94 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Player_Load 6127: 1383c3e0 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_data 6128: 13903558 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_DVCWriteDevice 6129: 13868b78 132 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AMF_Test 6130: 13800070 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTimeGet 6131: 13884164 124 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Module_Interface 6132: 138ddcbc 20 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 mapping0_exportbundle 6133: 138c176c 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strspn 6134: 001032c8 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __RAW_VSIZE__ 6135: 1384ebe0 500 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_page_release 6136: 138dfce4 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 SDL_cursor 6137: 13883064 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_GetShortLE 6138: 13883308 156 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadOffset 6139: 13868e00 2068 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DSM_Load 6140: 13889598 372 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_CMap_Done 6141: 13855344 432 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_synthesis 6142: 138e1b2c 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _atexit_count 6143: 138b8f1c 240 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateSetDictionary 6144: 1380815c 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateMutex 6145: 13807458 336 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_putenv 6146: 138112c4 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderText_Blended 6147: 138061d4 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PrivateSysWMEvent 6148: 1381898c 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CheckKeyRepeat 6149: 1385d69c 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Stop_internal 6150: 1383939c 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_destroy_info_struct 6151: 13903418 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fwrite 6152: 13807bb0 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_StartTicks 6153: 1385796c 1444 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_lsp_to_curve 6154: 138c13c8 40 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strlen 6155: 138188a4 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_EnableUNICODE 6156: 1383bc88 944 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_create_read_struct_2 6157: 1380d360 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ResetCursor 6158: 138742b8 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 STM_LoadTitle 6159: 13838ba4 1216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_free_data 6160: 13800188 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fopenW 6161: 139034e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_free_irq 6162: 138c2114 592 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 open 6163: 1380a844 380 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Flip 6164: 13856470 1148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_book_decodevv_add 6165: 13843720 1056 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_read_interlace 6166: 1380e57c 440 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateCursor 6167: 138de1e4 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_ult 6168: 138bc40c 16 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 toupper 6169: 138c4f48 20 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_cdcmpeq 6170: 138c4e98 148 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __gedf2 6171: 138002b8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 KBDGetSKey 6172: 138d9720 24 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_grays_raster 6173: 1383a0f4 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_invert_alpha 6174: 13806dec 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WriteLE32 6175: 13882f80 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_OpenMemory 6176: 13881af8 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_corner_is_flat 6177: 13869fc4 80 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FAR_Cleanup 6178: 1387f5cc 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC2_VoiceGetPosition 6179: 138c126c 180 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 atoll 6180: 13805b94 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_PumpEvents 6181: 138c594c 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _ecode 6182: 13813df8 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_ExpireChannel 6183: 138671b4 436 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S69_Test 6184: 138e0640 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 pf 6185: 1387c358 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC1_SampleUnload 6186: 138bfae0 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _printf 6187: 138c1fd4 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 clock 6188: 138673a8 2072 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 S69_Load 6189: 13866e9c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoiceStop 6190: 1385f0f4 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocTracks 6191: 13847ab8 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_sRGB 6192: 1380f340 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_FontLineSkip 6193: 138d9738 60 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_smooth_renderer_class 6194: 1382ac34 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_QuitJPG 6195: 1383954c 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_y_pixels_per_mete 6196: 139034d0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_mkdir 6197: 13800960 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 quitGame 6198: 138dde5a 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 md_volume 6199: 138de130 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 2 load_mtm 6200: 1388d720 48 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Add_Default_Modules 6201: 13815478 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_HookMusicFinished 6202: 138056e8 288 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 dingooSoundInit 6203: 1386da80 5080 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMF_Load 6204: 138883a4 348 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Tan 6205: 13903500 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_free 6206: 1381d610 3116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RLESurface 6207: 1388344c 168 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadLongLE 6208: 13875ac4 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ULT_LoadTitle 6209: 1380c434 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CreateRGBSurfaceFrom 6210: 138c0c08 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 abs 6211: 13903410 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_findfirst 6212: 138c18d0 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strchr 6213: 138188f8 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GetKeyName 6214: 138841e0 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ft_mem_strdup 6215: 138823b4 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Activate_Size 6216: 139033a0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_waveopen 6217: 1385d778 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_RealVolume 6218: 139034d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_RefreshCache 6219: 1386601c 96 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_Init 6220: 138e1bdc 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 splash 6221: 138c4968 64 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_f2d 6222: 1385d6ec 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Voice_Stopped_internal 6223: 138c0878 264 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fputs 6224: 000de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __RAW_SIZE__ 6225: 13809dc8 92 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_GL_GetProcAddress 6226: 13839e24 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_unknown_chunks 6227: 1383389c 552 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_CalculateAlphaBlit 6228: 138b8ae4 100 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateEnd 6229: 13903590 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_KBDGetSKey 6230: 13903b70 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDSetFBFormat 6231: 13800040 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSSemDel 6232: 13866e50 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_VoicePlay 6233: 138047d0 288 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_RateDIV2_c4 6234: 1380ab18 2332 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetVideoMode 6235: 138d9254 40 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 t1_cmap_custom_class_rec 6236: 138820e4 136 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Get_Postscript_Name 6237: 1382c418 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LMM_Eof 6238: 13903458 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_fsys_fread 6239: 13842a8c 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_malloc_default 6240: 1383857c 76 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_data_freer 6241: 13813968 216 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_UnregisterAllEffects 6242: 13883004 8 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_Pos 6243: 138d9f94 52 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 tt_cmap0_class_rec 6244: 138395b8 88 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_pixel_aspect_rati 6245: 13853c14 116 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 res0_inverse 6246: 1383c3a4 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_default_read_data 6247: 13814100 568 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_PlayChannelTimed 6248: 13800000 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS __RAW_VMA__ 6249: 13806b8c 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_AppActiveQuit 6250: 13903378 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_HP_Mute_sw 6251: 13847d18 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_tIME 6252: 138bf9bc 120 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vasprintf 6253: 138c4630 740 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __subdf3 6254: 13865e94 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SL_SampleUnsigned 6255: 13852aec 72 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_sync_pageout 6256: 13903a7c 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_realloc 6257: 1385dc28 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_DisableOutput 6258: 1383a714 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_user_transform_pt 6259: 13803e60 140 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Convert16MSB 6260: 13903824 15 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_USB_No_Connect 6261: 1383b568 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_rows 6262: 138000e8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 udc_attached 6263: 138c2364 428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fcntl 6264: 13903650 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_LCDGetRefreshRate 6265: 1383a014 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_shift 6266: 138e1be0 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 colorWhite 6267: 13817388 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OGG_init 6268: 138d8c8c 32 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 af_dummy_script_class 6269: 13881854 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_CeilFix 6270: 138c4444 24 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __aeabi_idivmod 6271: 13903360 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_pcm_can_write 6272: 13800280 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DVCWriteDevice 6273: 138b89c4 4 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 crc32_combine64 6274: 138de328 0 NOTYPE GLOBAL DEFAULT ABS _fbss 6275: 13866cb8 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 VC_SetNumVoices 6276: 13803404 204 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ConvertStereo 6277: 138bad4c 428 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 inflateInit2_ 6278: 138e1be4 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 bigFont 6279: 13812824 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_GetChunk 6280: 13813a40 164 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_CloseAudio 6281: 138c04bc 56 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 mkdir 6282: 1384db94 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 ogg_stream_create 6283: 1380199c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_Linked_Version 6284: 1384da84 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vorbis_block_clear 6285: 138e0a94 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _control_timer 6286: 13903480 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym__kbd_get_key 6287: 138bc088 32 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 control_term 6288: 138831e0 148 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Stream_ReadShort 6289: 1385d354 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 MikMod_RegisterPlayer 6290: 13841648 184 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_gamma 6291: 13807ce4 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ThreadsInit 6292: 1382c760 52 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_revcpy 6293: 138c511c 444 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 __addsf3 6294: 13800178 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fsys_fclose 6295: 13903620 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_usb_connect 6296: 13864704 616 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 pt_EffectsPass1 6297: 13847bbc 84 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_rows 6298: 138893dc 24 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 FT_Outline_New 6299: 13903b80 19 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_LCDDisableDoubleF 6300: 138002c0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 LCDYUVDraw 6301: 138384e4 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_init_io 6302: 138b7fb8 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 get_crc_table 6303: 138132a8 228 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_QuickLoad_WAV 6304: 13800290 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 DVCCloseDevice 6305: 138baf08 1708 FUNC GLOBAL HIDDEN 1 inflate_table 6306: 138000e0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 USB_No_Connect 6307: 13800028 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTimerGetTickTimeus 6308: 1380ca44 488 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_SetAlphaChannel 6309: 13806260 176 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WaitEvent 6310: 13903618 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_usb_disconnect 6311: 13800310 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SYSGetVolume 6312: 138bfc10 272 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 fmemopen 6313: 139038e8 10 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_fsys_feof 6314: 138bf8e8 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 vfprintf 6315: 1385f14c 220 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 AllocPatterns 6316: 138c17d4 68 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 strpbrk 6317: 1387a1e4 104 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_read_M_UWORDS 6318: 13903248 124 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 _libc_exit_jmp_buf 6319: 139039b4 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 7 _string_serial_getc 6320: 1383f308 4620 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_do_background 6321: 13806d50 60 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ReadBE64 6322: 13800210 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 StartSwTimer 6323: 13812ce8 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 Mix_UnregisterEffect 6324: 13842d44 20 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_set_error_fn 6325: 13800228 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 free 6326: 138292a4 1780 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_LoadTGA_RW 6327: 1380863c 64 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_FreeFormat 6328: 138de32d 1 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 TTFIsInit 6329: 13844f44 496 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_handle_tEXt 6330: 13903520 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSMalloc 6331: 13903608 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_dl_get_proc 6332: 13839e5c 12 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_get_user_chunk_ptr 6333: 138d91c4 12 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 afm_parser_funcs 6334: 13903638 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_TVOUTExit 6335: 13800308 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 OSTaskSuspend 6336: 13801978 36 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_WasInit 6337: 139032f0 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 6 _sym_OSTaskQuery 6338: 138021f0 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_UnlockAudio 6339: 138e1be8 4 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 3 player2Score 6340: 1387a178 108 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 _mm_write_M_ULONG 6341: 13808588 128 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 SDL_ApplyGamma 6342: 13816a08 44 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 WAVStream_Init 6343: 1383ab18 1336 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 png_read_end 6344: 1382ad44 28 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 IMG_QuitPNG 6345: 13810cc4 1188 FUNC GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 TTF_RenderUNICODE_Blended 6346: 138000d8 8 OBJECT GLOBAL DEFAULT 1 waveout_open No version information found in this file. Attribute Section: aeabi File Attributes